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Poems From The Heart

Hi and welcome to my Poems page. Here you will be able to find poems from all over the world. If you have a Poem that you would like to submit to this page please follow the steaps at the bottom of the page.
"Poems Don't use words, they use Feelings and emotions, not words." -Author (unknown)
8/2/98 10:59 P.M.
Upon The Midnight Moon
As I stair out the window of my prison. As I stair out upon the midnight moon, I hear a hint of music or the faint most wisper of the wind through the contaning bars. I know not that my life is of a burning candle and my existence may be extinguished with the softest breeze. I do not wish, I do not dream, I only imagin what one day could have been my victory upon a world of illusion and misbelief. But what is victory without the celebration. But what is celebration with out a friend. But what is a friend, when friendship is not enough. When only the love of someone more than friends. A girl, a friend, a copanion, a taker, and a lover. Yes a lover, someone to stand before and say "forgoten times, but how can it be forgoten if I never am to be?"
- Author Cyber Bob 3.1
0/0/00 00:00 0.M.
A little poem.....
My friend,
through good times and bad.
My friend,
through happy and sad,
beside me you stand,
beside me you walk,
you're there to listen,
you're there to talk,
with happiness,
with smiles,
with pain and tears,
I know you'll be there,
throughout the years!
You are all good friends,
and I am grateful to you.
- Author Amy Burger
12/14/97 10:45 P.M.
The way I talk is what I'm about.
The way I walk shows confidence(to some amount).
What I think is important to speak,depening on if I'm determended or meek.
The decisions I make to do or just be,
The roads I take will not only affect me.
For I "shall not go quietly into the night,"
I shall succeed,and no battle will be won until I have had my fight.
Yet will it matter to others if I decay away?
I won't wait around to find out:
Harsh hammers and evil enmities look out-
I'm on my way!
- Author Ashlie Hain
0/0/00 00:00 0.M.
(Title Unknown)
And the shadow fell upon the Land, and the World was riven stone from stone. The oceans fled, and the mountains were swallowed up, and the nations were scattered to the eight corners of the World. The moon was as blood, and the sun was as ashes. The seas boiled, and the living envied the dead. All was shattered, and all but memory lost, and one memory above all others, of him who brought the Shadow and the Breaking of the World. And him they named Dragon.
- Author Robert Jordan
11/14/97 5:00 A.M.
The Girl Buried Alive
I gaze at my past-it's like a movie screen,
my feelings torn right at the seam.
The person in my memories can surley not be me.
The girl inside who I used to be
is buried deep inside of me.
I keep her trapped,never to be seen,because I hate who I was.
I regret that I have only one life,
because maybe I could do it right
if I could fall asleep one night and begin it all again.
I look in the mirror and all I can see
is the woman that stands before me,
but still that girl crys out,wanting to be part of me.
I have left the person I hated,
but she lives as I have stated,
deep inside,never to come out. I can barely hear her scream and shout.
As I try to remember all my youth,
I can't believe what I see is the truth.
The person that I used to be can surely not be me.
- Author E.J.C
this poem uses somewhat vulger language but I censored it
9/01/98 9:30 P.M.
My Life
As I walk through this life,
I wonder what my purpose is.
I try to better myself, my life,
but I just get shoved back down,
down into the pitt of despair,
the endless pitt of despair.
I try to climb to the top,
but I just get kicked back down,
back to the bottom, by the ******** and *********** of life.
One day, mabey one day, I can reach the top,
the top of the pitt,
where life is good and life is fun.
Could this be possible
Possible for someone to become a part of the better life?
I don't beleive so.
- Author Sin 6.9
1/1/98 00:00 0.M.
Once I loved
Once I loved someone
I thought he was such fun
We laughed all through the night
And loved until the morning light
He was tall,hansome,and sweet
Everyone thought he was a treat
My friend was jealous
She wanted to kill us
We stuck through it
Because we both knew it,
No one could break us up
Well,that was just a dream
The boy I was dreaming about was you
You treated me like a princess
We knew our love was priceless
Too bad you never knew it
I loved you then and I love you still
- Author Amy Christine Burger
9/27/98 2:02 P.M.
Love Dosen't Suck
Love is something that beckons us at every turn. It is like a preditor that stalks us all our adolesent lives. It can tempt you, it can persist you, it can even kill you. but be not afraid of this wonderful sickness, for it can also open a window to your inner self. It can show you things about what you desire, but it usually wont show you untill its to late. Love can exist at every turn it can even be with you right now. But be careful with love for the outcome of something very powerful usually leads to good, but it can also lead to disasterous results. But do not fear love because it serves nothing but good. It is only the people that treat it wrong or misuse it that cause it to turn to bad. Do not be afraid to love love because it is more than good it is great.
- Author Cyber Bob 3.1
11/29/98 3:30 P.M.
Unexisting Travelers
The wind around me moves. The ground below me settles. I sence time , thus it has no meaning. I leave civilazation behind, pushing it from my mind. The place where I am is very much alive but at the same time it is also very dead. the voices of a thousand travelers fill my head, but they do not exist. At least, not to a physical state. But those travelers are gone now, leaving me at calm. Who they were, I will probably never know. I feel the wind agenst my back, the rain apon my skin, the earth beneath my feet. All of it is real. But how real? The places I have seen, the people I have met, this is all that counts in the end.
- Author Cyber Bob 3.1
1/24/99 10:58 P.M.
The Gift
Gifts can be given or taken, they can even be returned. Gifts are exchanged on Christmas and given on Birthdays. But through better or worse gifts can never be forgotten. They can be charished and loved but they can never be hated. Every kind of gift is very important in some way. But probably the greatest gift that can ever be given is a second chance at life.
- Author Cyber Bob 3.1
Submiting Your Poem
Submitting your poem is as easy as 1-2-3 all you have to do is simply E-Mail it to me. Dont worry you will recieve compleat credit for your work I will not change your name or make fun of your poem in any way. All I ask is that you provide me with all the needed information about you and your poem so I can post it with ease.
your E-Mail needs to contain the following before it can be posted. If some of the information that I ask is unknown then just make it up, but nothing too silly. Your E-Mail should contain:
  1. Date it was written
  2. Time it was written
  3. Title of Poem
  4. Poem (well duh)
  5. Authors name
  6. Authors E-Mail Address
Thank You and remember when a Poem comes from the heart it can describe things about the wrighter that can't be seen, and cant be sold. Poems show the reader a glimps inside the wrighters mind, and what he or she is thinking and feeling at that exact moment in time.
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