The Meaning of the Universe and Other Subjects

The Truth about

Site Guide

The Meaning of the Universe: a Trilogy
The Greatest Country in the World
American Gothic: A Real Horror Story
Legal Decisions
A Law Article
Biographical Notes

This site contains some of the writing of Louis Lopez, along with two opinions he wrote as a judge. It may also have commentary on political and social issues.

Events that occurred since the beginning of 2020 have made it very clear that we humans have to work together. It is necessary for our survival as well as for our continuing psychological well-being.

The pandemic showed us that we needed to depend on each other even though we had to isolate to avoid catching the Covid-19 virus. We had to depend on health organizations to study the virus in order to understand its nature, to follow the extent of its threat, to track the path that it was following, and to act as a clearing house for the information being provided from different sources. We seriously needed the biological scientists who developed the vaccines to help us avoid the germ. If we became ill, we needed medical attention from dedicated doctors, nurses, and others who all worked to exhaustion. There were those who disbelieved the need for vaccines, masks, and other precautions. As a result, they suffered from a higher rate of infection. There were many other dependencies that grew out of the pandemic.

This should serve to make us realize how interdependent we are throughout our lives--even before we are born. Take time to reflect on the many ways you depend on others. We must continue to grow together.

All pages in this website are copyright © 1999-2023 by Louis Lopez
