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Researching Vampires

Vampire Research Center

Founded in 1972 by Stephen Kaplin, The Vampire Research Center is devoted to the study af vampires and conducting an official vampire census.

In 1976, Kaplin wrote the book,Pursuit of Premature Gods and Contemporary Vampires. In the book, he treats vampires and vampirism as a branch of parapsychology. He conceives the idea that behind the myths and legends, there may be some reality or truth to vampires.

Kaplin's research in vampirism has led him to the conclusion that vampires are not the "undead" as commonly thought of. He has discovered that they are in fact normal living people who feel an urgent need to drink blood each day. That these vampires become irritable, aggressive, and/or frantic if they are unable to get a daily supply of blood. He has found that these vampires believe that they will stay youthfull and that their lives will extend greatly with the intake of daily blood. With out the blood, these vampires believe they will die quickly. Kaplin has reported meeting fewer than 10 vampires by the time his book " Vampires Are" appeared in 1984.

The first Official Vampire Census was started by Kaplin in 1981, of which 480 questionaires were sent out. Of 31 that were returned, 12 fit the discription of a true vampire. There had been nine letters recieved minus the questioaires from people who fit the discription of true vampires. In total, the census reported 21 true vampires! A follow up census in 1983, found another 35 additional vampires. Through the census and also contacts, Kaplin estimated that there are 150 to 200 vampires world wide. By 1997, the number had grown to 1000 vampires world wide!

Kaplin has devoted himself to vampire research and his association with the State University of New York. He does not answer mail from vampire fans or those who wish to become vampires.

The Vampire Research Center is headed by Stephen Kaplin and Roxanne Salch Kaplin, who is also the associate director. The Vampire Research Center can be contacted at P.O.Box 252, Elmhurst, NY 11373.

Sometime in the mid 1990's, Stephen Kaplin had passed away. The Research facility is now run by his wife, Roxanne.

Books by Stephen Kaplan :

Pursuit of Premature Gods and Contemporary Vampires

Vampires Are

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