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Welcome to my site! Feel free to explore to your hearts content. If you think I left information out, please e-mail me.

Please note!These cases were chronicaled by either witnesses or authourties of law enforcement. It is hard to prove or disprove the events, especially when some of the events happened over hundreds of years ago. I would however, like to point out, that at the time most of these cases happened, embalming of a corpse was NOT standard practice! During decomposition, the stomach area swells or bloats. This gives rise to the theory that the dead may have consumed food. The gases from the stomach pushes blood out of an orifice ( mouth or nose ). Seeing blood around the mouth would give the impression, that the corpse had fed on blood. When touched, the skin could also take on a cold clamy feel. Also during winter months, decomposition may not occur because of cold weather. This would help give the corpse a fresh look, especially if the person had been dead the previous year. Still, I have put together the best research I could find so far and let the reader make up their own mind. Anyway please enjoy!

On my favorite lurking spots, I hope that you will check them out. If you have a website that's of interest, please e-mail me. I'll check your site out. Then, if it meets my criteria, I'll put a link to your website here in return for a link to mine.

Links to the website!

  • Vampires of the Wild Wild West
  • More Recent Vampire Cases
  • FAQ on Vampires
  • Types of Vampires
  • Vampire Research Organizations
  • References on Vampires
  • Related Vampire Diseases

    Art Bell Talk Radio ( Strange Discussions Here!)
    Creatures of the Night Handbook
    German Afrika Korps ( My son's site )
    Order of the White Rose

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