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Paul's Pictures - September 2004

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September 29

The apartment building I'm staying in is actually a house that has been redone into apartments, and is now five apartments occupied by a total of 15 guys, which we call "The Lighthouse". We (and when I say we, I mean they) decided we wanted house shirts for school intramurals. Each of us got to pick our name and number to go on the shirts. Being the computer geek that I am, I chose the name CAT and the number 5: CAT 5.

I wanted my name to be IEEE and my number to be 802.11, but the number could only be up to 3 digits.

I'm not the only one who picked unusual choices. The guy across the hall, a math major, chose his name to be PI and his number to be 314.

September 28

My birthday is on the 24th. So to celebrate my 24 years on the 24th, my sister suggested a steak. It sounded like a good idea. Although I'd never made steak before, it wasn't hard to to purchase a steak, marinate it overnight, and over another night (I was distracted), and finally cook it over an outdoor grill until it was well done, but still juicy and tender. Mmmm...

You may have noticed the date on this is the 28th, not the 24th. I wasn't actually given the idea until the 25th, and didn't buy the steak until the 26th, and didn't have time on the 27th. The 24th was not much of a day for me (except for the fun ecards I got ;)).

September 25

Here is a picture of my stitches four days before I get them out (and the clearest shot I was able to get during the week. It's hard to get clear shots of things up close). During the day I usually have the cut bandaged, not just because it could reopen if I do something to it, but the stiches are black and ugly.

September 19

Greetings. I come in peace.

This picture that could be misinterpreted is actually me posing (no! really?) to show off my bandaged thumb after getting stitches.

To make a long story short, I sliced my thumb when a glass broke as I was washing dishes and after much waiting around, got 4 stitches. I plan to take nightly pictures of my thumb (I'm supposed to change the bandages every 24 hours) to track the progress, but I won't post them here.

September 12

So here I was sitting at my computer when I heard a loud crash almost right outside my window. When I went to investigate, this is what I saw. A car accident. Neither person was injured, and the pickup looked fine, but the other car looked in bad shape.

The cops showed up about 15 minutes later. I was going to get a picture of them too, but on second thought, I decided not to. I didn't want to look suspicious.

On the larger version of this picture you can clearly see the road sign marking the corner on which my apartment stands: 17th and Humboldt.

September 2

Picture of sunset driving to work. This picture would have been better without the wires in the way.

No, no, the sunset isn't driving to work, I am.

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