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Star, Raye, Lita and Robby are sitting together in Lita’s apartment. They all look very tired.
Raye: “I hate to say this… but I kind of… miss Florie!”
Lita: “You too?”
Robby: “But Invidia…”
Lita: “She makes us work so much harder… it’s like there are more now when she’s here, then there were when Florie was our leader. She also doesn’t study with us and she never does anything with us…”
Star: “I know what you mean. She’s… different.”
Raye: “So, what are we saying? We want Florie back?”
Robby: “If she wants us back…”
Lita: “She will… I don’t know why, but she will…”
Raye: “Wouldn’t she be suspicious though?”
Lita: “Why?”
Star: “Because we’re suddenly, out of the blue, changing sides.”
Lita: “But there was something distinctively odd about the day we joined Invidia. I mean, it never felt right… I just was afraid… it was as if it was the only thing I could do.”
Star: “Yes, me too. I didn’t want to, I did it anyway… it was as if I didn’t even get to choose.”
Raye: “I’ve not told anyone this… but I’ve seen something really strange in the fire.”
Star: “What did you see?”
Raye: “it was very dark and gloomy, a cloudy night, without a moon. Sailor Earth was hanging from a building, next to her was Sailor Mercury and in front of them as another senshi… no one we know. Luna and Artemis were hurled against the wall by… Sailor Sun… Hope was bloody and burned, standing facing me… I did it! Lita: “Go on… please, go on.”
Raye: “Tuxedo Mask held Sailor Moon, who appeared to be dead, stabbed… and… and…” *sobs*
Robby: “And what? Raye, tell us… it is the future, we can only change it if we know… who killed Sailor Moon?”
Raye: “Sailor Venus!”
Raye flings her head on the table and sobs uncontrollably. Star and Lita just stare at each other, after all, Mina is their best friend… she couldn’t… Robby puts her arm around Raye and looks at Star.
Robby: “Raye, I know this is hard… but please, tell us more… where is Invidia…”
Raye: “I… can’t… I couldn’t see her…”
Lita: “Please try…”
Star: “Yes, we have to prevent this… we need to know…”
Raye: “Invidia… is… behind… everything! She smiles… she is in the rear of the picture… she’s evil! I know it! She killed Chad! And Sailor Earth! And Grand Pa! She killed everyone! EVERYONE!”
Lita: “Raye, oh, Raye, that’s terrible!”
Star: “We need to tell Florie…”
Robby: “Let’s call Darien first… or Sandra…”
They decide to call Darien, and he invites them over after a brief description of Raye’s premonition.
Darien: “Hello you guys… it’s good to see you again… I do have to warn you-”
Florie: “Amy, Sandra, Luna, Artemis and I are here.”
All: “Florie! Amy! Sandra! Luna and Artemis!”
Amy: “Hey you guys!”
Sandra: “Darien explained the situation to us, and we understand… or we think we know what happened.”
Raye: “Spit it out girlfriend!”
Amy: “Invidia is the… scraps… or the leftovers… from the Nega Galaxy. She’s what’s left of all the evil.”
Florie: “And that is mainly jealousy… we don’t know why… she has no star seed, what she has must be some kind of seed, but its core is evil, jealous of friendship.”
Darien: “That’s why she ruined yours, to win over us.”
Sandra: “We understand now why you sided with Invidia… you all were jealous of somebody. I, for instance, was jealous of your friendship, that made me feel unwelcome, but it should have mad me feel good! You were so kind to me!”
Robby: “And Amy wasn’t jealous?”
Amy: “Yes, I was. Nevertheless, I wasn’t affected, se didn’t target me, or Florie. I don’t know why.”
Star: “It was like we had no choice… we let jealousy win over us! Well, jealousy my foot! I’m going to kick that jealous butt of Invidia back to where she belongs!”
Raye: “But what about the other, unknown senshi?”
Florie: “Did you see her face?”
Raye: “I… I didn’t pay attention to it, why?”
Florie: “If you let me into your mind, I might be able to recall the picture and see her face.”
Raye: “Alright, go ahead.”
Florie takes a deep breath and then takes Raye’s hand. She concentrates… she is in Raye’s mind, she sees the picture… she concentrates on that one face, the new senshi’s face. Suddenly, she lets go of Raye’s hand and jumps up. Sweat had build up on her forehead, and now it streams down, in little rivers.
Florie: “I know who she is! She visits us often in the café… she’s the French kid… she goes-”
Raye: “To my school, I saw her too.”
Florie: “We have to go to her, she’s the key!”
Sandra: “Let’s go!”
Five minutes later, they are at the girl’s house. It is in the wealthy part of Tokyo, where mainly large business owners and wealthy executives live. She is sitting on her front porch and lights up when she sees the girls headed towards her.
Claire: “Oh, hello Raye! How nice of you to come visit me! Are those your friends? Have they come to visit me too?”
Raye: “Yes, they have. So, tell me, how are you?”
Claire: “I’m great… how about you?”
Luna: *whispering to Florie* “We should try a Luna Mind Melt.”
Florie: “But you don’t know her past…”
After a fun afternoon, they return home. On their way, they hear screams. Florie nods, and they transform.
Florie: “Earth Magical Power!”
Star: “Star Magical Power!”
Lita: “Jupiter Star Power!”
Robby: “Orion Star Power!”
Raye: “Mars Star Power!”
Sandra: “Hope Magical Power!”
Amy: “Mercury Star Power!”
TM: “Let’s go!”
Claire: “Wait! Raye! You… wait, you’re not Raye… or are you? You look like her!”
Mars: “Uh, no, I’m really in a hurry! Go home, it’s going to be dangerous!”
Claire: “Please, if you see Raye, tell her she left her jacket at my place.”
Mercury: “Yes, we will! Come on Raye!”
As soon as the senshi are gone, Claire turns around to go home. In front of her stands another senshi… dressed in black!
Invidia: “Hello, Sailor Dûment, how are you?”
Claire shrieks and starts to back away.
Claire: “Who are you? What are you talking about? Je ne suis pas qui vous pensez que je suis, amis je m’appelle Claire Dûpont! (I don’t know who you think I am, but I am Claire Dûpont)”
Invidia: “Sorry, I only speak Latin!”
Meanwhile, the other senshi have joined up with the ‘traitors’.
Earth: “Sailor Moon… where’s Invidia?”
Moon: “Why do you care?”
Mars: “Oh no, she’s over there, with Claire! She’s coming towards us! We’ve got to help her!”
Hope: “What about those Monsters? They are way too strong for us!”
The monster takes Hope at her throat and throws her against a wall. Just as Luna and Artemis try to scratch it, Sailor Sun takes them and throws them against the wall. Sailor Mars is enraged, and throws a Bola Napalm at Sailor Solaris. Sailor Hope, however, steps between the Napalm and her, and gets burned pretty badly.
Mars: “Sandra! Sandra, are you ok? It’s coming true, the premonition is coming true!”
On the horizon, Chad shows up.
Mars: “Senshi! Scouts! We need to pull together! Our real enemy is Invidia! Please, trust me, I know, she uses jealousy!”
Venus: “What, you betrayed us too?”
Jupiter: “Listen, Raye had a vision, and we all killed each other. Invidia is in the rear of the picture, smiling! She is what’s left over from the Nega Galaxy! We need to come together and fight her!”
Love: “But-”
Orion: “Sailor Love, it’s true! Please, believe me, when have I ever lied to you?”
Love: “There was that one time-”
Orion: “Then I am really sorry… but if we don’t help each other, we are all going to die!”
Moon: “Well then, what are we waiting for? Let’s do this!”
Mercury: “Ok, all at once, this demon will wish he’d never heard of us!”
Solaris: “Solaris Spicule Burn!”
Mars: “Mars Bola Napalm Engulf!”
Orion: “Orion Star Belt Secure!”
Love: “Heart Crystals Fly!”
Star: “Black Hole Crush!”
Jupiter: “Jupiter Plasma Thunder Sizzle!”
Venus: “Venus Love Tears!”
Hope: “Hope Blessing Rip!”
Mercury: “Mercury Aqua Super Freezing!”
Moon: “Moon Scepter Escalation!”
Earth: “Earth Scepter of Life and Death, Power-up!”
Of course, it didn’t need that much power, but it is symbolic, they are together again. Now, they turn towards Invidia, who is busy beating up Claire. She looks at them, scornfully.
Invidia: “What are you going to do? Hurt me? I’m way too strong!”
Moon: “we’ll see about that! Moon Scepter-”
With a hand gesture, Invidia throws Sailor Moon into a wall. She has the ability of telekinesis!
Invidia: “See, you can’t hurt me!”
Star: “We need a joint attack! Venus, let’s do this together!”
Venus: “Alright.”
Venus: “Venus Love Tears Fall!” & Star: “Black Hole Crush!”
Invidia just blocks it with her hand, letting the tears fly to her left and the black hole to the right, right into buildings.
Invidia: “Oh, did the little, fragile girl scare the big senshi? HAHAHA!”
Earth: “Earth Scepter of life and Death…”
Moon: “Moon Scepter…”
Earth: “Power up!” & Moon: “Escalation!”
This time, Invidia jumps up, in mid-air makes a salto, and when she comes down, kicks Sailor Earth’s and Sailor Moon’s scepters out of their hands. They both break! She then makes a couple of back-flips and stops, facing them.
Invidia: “Did you think they were… unbreakable? Sorry girls, I know better… and did you honestly think I didn’t know who the conspirators were? I might be evil, crazy, but not stupid!”
Earth: “What are we going to do?”
Moon: “Sailor Planet Power!”
Invidia: “Oh, I’m shaking! I took precautions! I have a shield, you can’t hurt me!”
Mercury: “She’s right, she has a shield that’s too thick to break through!”
Love: “What if we combined both our powers? Lost Senshis and Sailor Scouts?”
Mercury: “Still not enough force!”
Earth: “We need the last two Lost Senshi!”
Invidia: “Indeed, you do, and guess what, I know where they are, who they are… Claire and another girl, and who that is… well, you’ll never know, since you’ll be dead in less than ten minutes!”
“Not so fast!”
Everyone turns around. A girl, dressed in all colors of the rainbow is on the other side of the street.
Rainbow: “Colors are bright and happy... Darkness is somber and lifeless! I am the pretty colored Soldier Sailor Rainbow, prepare to face total destruction! Color Scheme Liquidate!”
Invidia wasn’t ready for this. A stream of colors surrounds her until she’s tied up. Then, Claire transforms.
Claire: “Dûment Magical Power!”
Invidia: “What? This can’t be, I hurt her too badly! She can’t!”
The scouts stare at each other. So these are the last two senshi! The Lost senshi are now complete!
Dûment: “I am addicted to order, and you definitely made a mess! My Home planet Dûment was clean, until the Negaverse polluted it! Get ready, because you’re facing Sailor Dûment, the senshi of order and cleanliness!”
Invidia: “Oh, I am so scared!”
Dûment: “You should be! Oh, shoot, I don’t remember any attacks… in fact… who the hell am I? I hate tights! I’m dressed funny! Good that none of my friends are here! I swore never to be caught dead in thighs!”
Star: “Charming, now kick some ass, will ya!”
Dûment: “How? I have no idea what I am supposed to do!”
Orion: “Don’t think, just do!”
Dûment: “No shit Sherlock! I have no idea what to do!”
Rainbow: “Try Scrubble Bubble-”
Dûment: “Oh yeah! I remember that! Dûment Scrubble Bubble Scrub!”
The scouts do have to grin at that one attack, but it proves to be effective. Washcloths clean Invidia’s face and make her unable to see anything. The scouts all attack together, Sailor Moon throwing her tiara and Sailor Earth with her dogs. Invidia is destroyed! TM: “Wow, seems like now we have all the senshi!”
Rainbow: “Yes, seems that way!”