Hope Stands Strong
We are at Darien’s place, where Florie is staying, along with Artemis and Luna. Since Cassandra, or Sailor Invidia, joined the team and kicked her off, as well as Sailor Mercury, they haven’t heard of the others. In school they ignore each other and when they meet somewhere else, they turn around and walk away.
Florie: “I am worried.”
Darien: “About what?”
Florie: “About the senshi. They are all fighting evil, but they look so tired. Even Robby and Lita look tired. Caprice and Mina are nearly always late to school. Sandra hasn’t shown up to help her professor. She’s been out for a long time. Hathor skips school and fights with her friend Lucy. They are all acting so weird. And Amy has been so worried, it’s not good for her. She hides behind the books. She and Serena always were such good friends… Darien, we’ve got to solve this, before it destroys us all.”
Darien: “Yeah, you’re right. Amy has been working way too hard. You have been working way too much, too.”
Florie: “Oh, Darien, this is bad, very bad! We’re all only suffering from this, except Cassandra! We have to find that last senshi! We have to!”
Darien: “Yeah. Maybe Amy can help. And so can you. Amy will look where the next Demon will strike, you walk around there, as Sailor Earth, then, you’ll scan all the people around you.”
Florie: “Darien, I never thought I’d say this, but you’re brilliant! I’ll call Amy! Thanks!”
Darien: “So, we’re friends? No more fights?”
Florie: “I’ll try, but don’t count on it.” *grin*
A little while later, Amy, Florie and Darien walk around in the city. After an hour of searching, they finally get to Florie’s Café. Florie looks down to the ground, hiding her sad face. Amy shrieks.
Florie: “What? What’s going on?”
Amy: “I have got a pattern. Every time a demon shows up, Cassandra knows. It’s like she creates them!”
Florie: “Yeah! But that would mean-”
Darien: “She’s not a senshi! She’s from the Negaverse!”
Florie: “NegaGalaxy! She’s from there, I’m sure!”
Darien: “But you guys destroyed all the evil there!”
Amy: “She must have escaped!”
Florie: “This is bad! We can’t fight her alone! We need the others!”
Darien: “Watch out!”
Behind them, a monster appeared. It starts shooting, and Darien just saves Florie from a sure death.
Florie: “Thanks Cape Boy. Now, let’s teach it some manners, shall we? Earth Magical Power!”
Amy: “Mercury Star Power!”
Earth: “Earth Eagle Strike!”
Mercury: “What are you doing?”
Earth: “I’m going to capture it!”
Mercury: “WHAT? Why?”
TM: “To get some answers!”
Earth: “Right!”
Invidia: “Melior Invidus Oculus Acutus!”
The demon is destroyed instantly! Sailor Earth sees behind what once used to be a demon the senshi.
Invidia: “One does not capture a monster, one destroys it! A true leader would know!”
Earth: “A true leader does not tire her team like you do!”
Invidia: “What are you talking about, they are perfectly fine, see!”
Moon: “So, traitors, still fighting evil? Why? Mercury, come, join us! That’d be great. Forget Sailor Earth. Become a senshi!”
Mercury: “Never! I’ll never become a traitor like you guys have! I’ll stand by the only true senshi left! She’s evil!”
Jupiter: “And you’re crazy!”
Venus: “Yeah, you’re too geeky for us anyway!”
Mercury: “What has happened to you guys! We used to be best friends! You let some evil between us, and now you guys have forgotten what we used to stand for! For love and justice! I can’t see any love between you guys, nor justice! You are all now a bunch of strangers! Sailor Earth and I have found out that Invidia is actually of the NegaGalaxy!”
Solaris: “That can’t be! We destroyed all evil there!”
Mars: “Exactly! All evil! Except for you, traitor!”
Earth: “Well, it’s ironic, isn’t it Hope! You lost Hope… and now you’re also fitting in! That was what you were so afraid of, not fitting in, and now look where it has brought you!”
TM: “Yes, Hope, not long ago, you were evil! The senshi saved your life, and now, you thank your true leader by calling her a traitor!”
Hope: “That… That is not true! She didn’t save me! I did it myself!”
TM: “No! you didn’t!”
Invidia: “Sure, you saved yourself! You battled your evil side! You cured yourself! You are strong! Sailor Earth put the idea, that you might not fit in, in your head!”
Earth: “Hope, I would never do such a thing! Hope, remember our conversation? I let you in to my darkest secret! I trusted you! Can you say the same of her? Do you really trust her?”
Hope looks at Invidia. She slowly remembers all that the lost Senshi did for her… all that evil did to her. She had let her dark side take over! She looks at Sailor Earth. She slowly walks over to her and hugs her. She starts crying.
Hope: “Please, Florie, forgive me!”
Invidia: “WHAT? You’re siding with the traitors? You will pay dearly!”
Hope: “No!”
Invidia: “What do you mean, no?”
Hope: “I sided with the true senshi, while you turned my friends into traitors! You will pay dearly! I already did!”
Invidia: “Fine! But you will pay a little more! Gravis Invidus Excitare!”
Earth: “Watch out!”
Earth pushes Hope away, and she jumps away too. The attack misses them both. Mercury wastes no time.
Mercury: “I will not let you hurt my friends! Aqua Super Freezing!”
Invidia gallantly jumps out of the way. Then, she runs away together with the scouts.
Earth: “Gee! Thanks Mercury!”
Mercury: “Hey, no problem.”
Hope: “But now, I have one question, how was Amy able to resist her, and the others weren’t?”
Earth: “If we only knew…”
TM: “Let’s go back to my place.”
They transform back and head for Darien’s place.