Sandra's Theory
Iris and Sandra are walking together to the University where Iris is taking a class and Sandra helps the Professor.
Iris: “Oh, I can’t wait, we’re going to work with liquid Hydrogen (okay, okay, I dunno anything about science! ^_^)! I am so excited!”
Sandra: “Tell me about it! It’s so cool!”
Iris: “Hey, is that Claire?”
Sandra: “Seems so, what is she doing over at the University?”
Iris: “Making new enemies?”
Sandra: “Oh, Iris, don’t be so harsh, it’s got to be something in her past… Do you want to go say hi to her?”
Iris: “Sure… if you want to be yelled at… go ahead!”
Sandra takes Iris’ hand and drags her along to Claire. She seems shyer then yesterday, maybe she is embarrassed?
Sandra: “Hey Claire! What are you doing here, you seem a little young for the University!”
Claire: “Oh, hi. Yes, I am… I was just…”
Iris: “Hey, and bye, I have to go to class!”
Sandra: “Tell Professor Cheng I’ll be there soon. So, you were saying something?”
Claire: “I am going to walk home with my brother.”
Sandra: “Your brother? What’s his name?”
Claire: “Jean. He’s in his last year. My other brother, Thomas, is in his third year, and Serge is in his first year.”
Sandra: “Jean, Thomas and Serge Dûpont… hmm, I know Thomas, but I have never seen the two others.”
Claire: “I know, Thomas is the only one who has a nag for chemistry. Jean is more into cooking, he wants to become a Chef, like my father. Serge takes Political science classes, since he wants to become a Politician. I believe an Ambassador, or maybe serve to France in a Political capacity.”
Sandra: “Exciting. So, for which one are you waiting?”
Claire: “Serge. He promised to pick me up. Oh, there he is, I’ll introduce you! Serge!”
A very handsome guy just walks out of the University, heading for Claire and Sandra. He is tall, but not too tall, and has short, brown hair, like his sister, and blue, dreamy eyes that look like he is always far away in thought. Claire is overjoyed to see him and runs into his arms.
Claire: “Serge!”
Serge: “Oh, hi little Princess. I missed you today!”
Claire: “Oh, Serge, you are so sweet. This is my friend, Sandra.”
Sandra: “H-Hi…”
Serge: “Hi. Aren’t you a little old to be my sister’s friend?”
Claire: “Oh, come on Serge, don’t be like that. We met a couple of days ago at Raye’s Shrine.”
Serge: “Raye… hold on… yes, I know her. She is the one you go to school with… isn’t she?”
Claire: “Yes! And she knows Iris and Sandra!”
Serge: “Well, then, Sandra, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
Sandra: *What a Hunk* “Yes, it certainly is. Well, I have to go to the lab… if you would please excuse me…”
Serge: *smiling* “Of course, wouldn’t want you to be late… Besides, my little sister wants to go get some ice cream.”
Claire: “Oh, how old am I? 5? I want to go shopping.”
Serge: “Where? At the Mall?”
Claire: “Yeeeees!”
Sandra: *Mall? I thought she hated the mall! Hmm, strange…* “Well, bye!”
Serge: “I hope we meet again.” *smiles*
Sandra: *sigh* “Yes, so do I!”
After that, Sandra runs inside and to the lab, where the class is about to start. Iris, sitting in the back flirting with some guy, glances at her questionably. Sandra just shakes her head and goes to the front to help the Professor.
After class, Iris came up to Sandra. She was still cleaning up and so had no time to explain anything. Later, while walking home, they see Claire and Serge. Sandra pushes Iris away into an Ally.
Iris: “What was that for? This is a new outfit-”
Sandra: “Shhh! That’s Claire, and her brother, Serge.”
Iris: “Yeah so?”
Sandra: “Well, I heard-”
Iris: “Oh, never mind, I get it… you have a crush on Serge.”
Sandra: “That’s ridicules, I just met him!”
Iris: “Sandra likes Serge, Sandra likes Serge-”
Sandra: “Would you stop being so childish!”
Iris: “Who exactly is childish here?”
Sandra: “You are! Now, they are gone. Let’s go over to Florie’s.”
Sandra takes Iris’ hand and pulls her along, while she runs towards the Café. Once there, they are out of breath. Iris scolds Sandra.
Iris: “What the Hell was that for? Why the rush, it wasn’t like they were there any longer!”
Sandra: “It has to do with Claire. Remember how she was shy alone? Well, together with her brother she wasn’t shy, but not so bold as she was as Sailor Dûment.”
Iris: “Okay then, she is Schizo.”
Sandra: “She doesn’t have multiple personalities. Besides, the correct term is Dissociative Identity Disorder.”
Iris: “I see… anyway, that is what would be logical, new clothes, new personality. I do it all the time!”
Sandra: “No, I mean, she is a totally different person. If I wouldn’t know that this is not the case, I might think she even has different memories for each one of her characters. But I think it is more… her environment.”
Iris: “How is her environment affecting her? Is it something in the air, not enough trees?”
Sandra: “No, psychological and social environments.”
Iris: “You lost me along the No…”
Caprice: “Hey you two, what do I hear about environments?”
Mina: “There is more than one?”
Iris: “Sandra thinks that a psycho-and-full-of-people-environment causes normal Claire, mean Dûment, and happy Claire to be three different people.”
Sandra: “No, no, no! Differences in psychological and social environments cause her to act differently. It is normal to do that, but not for such great measures… usually it’s just how much a person talks, or how well behaved a person is, but with Claire it’s a different person.”
Caprice: “Okay, I give up, what’s the answer to the riddle?”
Sandra: “It’s not a riddle, it’s psychology!”
Mina: “Well, we are not as smart as the great Sandra, so explain.”
Serena: “Yoo-hoo! Darien and me are-”
Darien: “I.”
Serena: “What?”
Darien: “Darien and I are.”
Serena: “Oh, yes, Darien and I are just dropping by.”
Sandra: “Okay, let’s take a meeting. Florie and Amy are in the Café, Serena, call Star and Lita, and Caprice, call Raye, Hathor, and Robby.”
Caprice: “I’m on it!”
Serena: “Okay, okay, Lita, Star, emergency meeting at the Café!”
Later, when everyone is sitting in the Café, except for Claire, of course, Sandra explains her theory.
Serena: “Well, why do you care?”
Sandra: “Because she is a team member!”
Florie: “If she is a team member, why is she not here?”
Sandra: “Because it is out of concern for her.”
Lita: “I say this stinks! Let’s call her and ask her to join us for a cup of tea and we’ll talk about that monster.”
Mina: “Yeah, that sounds a lot better than this!”
Sandra: “Alright, alright.”
Florie: “I’ll go call her.”
Claire: “Oh, hi Florie. What is up?”
Florie: “Scout meeting, and you are invited to come.”
Claire: “Uhm… that sounds nice but, uhm, I had some other plans…”
Florie: “But Claire, this is very important!”
Claire: “Uh, alright, I’ll be over in a couple of minutes.”
Sandra: “See! She is all obedient and stuff, but with the thing against the monster-”
Robby: “Well, it might just be… she maybe has more respect for Florie then the rest of us.”
Star: “Why would she have that?”
Serena: “Because she is your leader…”
Caprice: “I think it’s more because she is not Dûment right now.”
Hathor: “And let’s thank God for that!”
Florie: “You guys! Come on, don’t be so mean about it. I think she is just confused…”
Raye: “About what?”
Florie: “Her past. She has only fragments, while we have a full or almost full memory of our past.”
Mina: “You do have a point… but so does Sandra.”
The little girl is sitting again watching Tokyo cross-legged. The boy is standing behind her. The little girl seems frustrated.
Girl: “I still don’t have Sheba with me! Why is this world so cruel? Please, make the energy go away so that I can get Sheba back.”
Boy: “We are trying, but it is hard. Sheba is not easy to find. She was trained for that, you know that. Don’t fret, I am sure she is somewhere.”
Girl: “Those girls…”
Boy: “Yes? What about them?”
Girl: “They might know more… they protected something from our friend.”
Boy: “What do you suggest?”
Girl: “Capture them, then we will forge an allegiance.”
Boy: “Do you think that is wise? After all, they did destroy one of us!”
Girl: “That means they are worthy beings to know more! Go! Find them for me, please!”
Boy: “I will.”
Claire had arrived at the Café. Now, she was sitting next to Sandra, and discussing how that monster came here, if he was the only one or if there were more, where it came from and why.
Caprice: “Claire, you have been so quiet… is there something wrong?”
Claire: “N-No, of course not.”
Robby: “If there is something bothering you, you can tell us. We are your friends…”
Claire: “Uh… I have a special ability… and it brings me great burdens and guilt.”
Hathor: “Well, what is it? Can you feel what others feel? Or can you change into an animal?”
Claire: “No… I see pictures from my past… in my dreams.”
Star: “How do you know that they are not just dreams?”
Claire: “Because I remember them, and because I feel through them… I remember what I felt…”
Star: “What did you dream?”
Claire: “I saw myself… in battle. Beside me were people dying… one of my highest knights… stabbed.”
Raye: “Wow! That’s pretty heavy… anything else?”
Claire: “I-I don’t know… I only know the pain it caused me to see that knight die… I remember nothing else.”
Raye: “Maybe we should train this power once in a while together.”
Claire: “Yes, maybe we should.”
Amy: “Maybe Florie can help!”
All: “Florie?”
Florie: “I? What can I do?”
Amy: “You are telepathic, right?”
Florie: “Yes…”
Amy: “Well, you can see into her mind, maybe even feel what she felt, and then you can see the images-”
Claire: “No! I mean… they are my thoughts… I want to keep them private!”
Amy: “Florie will do that, she will only search for that one memory. It is the only way one of us can help you.”
Claire: “I refuse! I don’t want anybody poking around in my head!”
Florie: “Alright, then I won’t do it. Don’t worry, I keep my word. Sit down again, and let’s resume talking about the monster.”
Luna: “He said something about Sheba.”
Artemis: “So, when we find Sheba, we find out answers.”
Claire: “Sheba?”
Florie: “You know her?”
Claire: “No, but… I do recognize it from somewhere…”
Serena: “If we could call up that scary dud again-”
Robby: “Boshko, Bubble head, and he is not scary! And don’t ever call him a ‘dude’ again, if you do, I will thrash you!”
With those words Robby jumps up and runs upstairs. Star and Iris look questionably at Hathor, who just shrugs her shoulders.
Florie: “I think I know what’s wrong… Serena, you really shouldn’t call him scary and a dude… he is the closest to a father Robby and I ever had…”
Darien: “But Robby knows she didn’t mean that… and she knows how Serena is sometimes… and besides, she says-”
Florie: “This doesn’t compare to Bubble head, or Meatball head. This is the only person who cared for us while we were on the dark side of the Moon.”
Hathor: “So you actually grew up around evil?”
Florie: *biting* “Yes, with an evil family!”
Caprice: “You guys, what Florie is trying to say, is that in every evil there is good, this family just took them in, fed them, clothed them, gave them a place to live and sleep… and in every good is evil, Boshko did something evil for a good cause. And calling him scary hurts Florie and Robby, since he risked his life for all of the lost senshi, but mainly for them.”
Serena: “Alright, alright… I’ll go apologize!”
Luna: “Maybe it’s better if you give her some time… you know, just to clam down.”
Darien: “Yes, that sounds good.”
Serena: “Oh, look at the time, Darien I need to go home for dinner, and I need to pick up Sammy first!”
Darien: “We’ll leave now! Bye girls!”
All: “Bye!”
Amy: “The rest of us can start on finding out who Sheba is.”
Claire: “How are we going to do that?”
Amy: “You know, I have no idea.”
Star: “Maybe we can start with History. Luna, Artemis, does the name Sheba mean anything to you?”
Luna: “No, I am afraid not.”
Artemis: “I am not sure, but I think it might mean something to Claire.”
Claire: “No, it doesn’t, I’m sorry.”
Artemis: “Does the word Dûment mean anything to you?”
Claire: “Yes, that’s my Senshi name.”
Artemis: “It also was one of the first planets to be destroyed by the Negaverse. I don’t know a lot about it, but I know you were it’s princess. Sheba, if I recall correctly, was a the Queen of the Kazuki Empire, an Alien race which was entirely destroyed by the Negaverse.”
Claire: “And why does that relate to me?”
Artemis: “Because Sheba was one of your best friends, and she traded a lot with you.”
Claire: “Okay… so I need to talk to her?”
Artemis: “Well, since you are her best friend-”
Claire: “no, I was, I am not anymore. Besides, we don’t even know where and who she is.”
Artemis: “We need to find her.”
Claire: “Alright-”
Serena: “Ahhh!”
The senshi jump up as Serena runs into the Café.
Serena: “Everybody out! There is a huge cockroach out there!”
All the people leave, while the scouts go to the storage room and transform.
Earth: “Let’s go!”
Moon: “Tuxedo Mask is already out there! Let’s move!”
Mercury: “There it is! Mercury Aqua Super Freezing!”
Orion: “Last time those attacks were too weak, we need to find another way!”
Love: “Right! But our tiaras won’t work unless we throw them all together!”
Solaris: “That won’t work, Tuxedo Mask’s roses won’t even penetrate that shell!”
While the senshi debated what to do, the demon had taken Sailor Moon and was dragging her off!
Jupiter: “Oh no! Jupiter Thunder Sizzle!”
Earth: “I can’t use my stave without Sailor Moon!”
Mars: “Mars Bola Napalm Engulf!”
All their tries are in vain. But then, Tuxedo Mask comes to the rescue… and Sailor Moon is free.
Earth: “Earth Stave-”
Moon: “And Moon Wand-”
Together: “Combine to punish!”
And this does the trick. The cockroach is destroyed. The senshi give a sigh of relief.
Moon: “What was that abuot?”
Dûment: “Yeah, why would they take someone like her?”
Moon: “How dare you!”
Orion: “That was pretty low Dûment!”
Hope: *whispering to Rainbow* “I told you so!”
Rainbow: “Why are you so different from Claire, Sailor Dûment?”
Dûment: “Pah!”
Then, she is gone.
Mars: “One day, I will-”
Hope: “Do nothing of the sort! She is confused… have patience with her!”