Fishin’ The Moves
Robby is sitting in her room. She looks very frustrated. When Florie enters she is just busy packing for a weekend spend fishing in a resort that was very well known for its exquisite service. Robby planed this even together with Serena, as a “peace conference” for her remarks about Boshko.
Florie: “Rob… is something wrong?”
Robby: “No… no, of course not…”
Florie: “Then why are you packing your pomps?”
Robby: “What? Oh, dear, I am just… tired.”
Florie: “Sleepy or of something?”
Robby: *laughing* “Both actually. I am tired of … everything. You know, the whole Boshko thing, the me-being-a-senshi thing… I just don’t want to fight anymore without something that actually hurts an enemy… I am scared, Florie. What if these new monsters will always defeat us? What if we never succeed, and instead die?”
Florie: “Well, then you are human?”
Robby: “Florie, I’m serious!”
Florie: “So am I! You have a normal response to fear… but I am sure that Boshko is somewhere up there, watching over us, and someday he will give us the strength we need to fight these beings!”
Robby: “Yeah… well, what if that day never comes? What if we die before that?”
Florie: “Then we mustn’t give up hope…”
Robby: “Easy for you to say, you have the whole Earth stave thing… and Sailor Moon also has something… I wish Hathor would be my sister and we could have an Orion Love Circulation… stop laughing!”
Florie: “Sorry… it just sounded so funny…”
At that time, Star enters the room. She’s smiling and has her bag on her shoulder.
Star: “Ready Rob? Are you sure that you’ll be ok running the café all by yourself, Florie?”
Florie: “ ’Course! Carla will be here to help me, and Luna and Artemis will keep me company. And Darien promised to swing by anytime I needed something. Besides, you guys need to spend some quality time together, Claire included. Be nice to her! And don’t worry about me, I’ll be in good hands. You guys have fun fishing!”
Robby: “Ok, then, let’s get downstairs before she changes her mind.”
Star: “Don’t say that too loud, she might actually hear you.”
Florie: *throwing a pillow at them* “You guys! Pray that I don’t!”
Hathor and Raye are downstairs waiting for them. Outside on the boardwalk are Amy, Sandra, Lita, Caprice and Mina. Iris and Serena are late, and Claire just arrived.
Raye: “Where is Serena? If she doesn’t come soon, we’ll miss our bus!”
Hathor: “I just hope that Iris isn’t shopping, it’ll take forever then!”
Robby: “Hey short stuff! Sup Raye?”
Raye: “There you are… guess who’s late?”
Robby: “Tough one… uhm… the bubble-head?”
Raye: “Bingo!”
Hathor: “And guess who else?”
Star: “That shopping freak also know as Iris?”
Hathor: “It’s a wonder how she does it! Shopping 24/7… I could never do that.”
At that moment Iris enters through the backdoor. She is carrying a suitcase, a large bag, a small handbag and she’s wearing a new outfit, crème de la crème of course. She laughs at that last comment.
Iris: “It’s one of many mysteries, squirt.”
Hathor: “Don’t call me that!”
Raye: “Well, fifty percent of the late arrivals are here!”
Iris: “What can I say? I try! Anyway, I bought this great fishing outfit… look, do you like it? Does this scream: LOOK AT ME?”
Robby: “Oh, yeah definitely, and if the outfit doesn’t… you do!”
Hathor: “I dunno… I’m kinda hearing: LOOK AT ME, I’M BUYING OUTFITS TO GO FISHING!”
Iris: “Pah!”
Caprice: *sticking her head into the café* “You guys ready? We are waiting out here!”
Star: “Hold your horses, hon, we’re already there.”
Florie: “You guys have a good time!”
Caprice: “Are you sure you will be alright?”
Florie: “For heaven’s sake, it’s not like this is the first time I’m taking care of the café! Besides, I already went over this with Robby.”
Hathor: “Well then, let’s not keep the others waiting…”
Caprice: “Why not, you have for the last fifteen minutes!”
Robby: “Oh, be quiet!”
Star: *aside to Florie* “Seems like this vacation is off on a good start!”
Serena: *out of breath* “I’m here! Everybody! I’m here!”
Sandra: “We noticed… you’re the one huffing and puffing.”
Serena: “I had to pack my bags and stuff!”
Robby: “So did the rest of us, but we didn’t need five hours to pack!”
Serena: “Oh, be quiet you-”
Florie: “Alright, that’s enough! People, I’ll see you in three days, and don’t come back before that!”
Star: “We’ll try.”
Florie: “Good, now go, and have fun!”
Girl: “Sheba… please… come back Sheba!”
Boy: “I have picked up some energy that is very distracting. It’s some place where humans go to relax and do silly sports. I believe that if we take that energy away, we will come closer to Sheba.”
Girl: “If it will bring Sheba back to me, I am for it.”
Boy: “It will bring us closer.”
Girl: “I know, that is a start.”
Meanwhile, Robby and Serena are checking in at the resort. The other senshi are checking out their ‘surroundings’… ya know, guys and stuff ^_^.
Amy: “Oh, I really think that this will be great! There are so many different kinds of fish here… and there is a nature trail, I am sure we can see a lot of animals up close!”
Iris: “Very exciting bookworm, but there are some things that are even better!”
Caprice: “Yup, look there… he’s a real hottie… nice package…”
Sandra: “Amy is right though. There are many different species here, and a lot of fun nature things to do!”
Raye: “Check out that guy there!”
Lita: “He looks just like my old boyfriend!”
Hathor: “Oh god, here we go again.”
Mina: “And I suppose that girl looks just like you, right?”
Star: “No, no, no, check him out!”
Iris: “Well, I guess he is alright… but not as cute as that guy!.”
Sandra: “Claire, what do you think?”
Claire: *blushing* “I guess he is ok-”
Raye: “OK? What is wrong with your vision honey, he is the top of the list! He is ‘Da Q.T.’ don’t you see?”
Iris: “Well, if she doesn’t, he does! He’s eyeing you!”
Claire: “He is doing what?”
Mina: “Eyeing you, you know, flirting in the eye-contact stage!”
Iris: “If I wouldn’t know better, I’d say that was me speaking, Blondie. You learn fast!”
Mina: “I had the best teacher ever… *Iris bows*… myself!”
Iris: “What? Oh-”
Robby: “Excuse me, ladies. Alright, we have Sandra and Iris, here you go. Room number 111.”
Sandra: “Thanks. Cool number!”
Robby: “Mina and… Star.”
Lita: “I thought we were going to be all three together?”
Serena: “You were, but they only let two together.”
Robby: “Room number 112. Caprice and Raye; room number 113. Amy and Claire are in room number 114. Lita and Hathor are in room number 115. Serena and I; room number 116.”
Star: “Ok, so, what are we going to do first?”
Sandra: “We are going to check the rooms. Just to make sure we have them and stuff.”
Amy: “Yes, and then we can go swimming or hiking… or maybe fishing?”
Mina: “Eew, fishing is disgusting.”
Lita: “But we can also lay in a boat, get a tan, read a book and eye some guys.”
Iris: “Speaking of guys… Claire!”
Claire: “What is it, Iris?”
Iris: “Guy, dead ahead… it’s the guy!”
Claire: “Oh.”
Lita: “Oh?! Is that all you have to say? Come on, let’s be introduced.”
Claire: “Maybe this is not such a great idea? I mean-”
But before she can protest, she is being dragged off into the direction of the cute guy who had been looking at her so intently. The other girls take their bags (and Sandra takes Iris’ and Amy takes Claire’s) to their rooms. The rooms are very nice and comfortable, with two beds each, a closet, two old desk-cupboards, and a phone.
Serena: “Where’s the TV?”
Robby: “There is none, Bubble head, this is relaxation.”
Serena: “But a TV is very relaxing.”
Robby: “Whatever, if we want this to work, we’ll have to be nice to each other.”
Serena: “Alright, we can do that! Now, I want that bed!”
Robby: “But that’s the nice bed!”
Serena: “Well, I called on it first!”
Robby: “Alright, alright, you can have it!”
Serena: “Ok!…*pause* Oh, have the bed.”
Robby: “Really?”
Serena: “Yes, I got to pick the room, so you can have the bed.”
Robby: “Cool! You know, you’re not such a Bubble head as I always say… you are actually really nice… just kind of ditzy at times.”
Serena: “Thank you, I guess. You aren’t all that horrible either…”
Robby: “Well, now that that’s been settled…”
Serena: “Let’s go get the others!”
When they turn around, they see Caprice in the doorframe.
Caprice: “Beat ya to it! Hey, looks like you guys are getting a long pretty good.”
Sandra: *pushing Caprice away* “Amy and I want to go hiking!”
Caprice: *pushing Sandra away* “But the rest of us want to go swimming!”
Raye: *fighting for a spot in the doorframe* “Claire and Iris are still gone, I think we should all just go our separate ways.”
Robby: “Uh… do you guys want to come in by any chance?”
Sandra: *giving up* “I’m just going to go now. Amy and I’ll be back for dinner. Till then, see ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya!”
Caprice: “Shut up! Raye, go away!”
Robby: “You know I love you two… but get the hell away from my doorframe!”
Serena: “Ok, I’m going to put on my bathing suit, and I’ll just lay on the terrace for a while…”
Caprice: “Oh, I’ll come with you!”
Raye: “I’ll look for Claire and Iris… just to keep them out of trouble!”
Robby: “Yeah… and to eye the guy.”
Raye: “Whatever!”
When everyone leaves the room, Robby sighs and starts unpacking. Someone knocks softly on her door.
Robby: “Who’s there?”
Hathor: “Uhm, it’s me, Hathor.”
Robby: “Come on in squirt. What’s up?”
Hathor: “Uhm… can I talk to you for a while?”
Robby: “About what?”
Hathor: “About the fact that I am the youngest one here, and no one seems to care!”
Robby: “Hathor! You know we all care a great deal about you! And we all love you very, very much.”
Hathor: “Ok, now you’re just creeping me out. You sound like someone on one of those sappy TV series, where the parents go-”
Robby: “Alright, alright, I admit, that was corny. But anyhow, why the doom and gloom mood?”
Hathor: “I can’t do anything by myself here! I can’t even walk around by myself.”
Robby: “Oh, really? Doesn’t say so anywhere!”
Hathor: “I know, but that security guy keeps looking where I go, and he makes up rules as he goes. It’s really starting to bug me!”
Robby: “Ok, I’ll be right back.”
Robby leaves the room, walks over to the guy, and talks to him. When he shakes his head, Robby shakes her fist close to his face and smiles grimly. Then, she walks away, leaving a stunned security guard behind her.
Robby: “It’s like I always say, you can get more with a kind word and a firm fist than with just a kind word.”
Hathor: “Haha!”
Robby: “Wanna go fishing?”
Hathor: “Love to!”
Robby: “Of course you’d love it…”
Hathor: “Right! *smile* But let’s go!”
Robby: “Alright, alright, I’ll race ya there!”
Caprice and Serena are tanning, and thinking… however far that can go. Caprice rises and looks at Serena.
Caprice: “Hey, Serena!”
Serena: “Yeah?”
Caprice: “Never mind.”
Serena: “Ok.”
Thoughts and images swirl in Caprice’s mind, until she has to sit up again.
Caprice: “Serena!”
Serena: “What?!”
Caprice: “What if those monsters show up when Florie is all by herself?”
Serena: “What do you mean?”
Caprice: “Florie can’t use that new attack all by herself! And all the others won’t work!”
Serena: “Well, Florie is resourceful, she’ll figure out a way!”
Caprice: “Serena, she’s your sister!”
Serena: “Leave it to you to take all the fun out of life! Ok, I’ll go call her!”
Caprice: “That won’t help!”
Serena: “Caprice, nothing will happen, trust me! Darien is there too, you know!”
Caprice: “Ah, I don’t like it!”
Serena: “Florie said we would relax, so we’ll relax! Don’t stress about monsters and demons, just lay back and let the sun take over… hey, that’s kinda funny… let the sun take over… haha!”
Caprice: “Very funny!”
At that exact same moment, Amy and Sandra are having the same worries. Sandra just pointed out a flora alpinea (just pretend… :), when Amy said something on the Florie-topic. Right now, they are in a lively discussion what could happen.
Sandra: “Well, if everything fails, maybe Boshko will give her and Tuxedo Mask some sort of special power… it is a small chance, but possible.”
Amy: “… what if something much worse would happen?”
Sandra: “Like what? No… wait… that would never happen! The chance that a monster would come here is so tiny! It usually shows up in Tokyo…”
Amy: “You’re right. I guess we’re just too scared…”
Sandra: “Yeah… I am so afraid that we are not ever going to defeat any of those monsters… all the power we have are Sailor Moon and Sailor Earth.”
Amy and Sandra walk a little further, until they get to a restaurant on a plateau. There is no one there though. They find out why very soon.
A monster is there! It is like every other monster, ugly and weird, at the same time… Sandra quickly pulls Amy aside and hides in the bushes. They are very, very quiet for the next three minutes, until they see the monster walking away, but towards the resort! Amy pulls out her communicator and calls all the senshi.
Amy: “Everyone, quick, get the people out of there, a monster is headed towards you!”
Serena: “WHAT????” That can’t be! They never attack anywhere but Tokyo!!! Ahhhhhhh!”
Amy: “Serena, get a grip! Get the people out and transform…”
Serena: “Do I have to?”
Sandra + Amy: “YES!”
Serena: “Alright!”
Amy: “Mercury Star Power!”
Sandra: “Hope Magical Power!”
Mercury: “Let’s go!”
Meanwhile, Serena just used the disguise pen to change into an inspector, and staged a beautiful scene where she insisted there were rats and everyone was to clear the area. Then, the other inner senshi came running out, dressed as rat-extinguishers, and the people responded to that…
Serena: “Alright, let’s do this: Moon Cosmic Power!”
The rest transforms too, and then, the monster comes.
Monster: “Ah, it is you… I was hoping I would find you here… but now, I will have to either destroy you, or you have to surrender. I believe the former is going to happen though.”
Mars: “How d’ya guess?”
Star: “Black Hole Crush!”
Orion: “Orion Star Belt Secure!”
Love: “Love Crystals Fly!”
Moon: “This is pointless, nothing works!”
Venus: “Try your wand! Venus Love Tears Fall!”
For the next five minutes, Sailor Moon tries her wand, without success, and the other senshi can’t do anymore than run for their lives. Then, suddenly, Hope’s blessing rips through a chain that holds Sailor Moon and Mars together.
Hope: “You are facing death, because you’re bad, and I’m good! Good always wins, Sailor Hope, of the Planet Sekhnet, says so!”
Monster: “Oh yeah? Take this! Chain blessing rip! Hahaha!”
Hope: “Not good! Hope Blessing Rip! Ahh, it’s not working! Help!”
Jupiter: “Jupiter Plasma Thunder sizzle!”
The chain holding Hope conveys the electricity all the way to Sailor Hope, and she gets fried.
Jupiter: “Oops…”
Hope: “Oo…ps…? Jupiter… didn’t you… pay attention in class?! Metal conveys electricity, it’s not an insulator… got… that?”
Jupiter: “Uh-hu…”
Mercury: “Mercury Aqua Super Freezing! Someone shatter the chain!”
Love: “Love Crystals Fly!”
Hope: “Finally! But what are we to do? We can’t hurt him!”
Orion: “Right…”
Star: “But maybe we can help…”
Star gets on her knees, in the typical praying position, and starts humming a song. Then, she calls upon Boshko, over and over again. Orion soon joins in, followed by the rest of the senshi, except for Dûment. She keeps the monster’s attention.
Dûment: “Look, I don’t like them any more than you do… but I do want to live! Dûment Scrubble Bubble Scrub!”
Monster: “That didn’t hurt…”
Moon: “Moon Tiara Magic!”
Sadly, this doesn’t work either. The monster just captures the tiara! It seems the senshi are doomed! But since you know that I have to at least finish this and another season, you know that they won’t die just yet!
The Lost senshi finally succeed! Boshko appears, smilingly.
Boshko: “I see you seek my help once more, how may I be of service, Princess Serena?”
Moon: “Princess-”
Orion: “Get with the program, bubble-head!”
Moon: “Right, we need your help, we can’t defeat this monster!”
Boshko: “Well, maybe a new transformation tool is required? Mahao Tinaho! I call thy, my great and wise spirit, help these innocents to regain their ancient strength!”
Don’t you just love that guy? All the transformation pens appear, and change into other pens. Then, as soon as they are in the hands of the senshi, they transform.
Dûment: “Dûment Lost Power!”
Hope: “Hope Lost Power!”
Love: “Love Lost Power!”
Orion: “Orion Lost Power!”
Rainbow: “Rainbow Lost Power!”
Solaris: “Solaris Lost Power!”
Star: “Star Lost Power!”
Jupiter: “Jupiter Inner Power!”
Mars: “Mars Inner Power”
Mercury: “Mercury Inner Power!”
Venus: “Venus Inner Power!”
Moon: “Moon Inner Power!”
Rainbow: “Lets see what we can do, shall we? Haha! Rainbow Dawn Touch!”
A huge amount of multi-colored fog makes it hard to see anyone!”
Venus: “My turn! Venus Lonely Heart!”
A orange heart flies to the monster, attaches itself on it’s chest, and stars flickering, making his heart hurt (from the inside… you know, that LONELY feeling :).
Star: “One more, who shall have the honor?”
Orion: “Sailor Love, go ahead!”
Love: “Right! Love Heart Deck Shuffle!”
THE coolest attack EVER! A deck of hearts (Ace through King) fly from Love’s hand, and cut through the enemy, that’s how sharp they are! Go Sailor Love!
Dûment: “Nice one!”
Rainbow: “Oh my god!”
Rest: “What?!”
Rainbow: “I just can’t believe it!”
Moon: “Believe what?”
Rainbow: “Dûment was actually nice to one of us…”
Hope: “Maybe thia new thing changed her…”
Dûment: “Oh, shut up…”
Venus: “Nope, didn’t work.”