Welcome to Roguen's Races

As I've said before. I love doing races with Mom. It's fun and we both need the workout. She's been out of comission for a while, but we plan to get back into the swing soon!

About the chili peppers...It's one of Mom's favorite motifs. My bandana and collar even have chili peppers on them -- Hey, beats the hot pink she made me wear as a youngster!

"Never Gonna" Break My Stride!

Doggie Dash

Charlie's Race

Mom and I hadn't planned on doing this race. When Charlie passed away during the Bix7, the next race was dedicated to him, so we had to do it. This was a hot, nasty course -- hilly, blacktop. We did it out of love and respect for our fallen friend.
I also stole some of Brenda's beer when she wasn't watching!

My First Medal

Even though Mom and I won this medal together, she let's me wear it. This race had an easy course, but it stormed mightily the last half. Ann's hat blew off and we had to chase it! Luckily, we didn't get struck by lightening and friends waited at the shelter with Brats and Mt. Dew.
When the sun returned, there was a beautiful double rainbow.

Easter Seals Race

That's Ann with Mom and me. She's a good friend. mom broke her foot doing the Saint Paddy's race that year. She was upset to think she couldn't do her favorite race. So, I learned to pull her wheelchair. Ann helped alot -- especially on the hills. Mom got to do the race. The director gave me a medal -- And we got an award for doing the race when we should have stayed home!
(A family secret: Mom met Dad when she did this race the first time
...And she was wearing rabbit ears and a cotton tail!)

Here is my favorite place after a race.The sofa.

The NightI Met Mom

Roguen's Rainbow Bridge

Roguen's Awards Page

Roguen's Second Page of Awards

Roguen's Third Page of Awards

Roguen's Great Companion Award
The above is an award you can win from Roguen and his Mom.

I'd like to thank these talented artists for lending their creativity to this page. Goodness knows Mom is "artistically challanged" when it comes to anything but the written word.

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