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Chapter 31

Taryn dialed the phone nervously as she kept one ear open to make sure Isaac was still in the shower.

Cameron picked up the phone on the second ring. “Hello?”


“Hey, Taryn!” he said. “How’s Oklahoma?”

“Great,” Taryn said.

“And things with Isaac?” Cameron pressed.

Taryn smiled to herself. “Getting better and better,” she said.

“So,” Cameron said. “To what do I owe the honor of this phone call?”

Taryn leaned forward and made sure the water in the bathroom was still running. “I need you to do me a favor,” she said.

Cameron sighed. “What now?”

“I swear, Cam, if you can do this for me, I will never ask you for another favor as long as I live.”

Cameron chuckled. “No offense, Tar, but that sounds all too familiar.”


Isaac and Taryn were swinging in the Hanson’s porch swing as twilight approached. Crickets chirped happily all around them, and they could hear the distant sound of the younger children playing in the backyard. Isaac absently rolled Clara’s stroller back and forth as he and Taryn swung gently.

The Hansons had just wrapped up their combination Labor Day cookout and Iris’ birthday party, and Diana had insisted that Taryn and Isaac spend some quality time together before Taryn had to go back to New Mexico.

Taryn laid her head on Isaac’s shoulder. “I hate to see this vacation come to an end,” she said wistfully.

Isaac kissed the top of her head. “Me too,” he said. “I’m going to miss my girls. All three of them. But at least now that we’ve got some sort of direction and we’ve reached an understanding, things will be better. And at least now we live closer than we did when you were in New York.”

Taryn bit her lip and looked at the ground. “Um, actually, Isaac, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”

Isaac felt all the blood rush from his brain. “What?” he asked.

“It’s kind of about where I live,” she said.

Taryn sighed and looked into Isaac’s eyes. She pulled a piece of paper from her shorts pocket. “The judge said that if I was going to relocate more than 50 miles from Rio Rancho, I had to notify you within 30 days in writing,” she said, handing Isaac the folded paper. “Well, I got a new job. I just wanted to tell you because I need to get moved and get to work at the new place as soon as possible.”

Isaac swallowed hard. “You’re moving again?” he asked quietly.

Taryn nodded. “Yes,” she said.

“It doesn’t matter,” Isaac said. “We can still make this work.”

Taryn nodded solemnly.

Isaac cleared his throat. “Where are you going?” he asked.

Taryn nodded toward the piece of paper Isaac held in his hand. “It’s all right there,” she said. “In writing, just like it’s supposed to be.”

Isaac sighed heavily and slowly unfolded the piece of paper. He began to read, and his jaw dropped.

“Tulsa?” he said in disbelief. “You’re moving to Tulsa?”

A huge smile covered Taryn’s face. “Tulsa,” she said.

Isaac covered his mouth with both hands. “You’re for real,” he said. “You and the kids are moving to Tulsa.”

Taryn nodded. “For real.”

Isaac shook his head. “Why didn’t you tell me this when you got here?” he asked. “How long have you known this was going to happen?”

Taryn smiled. “Only since yesterday,” she said. “It helps to have friends in high places. You can even get things accomplished on weekends and holidays.”

“Cameron,” Isaac guessed with a smile. “Cameron did this.”

Taryn nodded. “Cameron did this.”

Isaac’s eyes filled with tears. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

Taryn began to cry. She took Isaac’s hands in hers. “Believe it,” she said. “I just wanted to prove to you that I was in this for the long haul. I wanted to make a sacrifice for you. This is my attempt to win back your trust.”

Isaac drew Taryn to him and hugged her tightly. “Thank you,” he said softly.

“You’re welcome,” she said.

Clara cooed happily, and Isaac plucked her from her stroller. “Did you hear that, baby brown eyes?” he said as he lifted her into the air. “You’re going to be living right here in town with me. What do you think of that?”

Clara giggled and grabbed a handful of Isaac’s hair. “I think she’s happy about it,” Taryn said.

“You can’t even imagine how happy I am,” Isaac said.

Taryn kissed Isaac on the cheek. “I think I can,” she said. “I want this to work for us. And being in the same town is going to make the baby steps you were talking about a lot easier.”

Isaac looked into Taryn’s eyes. “I love you so, so much,” he said.

Taryn smiled. “And I love you.”

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