1. Tishbe - Elijah's birthplace (1 Kings 17:1).
2. Kerith Ravine - The Lord had ravens bring food to Elijah (1 Kings 17:3-4).
3. Zarephath - Elijah was given a place to live by a starving widow, during which he miraculously multiplied her food supply, and restored her dead son to life (1 Kings 17:8-24).
4. Mount Carmel - Elijah's confrontation with the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:18-40).
5. Beersheba - Elijah fled from the wicked Jezebel (1 Kings 19:1-3).
6. The Wilderness of Beersheba - Elijah met the angel (1 Kings 19:3-9).
7.Mount Horeb - Elijah's meeting with The Lord (1 Kings 19:8-18).
8. Abel Meholah - Birthplace of Elisha (1 Kings 19:16).
9. Jezreel - Elijah delivered The Lord's condemnation on Ahab and Jezebel (1 Kings 21:17-27).
10. Gilgal - Elijah and Elisha traveled through Gilgal before Elijah's departure (2 Kings 2:1). Also Elisha purified a poisonous stew in Gilgal (2 Kings 4:38-41).
11.Jericho - Elijah taken away on a "chariot of fire" (2 Kings 2:11).
12. Jericho - Elisha appointed as Elijah's successor (2 Kings 2:15).
13. Bethel - Elisha had a bear maul a gang of youths who were insulting The Lord's prophet (2 Kings 2:23-25).
14. The Desert of Edom - Elisha prophesied rain (2 Kings 3:17).
15. Shunem - Elisha restored a woman's son to life (2 Kings 4:32-37).
16. The Jordan Valley - Naaman healed of his leprosy (2 Kings 5:13-14).
17. Jericho - Elisha made an iron axe head float (2 Kings 6:5-7).
18. Dothan - Elisha led the Aramean army from Dothan to Samaria (2 Kings 6:13-19).
19. Samaria - Elisha prophesied the end of the Aramean siege (2 Kings 7:1-2).
20. Damascus - Elisha pronounced the end of Ben-Hadad (2 Kings 8:7-15).
21. Ramoth Gilead - Elisha sent one of the prophets to anoint Jehu as king (2 Kings 9:1).