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Chapter 18

Something in the wind
Has learned my name
It’s telling me that
Things are not the same …
-The Carpenters, “Top of the World”

The Monday after Thanksgiving, Taryn was in her office reformatting an article she had written on Justin Timberlake when the phone rang.

“Taryn Mathews,” she said absently.

“Hey, got a minute for me?”


“How was Thanksgiving? Sorry I didn’t call, but the place was a zoo and I couldn’t get a second to myself.”

“Oh, that’s okay. I had my hands pretty full.”

“How so?”

Taryn went on to rehash the entire Mathews-Carlisle Thanksgiving debacle.

“So anyway,” she sighed, “My sister is sure this is just one more of my plots to embarrass the family, my mother wants everyone to be friends, Cam and Gregor are on a major I-told-you-so kick, and Iris thinks we’re all crazy.”

Isaac laughed. “I think I may have to go with Iris on this one.”

“So what’s new in your life?”

“Actually, it’s what’s new in our lives,” Isaac said.


“Guess where I’m going to be tomorrow.”

Taryn’s heart jumped. Did she dare even think it?

“Um, Turkey?”

“Funny. No, New York. We’re doing a few magazine and radio spots, some press conferences and a couple of acoustic sets. We’ll be there tomorrow through the seventh. All the stuff is during the day, so my nights will be free.”

“Oh my God, Isaac! Why didn’t you call me as soon as you found out?”

“I did. We just found out about a half hour ago that it was a done deal. I didn’t want to tell you until I was sure.”

Taryn had a flash of brilliance.

“How would you and the other Hanson boys like to have dinner with the Mathews girls tomorrow night at our place?”

Isaac didn’t hesitate.

“My dad will probably just hang with our manager, but I’m pretty sure the other two would really like that.”

“Great! What time will you be free?”

“How’s 6:30?”

“I don’t know if I can wait until then, but I’ll try.”

“See you then.”

Taryn hung up the phone, grinning from ear to ear. She had no idea how in the world she was going to get this story done now. Justin Timberlake was just as cute as a bug's ear, but he was no Isaac Hanson.

On to Chapter 19
Back to Chapter 17