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Chapter 19

Stand by me
I’ll never let you go
Hold me close
I love you so
Is it just my heart
Lying to my head …
-Andy Taylor, “Thunder”

Although Camilla was more than a little apprehensive about having the Hansons over for dinner, she agreed when she saw how excited Iris was. The three Mathews women decided they would make homemade deep dish pizza, and Camilla offered to do the shopping Tuesday morning while Taryn and Iris were at work and school.

Tuesday morning was turning out to be worthless for Taryn, who was struggling to come up with a snappy lead for an article on Nick Carter. Nick himself was not the problem; he had been very forthcoming and effervescent. But Taryn’s mind was otherwise occupied, and the words were just plain refusing to flow.

A demanding knock on her office door brought Taryn back to earth. She shuddered, just knowing that on the other side of that door was Bryan, wanting to move up the deadline on the Nick Carter piece.

“Come in,” she called half-heartedly.

Isaac Hanson popped his head in.


Taryn’s mouth dropped. “Close that door!” she demanded.

Isaac did as he was told, and Taryn practically vaulted over her desk and into his arms. They stood there for a good five minutes, just holding each other. Finally, Isaac drew back and held Taryn at arm’s length.

“Hey, your face looks great!”

“Yours too!”

“Very funny.”

“What are you doing here? I thought your days were all booked solid.”

“We’re taking a lunch break between engagements,” Isaac explained. “Besides,” he added, looking at his shoes, “I couldn’t wait anymore.”

Taryn smiled. “I’m glad. Tonight is such a long time from now.”

“So, how are things with the family? Are you sure your mother is okay with this? It’s her house, after all. I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable.”

Taryn dismissed the notion. “My mother is a very classy lady,” she said. “She is a very gracious hostess, and she loves to have guests.”

“Tay and Zac are pretty excited. They think it’s pretty cool that I have a potential thing going."

Taryn chuckled. “I’m a ‘thing’ now?”

“That’s what I hear.”

“Iris is beside herself.”

“I can’t wait to meet her.”

“The feeling is very mutual.”

Isaac looked quickly at his watch. “Oh, man, I’ve gotta go. I hate to run, but …”

“Duty calls,” Taryn finished. “I understand. Go, I’ll see you tonight.”

“You’re the best. We’ll be there at 6:30.”

Isaac kissed Taryn quickly on the forehead and left. Taryn, wearing a wide smile, sat down at her computer and decided to give the Nick Carter story one more try. As she was typing up a lead, there was another knock at her door.

“Come in,” she called.

Cam and Gregor popped their heads around. “Hey!” Cam said.

“Hey,” Taryn replied. “To what do I owe this visit?”

Cam and Gregor sat down in the chairs facing Taryn’s desk, and Cam put an envelope on her desk.

“What’s this?” she asked, curious.

“Invitation to the Rutner Christmas bash,” Gregor explained. “At the Springhill Hotel on the nineteenth. Black tie, great buffet, champagne flowing like water. It’s a gas. You’ve got to come.”

“Oooh,” Taryn said, intrigued. “That does sound like fun. And Mom and Iris are going to Tori’s that weekend. So I can stay out and play late.”

Gregor couldn’t resist the chance to make a dig. “Are we leaving the kids at the clubhouse while we go out and play grown up?” he asked.

“Gregor, come on,” Cameron said. “I thought that we agreed we were going to be supportive.”

Taryn looked squarely at Gregor. “You know, Gregor, I’m really disappointed in you,” she said. “Of all the people I thought I could count of to be on my side in this, I really thought you’d be one of them. I have stood by you through everything.”

Gregor wouldn’t back down. “I’m sorry, Taryn,” he said. “I just think you’re making a big mistake here.”

Cameron piped up in Taryn’s defense. “Well, if she’s bringing Isaac to the Christmas party, I think that we all need to agree to disagree for now and just be civil about it.”

“I don’t think that’ll be a problem,” Taryn sighed. “He’ll be back in Tulsa by then.”

“Oh, come on, Taryn,” Gregor pushed. “You know you don’t want him there anyway. He couldn’t handle seeing you party serious.”

“Very funny. You guys want to get out now so I can get some work done?”

Cam and Gregor got up, and Cam turned back. “Oh, I almost forgot. I’m getting a limo for us and any of our guests for the party. My treat.”

Gregor was impressed. “I knew there was a reason I hung out with you, big spender.” He turned to Taryn. ”And you, no combing the high schools for dates.”

Taryn threw a pencil at Gregor, and he closed the door quickly before it hit him.

On to Chapter 20
Back to Chapter 18