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Chapter 26

Just kick my feet
Off the ground
I’ll embrace
The sky
Got no minute in time
Got no place
In line …
-Teenage Fan Club, “Going Places”

Isaac and Taryn climbed into the limo, and sat facing Gregor and his date, Ron, and Cam and his sometime girlfriend Lindsey. Taryn quite liked Lindsey; she was perky without being annoying. She was very much into having a good time, and Taryn thought Cam could use that.

“You guys look great!” Taryn said as the car began moving toward the Springhill Hotel. “Ron, Lindsey, this is Isaac Hanson.”

Ron shook Isaac’s hand dutifully, but Taryn could tell that Gregor had versed him on what to approve of or not. Lindsey, however, was more than happy to meet Isaac.

“Wow, so you’re a Hanson Hanson?” she asked, tucking the sides of her blonde bob behind her ears.

“That’s what they tell me,” Isaac said.

“Taryn, what a great color that dress is for you!” she said, bouncing happily from one fun subject to another.

Taryn studied Lindsey’s knee-length, sequined red dress, and decided that although it was not something she would buy for herself, it suited Lindsey perfectly.

“Yours looks great on you, too.”

Cameron produced a bottle of champagne from a bucket beside his seat. “Should we start the festivities?”

“Absolutely!” Gregor declared.

Cam popped the cork and began pouring.

“You don’t have to have any it you don’t want to,” Taryn said quietly to Isaac.

“It’s okay,” Isaac said. “It’s a little glass of champagne. It won’t kill me. It’s a party, and it’s not like we’re out driving around ourselves.”

Cam passed the filled glasses to everyone.

“To old and new friendships,” he said, and everyone clinked their glasses together.

Isaac carefully sampled the champagne, and Taryn tried not to stare, even though she wanted to see his reaction.

Isaac sipped slowly, letting the fizzy liquid wash over his tongue. He could tell this would be something he couldn’t drink a lot of … the taste was strange, quite tart but not exactly unpleasant. He was sure that this probably wasn’t cheap champagne, which he guessed was a very good thing. The bubbles tickled his nose, and after a few swallows, he almost thought it was already going to his head.

“How fast will this stuff hit you?” he whispered to Taryn as he drained his glass.

“Have you ever had a drink before?”

“Not really.”

Taryn chuckled. “Champagne is not the stuff to cut your drinking teeth on,” she advised him. “I’d say that one more glass would make you pretty happy, but two more glasses might make you very sick.”

“Ready for another, Isaac?” Cameron asked as he began to refill glasses.

“Sure,” Isaac said, handing Cam his glass. He could feel himself loosening up. The champagne was making his insides warm, and was making him feel like he wanted to be more affectionate with Taryn. He put his arm around her tentatively, and was relieved when she smiled and cuddled down into the crook of it.

“How long have you two known each other?” Ron asked, taking his second glass of champagne from Cameron.

“A little over a month,” Isaac said. “But it seems like a lot longer.”

Gregor sneered. Taryn ignored him.

“Who’s making this toast?” Cam asked, handing Isaac his glass.

“I will,” Taryn said. “Here’s to getting together to be the beautiful people for one night.”

“Here here!” Lindsey chortled. Taryn was happy for the levity Lindsey was bringing to the evening. She decided that she needed to insist Cam date Lindsey more often.

Isaac polished off his second glass of champagne, and begged off when Cam offered him a third.

“No, thanks Cam,” he said. “I think I feel just right.”

He could feel that his cheeks were flushed. He chuckled, thinking about what two glasses of champagne would do to Taylor’s already rosy complexion.

He could also feel that a definite change had taken place in his brain. He felt very free. This brought Zac to his mind. Boy, if a couple of drinks made Isaac ready to be wild and crazy, he was making a mental note to himself to never let Zac touch the stuff.

The limo pulled up outside a huge hotel. The music could be heard clearly from inside, and the bright exterior lights revealed many partygoers arriving.

“Looks like this is the place,” Cameron said.

Isaac tightened his grip on Taryn’s hand. “This is going to be a great night, I can feel it,” he whispered, his warm eyes twinkling.

Taryn smiled and squeezed his hand. “I think you’re right,” she said.

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