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Chapter 39

I'm gonna love you forever
Forever and ever, amen
As long as old men
Sit and talk about the weather
As long as old women
Sit and talk about old men
If you wonder how long I'll be faithful
I'll be happy to tell you again
I'm gonna love you
Forever and ever
Forever and ever amen
-Randy Travis, “Forever and Ever, Amen”

Taryn went out onto the porch, and marveled at how much warmer it was in Tulsa than in New York in December. She suspected that the weather was chilly to the Oklahoma natives, but to her it felt pretty mild.

She looked up at the black sky twinkling with stars, and thought about how beautiful it all was. She just wished that she could enjoy it more. She was so uneasy.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the creak of the door opening. She turned around expecting to see Isaac, but was shocked to discover it was instead Diana Hanson.

“I … was just, um getting a little air,” Taryn stammered.

Diana nodded. “I thought you seemed a little uptight in there. Are you okay?”

Taryn decided to tell Isaac’s mother the truth. “No, Mrs. Hanson, actually I’m not.”

Diana sat on one of the porch chairs, and patted the one next to her.

“Call me Diana, and let’s talk.”

Taryn sat down in the chair. “I have been on edge about this ever since Isaac suggested it,” Taryn admitted. “I’ve always been nervous around parents, and with the circumstances surrounding all this … it was even worse.”

Diana looked at Taryn sympathetically. “Taryn, you’re a mother,” she said. “You must realize that I would have misgivings at first about something like this.”

Taryn nodded. “Yes.”

“You seem very nice, and Zac and Taylor are awfully fond of you,” Diana continued. “And your daughter .. she is very sweet and polite. They’re quite taken with her, too.”

Taryn smiled. “I’m very proud of my kid.”

“I understand that you haven’t had the easiest time of things.”

Taryn shook her head slowly. “It’s been tough,” she said. “But I’m a survivor.”

“Taryn, I want to support Ike in this,” Diana said. “He is my first born, and he’s special. I love him very much.”

Taryn locked gazes with Diana. “So do I,” she said, before she could stop herself.

“Isaac has told us that he loves you and that you two are quite serious.”

“It’s certainly moving in that direction,” Taryn said.

“All I ask is that you’re good to him,” Diana said. “He is so tender and so sensitive. He and Taylor are both like that … I don’t worry so much about Zac, because he can shrug things off more easily. But this is Isaac’s first serious relationship, and I just wanted you to know that even though I’m having a hard time with it, I’ll accept it as long as he’s happy.”

Taryn smiled. “I can’t ask you for anything else. And don’t worry … I will take good care of his feelings. I care about him very much. I didn’t see this coming, Diana, I really didn’t. But then it happened, and even though it happened really fast, I just can’t see myself being able to let go of it.”

“He’s a loveable guy,” Diana admitted. “He’s magnetic, like his dad.”

Taryn rose. “I’m glad we had this chance to talk,” she said. “I should get back inside, though. I don’t want Isaac to feel like he’s spending the night babysitting.”

Diana nodded. “I’m glad too. Thank you for listening to me.”

On to Chapter 40
Back to Chapter 38