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Chapter 40

When you love a woman
You tell her that she's really wanted
When you love a woman
You tell her that she's the one
She needs somebody
To tell her that it's gonna last forever
So tell me have you ever really
Really, really ever loved a woman?
-Bryan Adams, “Have You Really Ever Loved a Woman?”

When Taryn got back in the house, she was surprised to see what her daughter was up to.

Iris, Melissa, Isaac, Taylor and Zac were all up in front of the crowded room, singing “The Locomotion” on the karaoke machine.

She watched in amusement as they formed a train, sang, danced and laughed. They had the entire room in the palms of their hands. Iris and Melissa were loving the attention.

It must be nice to be so young and to not care what anyone thinks of you, Taryn thought.

When the song was over, the room erupted into applause as the group took a bow.

Isaac spotted Taryn, and jogged over to her.

“That was impressive,” she said. “No wonder you got a recording contract. You’re very talented.”

Isaac grinned. “Baby, singing’s not all I can do.” He kissed Taryn, who forgot to be self-conscious for a minute. Isaac took Taryn’s hand and led her to the kitchen, where he began to pour soda into plastic cups for them.

“Hey, where were you for so long? We did ‘ABC,’ too. You missed it.”

Taryn laughed. “That’s too bad,” she said. “Actually, I was having a little talk with your mother.”

Isaac handed Taryn a glass and raised his eyebrows. “Really,” he said. “How was that?”

“Enlightening,” Taryn said, taking a sip. “But not nearly as scary as I thought it would be.”

“What did she have to say?” Isaac couldn’t conceal his curiosity.

“A lot of things,” Taryn said. “But the bottom line is, she’s with us as long as I treat you well.”

Isaac smiled. “You see a problem with that?”

Taryn shook her head. “Nope. No problem. I can do that.”

Isaac hugged Taryn tightly. “I told you not to worry.”

Zac came running into the kitchen.

“Hey, guys, it’s a minute till midnight! Come out and count down with us!”

Isaac and Taryn followed Zac into the living room. People were on all sides of them counting down loudly.

“10 …” the crowd roared.

“This is going to be the best year ever, because I have you,” Isaac half shouted to Taryn, as he put his arms around her.

“9 …”

“I hope so,” Taryn said. “I want this to be a good year for both of us. I have a good feeling.”

“8 …”

“I love you so much,” Isaac said. “I never would have thought at the beginning of this year that I’d be ending it this way.”

“7 …”

“You? I was supposed to be married by now. What a disaster that would have been.”


“We’re very lucky to have found each other,” Isaac said. “Some people spend their whole lives searching for their soulmates.”


“And I just found mine completely by chance.”


“God, Isaac,” Taryn said, dropping her head against his sweater. “I don’t know what I did to be worthy of your loving me.”

“3 …”

“That’s just it,” Isaac said. “It’s effortless. All you have to do is be yourself.”


And as the last second of 1998 clicked off and the New Year began, Isaac drew Taryn into a kiss. As confetti rained down on them and the sound of noisemakers filled the air, Taryn Mathews and Isaac Hanson made a silent promise to love each other forever.

On to Chapter 41
Back to Chapter 39