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Chapter 42

I finally found a love
Of a lifetime
A love to last
My whole life through
I finally found a love
Of a lifetime
Forever in my heart
I finally found a love
Of a lifetime…
-Firehouse, “Love of a Lifetime”

After Taryn and Isaac had eaten at a quaint little Italian restaurant, they came back to the suite.

They sat on the sofa, and talked for a long time. They talked about everything … Iris, Camilla, Cam and Lindsey’s wedding, Gregor, the Hanson family and how the writing for the new album was going. Only getting together every few weeks meant that when they were together, Taryn and Isaac had a lot to catch up on.

Eventually, Isaac suggested going to the other room. “It’s getting kind of cold in here,” he said slyly. “Do you want to go lay down and cover up?”

Taryn looked at Isaac sideways. “That was smooth,” she said. “Just let me get into my PJs first, and I’ll meet you there.”

Isaac changed into his boxers and t-shirt, and waited for Taryn.

She emerged from the bathroom in a navy blue, knee-length t-shirt, and hopped into bed.

Isaac gave Taryn a look and peeked under the covers.

“Hey,” he said. “I recognize that shirt.”

“You caught me,” Taryn confessed. “You left it when you were in New York at Christmastime.”

Isaac smiled. “Actually, it’s kind of a turn-on to have girls wearing your clothes.”

Taryn giggled. Hearing a word like “turn-on” come out of Isaac’s mouth was funny enough, but then to be referred to as a “girl” put the humor in the statement off the charts.

Isaac put his hand up underneath Taryn’s hair and brought her mouth to his. Taryn could feel the rush building, and she knew what was happening, as did Isaac.

Whether it was the pent-up emotion of not being together for so long or just the fact that their feelings for one another overpowered their common sense for a moment, Isaac and Taryn went too far too fast and there was no time to take protective measures.

Lost in the moment, neither Taryn nor Isaac thought about what they had done until the next morning.

When Isaac woke up, he saw Taryn standing on the other side of the room looking out the window into the Chicago morning with her head on the glass and her arms folded across her chest.

“Hey,” he said quietly. “What are you doing over there?”

Taryn turned to look at him solemnly. “I’m thinking about how irresponsible we were last night,” she said. “It’s my fault. I’m old enough to know better.”

Isaac got out of the bed and cuddled up behind Taryn, putting his arms around her reassuringly. “It’ll be okay,” he said. “We just weren’t thinking straight.”

“We can’t do that again, Isaac,” Taryn stressed. “We have to be careful.”

“We will be,” Isaac promised. “It’s just really hard not to get swept away when we don’t see each other that often.”

“Part of being responsible is to not get swept away until after you’ve taken precautions,” Taryn said.

“Hey, last night was great,” Isaac said. “Let’s just leave it at that and not create problems, okay?”

Taryn smiled wanly. “You’re right,” she said, nodding. “As long as we don’t let it happen again. Besides, last night wasn’t my optimum time.”

Isaac made a gagging noise. “I don’t want to know about all that woman stuff,” he said.

Taryn grinned. “How about just some woman stuff?”

Isaac smiled back. “Whatever you want to show me,” he said.

On to Chapter 43
Back to Chapter 41