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Chapter 44

And when the stars
Are shining brightly in the velvet sky
I'll make a wish
Send it to heaven
Then make you want to cry
The tears of joy
For all the pleasure
And the certainty…
-Savage Garden, “Truly, Madly, Deeply”

Iris and Melissa came bounding down the stairs to greet the Hansons. They were already in their bathing suits, and between the two of them had all the necessary swimming gear: goggles, snorkels, and flippers.

“Hi!” Iris said. “We thought you guys would never get here.”

Isaac hugged Iris.

“Where are you going dressed like that?” he asked in a very serious tone.

Iris rolled her eyes. “Duh, to the beach!” she said. “You ought to get your stuff on and come too.”

“Hey, that sounds great,” Zac said enthusiastically. “C’mon, Tay, let’s get our suits on. Hey, Taryn, which room is ours?”

Taryn told Zac and Taylor which room they would be staying in, and they went upstairs to get situated and get their suits on.

Iris and Melissa yelled up the stairs that they would meet Taylor and Zac on the beach, and they raced out the sliding glass doors and toward the water.

Taryn took Isaac’s hand and led him out on the deck so that they could keep an eye on the girls until Zac and Taylor joined them.

“Wow,” Isaac said, sincerely impressed. “What a great place. You could literally fall out of this door and into the ocean.”

Taryn chuckled. “My parents have had this place for a while,” she said. “I had some great parties here during college breaks. I would venture to say that I probably have fallen out the door.”

Isaac laughed. They sat together on a double lounge chair and watched for a moment as Iris and Melissa started to build sandcastles, shrieking when the tide came in and knocked them over. Isaac put his arm around Taryn, and she laid her head on his shoulder.

“I’m really glad you guys could take a break,” she said. “I know how hard it is to get away, and with you having to come right back for Cam’s wedding, it was probably even harder.”

Isaac kissed the top of Taryn’s head. “You know there’s nowhere else I’d rather be than with you,” he said. “The songs will get written. The album will get done. I can’t stop my life for it.”

Taylor and Zac appeared, now decked out in their swim trunks.

“Hey, we’re heading down to the water,” Taylor said, as Zac darted off down the beach. “How good of swimmers are Iris and Melissa?”

“Well, I think Melissa’s okay, and she won’t go any farther than she’s comfortable with,” said Taryn. “But watch Iris. She may try to go too far. Sometimes she’s a little too daring for her own good.”

“Got it,” Taylor said. “You two coming?”

Isaac grinned. “Maybe in a while.”

Taylor grinned back. “I won’t hold my breath. Unless I’m underwater.”

Taryn and Isaac watched Taylor jog down to the edge of the ocean and join the others.

“He is a very impressive young man,” Taryn said. “He’s so responsible and good with the kids.”

Isaac smiled. “He’s had some practice,” he said. “Remember there are more at home than just the three of us.”

Isaac and Taryn sat in happy silence for a few minutes, just taking in the beautiful scenery and reveling in the fact that they were together. Isaac finally spoke.

“How are the wedding plans going?”
Taryn wrinkled her nose. “Lindsey picked out lavenderas a color,” she said. “I think the last time I wore anything lavender, I was in the eighth grade.”

Isaac chuckled. “You didn’t tell her you thought that was an awful color, did you?”

“No,” Taryn said. “It’s her day. It’s all about her and Cam. I’m lucky they asked me to be a part of it. Aside from the dress, it’s going to be beautiful. And they’re having the reception at the same place Rutner had the Christmas party. It’s going to be so much fun.”

Isaac frowned. “I suppose Gregor will be there.”

Taryn nodded. “He’s the best man. But don’t worry, I think Cam and Lindsey have made it perfectly clear to him that he needs to be better behaved than he was at the Christmas party.”

Isaac sighed. “I hope so. I’d hate for you to have to pull out your Tae Bo moves and beat him up in front of hundreds of people.”

Taryn giggled. “That would be something to see.”

Isaac put both his arms around Taryn and hugged her to him tightly.

“This is so perfect,” he said, watching the waves break on the shore. “I’m glad you asked us.”

Taryn smiled brightly. “And just think, it’s only the beginning,” she said.

On to Chapter 45
Back to Chapter 43