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Chapter 47

So Sally can wait
She knows it’s too late
As we're walking on by
Her soul slides away
But don't look back in anger
I hear you say…
-Oasis, “Don’t Look Back in Anger”

Spring break sped by, and before they knew it Taryn and Isaac were parting ways again. They were heartened by the fact that Cam and Lindsey’s wedding wasn’t much more than a week away, but they both noticed that the good-byes were getting harder and harder.

As the group sat together at the airport in a private room that had been set aside for the Hansons so they wouldn’t get mobbed, they waited for their flights to be called and Taryn tried to hold back tears.

“I hate this,” she said.

“I do too,” Isaac said soothingly. “But I’ll be there in a few days. It’ll be okay. We’ll talk everyday, and it’ll be like we were never apart.”

“Ten days,” Taryn said miserably. “You’ll be there in ten days. That’s more than a few.”

Isaac put his arms around Taryn and kissed the top of her head. “You really know how to lighten the mood with a cheery thought,” he said.

Taryn, Melissa and Iris’ flight was called, and they all got up and gathered their carry-ons.

“I’ll call you tonight as soon as we get home,” Isaac said. “You have a good flight and remember that I’ll be there soon. Hang in, Taryn. I hate to see you upset like this.”

Taryn hugged Isaac tightly and smiled bravely. “I’m all right,” she said. “I always pull through.”

After the good-bye hugs were exchanged, Taryn, Iris and Melissa left the room and headed toward their boarding gate.

Isaac sat back down on a couch next to Zac and picked up a magazine.

“This must be starting to get rough,” Taylor said.

“What’s that?” Isaac asked absently.

“Her being one place and you being another. Only being able to get together once every few weeks.”

Isaac sighed. “I try to tell myself that it just makes the time we do have together that much more special, but I have to tell you, it’s getting harder to do.”

Zac’s brown eyes were filled with sympathy. “I can tell.”

Isaac looked at his brothers. “I love her, you guys.”

Taylor smiled. “We know. We’ve known for a while.”

Isaac sighed. “I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I do know that I can’t go on this way much longer,” Isaac said. “It’s too hard on her and on me.”

Zac looked confused. “What can you do? You don’t want to leave Tulsa and she’s not going to leave New York.”

Isaac shook his head. “I don’t know, Zac.”

A steward peeked his head in the door to let the Hansons know their plane was boarding. They got up to collect their bags, and Taylor clapped his older brother on the shoulder and smiled at him encouragingly. “The course of true love never did run smooth, man,” he said. “This will work itself out.”

On to Chapter 48
Back to Chapter 46