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Chapter 48

When I think back
On all the crap
I've learned in high school
It's a wonder
I can think at all
Though my lack of education
Hasn't hurt me much
I can read the writings
On the walls…
-Paul Simon, “Kodachrome”

Monday, April 5, 1999

“You’re what?”

Taryn and Gregor were out to lunch with Cameron, and could not believe what he had just told them.

“I’m moving. Lindsey and I are leaving for New Mexico the day we get back from our honeymoon. Rutner offered me a transfer to their newest publication, and I’m going to take it,” Cameron said.

Gregor looked confused. “Why in the world would you want to pull up stakes and move to the freaking desert?” he asked.

“Because this is a brand new publication, and I want to be in on the ground floor,” Cameron explained patiently. “I want something that’s all mine.”

Taryn’s eyes filled with tears. “What are we going to do without you?” she wailed.

Cam smiled. “We’ll still get together. New Year’s Eve will always be a tradition, right? And we all get vacations. New Mexico is a great place. You guys will love it there.”

Gregor handed Taryn a napkin to wipe her eyes. “Well, congratulations, buddy,” he said. “If this is what you want, I’m happy for you.”

“It is,” Cameron said. “This is a great opportunity for me. Lindsey and I are going to be starting a whole new life together in a whole new place. I’m really excited, and it’s important to me that you two are happy for me. You’re my best friends.”

Taryn managed a watery smile. She was trying not to be selfish, but all she could think of was that Cameron wasn’t going to be around to look out for her anymore, or to defend her when Gregor got on her case. He was leaving. They had all known the day would come when one of the three of them would break the circle that was their friendship. They had originally thought Taryn had done it, but now Cam was. And this one was for real.

“I’ll miss you,” Taryn squeaked quietly.

Cameron pulled her into a hug. “Not as much as I’ll miss you.”

Gregor rolled his eyes. “For crying out loud,” he said. “We’ve barely got a week left to be together and go out with a bang. Let’s not waste it doing the airport scene from ‘Casablanca.’”

Taryn and Cam laughed. Taryn wiped her eyes and convinced herself to stop crying.

“He’s right,” she said. “We really need to make the most of these next few days.”

Gregor smiled. “Oh, we will,” he said. “Us guys. We have quite a bachelor party planned for our little friend here. In fact, your significant other has let us know that he will be in on those particular festivities.”

Taryn raised her eyebrows. “You invited Isaac to Cam’s bachelor party?”

Gregor nodded. “It seems as though you and he are going to be a lasting type of thing,” he admitted. “I would rather support you and go back to being friends like we used to be than alienate you by being a jerk.”

Taryn grinned. “Are you planning on corrupting Isaac?” she asked.

Gregor giggled. “I guess you’ll have to wait and find out. But I bet you’d be the first to know if we did.”

On to Chapter 49
Back to Chapter 47