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Chapter 52

Did you ever know
That you're my hero
And everything
I would like to be
I can fly higher than an eagle
For you are
The wind beneath my wings…
-Bette Midler, “Wind Beneath My Wings”

Isaac sat in a pew next to Camilla as the processional music began.

He swelled with pride as he watched Iris come up the aisle in her white satin dress, throwing flower petals.

But when Taryn appeared and began walking up the aisle on Gregor’s arm, Isaac caught his breath. She looked stunning.

Isaac didn’t know what Taryn had been talking about when she had complained about lavender. The color and the dress were perfect for her. It was a floor-length sleeveless satin sheath, and she had gauzy wrap at her elbows. Gregor had let her long hair air-dry, and had attached tiny rhinestone clips all through it. Isaac watched as the sun beaming through the stained glass windows caught the rhinestones and made them sparkle. She smiled widely at Isaac as she walked toward the front of the church.

When the wedding party was in place, the organist broke into “Here Comes the Bride,” and the congregation stood.

Lindsey was radiant. Her floor-length white dress had a halter-style top, and she carried a huge bouquet of gardenias. Her smile was dazzling as always.

When Lindsey and her father reached the altar, Cameron took Lindsey’s hand and helped her up the step to stand next to him. The minister began to speak, and Isaac listened with great interest to the things he was saying.

“Do you, Cameron Scott, take this woman, Lindsey Faye, to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

Isaac had been to weddings before, but now he was really listening to what was being said. Cameron and Lindsey were pledging their love to one another forever. Isaac smiled to himself. Maybe it just takes being in love with someone to realize what weddings are really all about, he thought.

When Cam and Lindsey were pronounced husband and wife and they kissed, the room erupted into applause. Isaac smiled. They really were a beautiful couple.

As they began down the aisle, Isaac was heartened by how happy they looked. He smiled widely at Taryn as she followed Cam and Lindsey.

Someday, he thought. Someday that’s going to be me getting married. And maybe, just maybe, Taryn will be up there with me.

On to Chapter 53
Back to Chapter 51