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Chapter 55

You said
I caught you
Cause I want you and
One day I’ll let you go
You try to give away a keeper
Or keep me ‘cause you know
You’re just so scared to lose
And you say
Stay …
-Lisa Loeb & Nine Stories, “Stay”

The letter dropped from Isaac’s hands and floated to the floor of the bedroom he and his brothers shared. Taylor and Zac, sitting on their beds, noticed all the color drain from Isaac’s face.

“What’s wrong, Ike?” Taylor asked.

Isaac got up and left without a word, shutting the door behind him.

Taylor and Zac exchanged a look, and Taylor picked the letter up off the floor. Zac came up behind him to read over his shoulder.

Dear Isaac,
I am so sorry to be doing this in a letter, but to be honest I just can’t bring myself to talk to you.
I know you must be confused about why I haven’t called you or returned your calls. The fact is, I have been doing a lot of soul searching, and I have decided something.
This relationship we’ve got going has got to end. Please don’t think it’s because anything I’ve said to you has been a lie. I love you so very much, which is why I think it’s best if we cool it. I can’t ask you to continue this thing long distance, because it’s too hard on all of us.
I have taken another job, and will be moving in the next week. Please don’t come looking for me or ask my mother or Cam or Gregor where I am. I need to concentrate on my career right now, and maybe you should do the same. You are an amazingly talented musician, and you and your brothers have a great future ahead of you. I feel like I have monopolized time you should have been spending on your music these last few months.
Be well, and be happy. You are loved by so many people, including me.
Love always,

Zac and Taylor looked at each other.

“Oh, no,” Zac said quietly.

“Wow,” Taylor said. “This is really going to screw him up.”

Zac shook his head. “I didn’t think she’d do this.”

“Me either,” Taylor agreed. “I don’t think he saw it coming, either.”

Zac sighed. “Well, we should get to the studio,” he said.

“Yeah,” Taylor said. “Maybe that will help him get his mind off this.”

“He’ll be okay, won’t he?” Zac asked.

Taylor nodded. “We’ll help him through,” he said. “Women will come and go, but family is forever.”

On to The Epilogue
Back to Chapter 54