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An Eternal Kiss

“I thought you said Zac was the evil one.”

“He is.”

“Then why are you the one who wants to kill our little brother?”

“If I don’t do it then Zac will. Zac will try to turn him, but Mackie hasn’t experienced sin so it won’t work. Zac will be brutal, he likes to “play” with his food. I can make it sweet for him. It’ll be easier for him. We could make it look like an accident, and I need you to play along with me so everyone will believe my, our, story.”

“I won’t help you kill my little brother.”

“Isaac you don’t understand. If I don’t, if we don’t, then Zac will. You don’t know what Zac’s like now. It’ll be horrible for Mackie. It would be easier for us, for everyone, if it looks like Mack died on accident and not because he was brutally torn apart at the neck.”

“What kind of accident?”

Taylor put on a theatric pose and proceeded as if he were telling the tale to his parents, complete with a few tears. “He was playing on the swings after the party, and we left him alone just for a minute. I guess he tried to jump off, but he didn’t land right. He fell, and when we came back he was just lying there. We called for help, but it was too late. He died instantly when he fell, breaking his neck. But don’t worry, the paramedics said it was over fast and that he hardly felt any pain.”

“What if they ask to see the paramedics?”

“Oh they will, I have no doubt of that. So I’ll drain him, then once he’s died I’ll break his neck. Then we call the paramedics. He’ll still be warm, and so it will be just like he really had fallen off the swings.”

“Taylor I don’t like this at all.”

“It’s the only way, believe me.” Isaac bowed his head, and nodded.


“Hey Mack, want to see the playground where we used to play?” Taylor grinned at the young boy.

“Yes, I would like that very much.” Mackenzie replied, politely.

“Taylor, that place is so run down, Mom would kill us just for bringing him there.” Isaac whispered.

“That’s the point. We tell her he asked to go there, because we played there. Then we let him play and were watching him. We thought we heard something in the woods, but it came from different directions so we split up to check out both locations and when we came back, there he was.”

“What are you guys talking about?”

“A movie we saw last night.”

“Was it a good movie?”

“No, it was sad.”

“Why was it sad?”

“Because people died.”


“Here we are.” Taylor pointed towards a rickety old swing set and jungle gym.

“You played here?”


“It’s ugly.”

Taylor laughed. “It didn’t use to be.”

“Is it safe?”

“Yeah, it should be.” In response, Mackie ran to the swings.

“Taylor, when are you going to…you know. Because I don’t want to watch.”

Taylor nodded. “I’ll do it right now.”

“Hey, Mack. Come here and look at the jungle gym with me.”

“Okay.” Mackenzie climbed onto Taylor’s lap when Taylor beckoned.

“When I was little I came here and I sat in this spot so I could think.”

“What did you think about.”

“All kinds of things. Music, TV, girls, you.”


“You’re a sweet kid, Mack, but you were always with Zac. I was afraid I wouldn’t get to know you well enough.”

“Oh.” Taylor listened to Mackie’s voice as it assumed a monotonous state.

“I wanted to be the one you came to when you cried. I wanted to be your big brother, you real big brother. But it was Zac.”

“I’m sorry, Tay-tay.” Mackenzie turned and his little arms wrapped around his brother’s neck bestowing upon him a delicate a hug.

Taylor choked back a tear, he didn’t think it would have been so hard. “I can’t.” He put his head in his hands and wept.

The trance was broken. “Tay? Are you okay?” Mackenzie placed a concerned little hand on Taylor’s shoulder.

“Taylor?” Isaac peeked timidly around the corner.

“Let’s go.” Taylor lightly grasped Mackenzie’s hand and began walking home.



The 11th Night

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