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An Eternal Kiss

“Why didn’t you?”

“I couldn’t do it Ike! Why are you so angry? You didn’t want me to in the first place!”

“But you told me what Zac was going to do to him, and I wanted you to do it. Because I trust you.”

“I couldn’t do that to my family.”

“You did it to Zac.”

“I was mad at Zac, I wanted him to suffer. Also, I didn’t want to be alone in the new hell I was living. I made a mistake, I was wrong.”

“So what do we do now?”

“Maybe I’ll try again later.”

“What makes you think you can do it this time?”

“I have to.”

Isaac sighed and shook his head.


“Hey Mackie.”

“Hi Zac.”

“What’s up?”


“You okay?”

“Yep. I’m bored.”

“Wanna do something?”

“Nah, I want Taylor to take me somewhere.”

“Where’s that?”

“His old playground.”

“Well, I can take you.”

Mackenzie seemed to contemplate this idea. “Okay.” He extended his hand and Zac led him out the door.


“Oh God! Where’s Macks? IKE!!!”

“Jesus Christ, what’s your problem?”

“I can’t find Mackenzie.”

“He left with Zac a few minutes ago.”

“He what?! Why’d you let him go? Oh my God…” Taylor raced out of the house.


Mackenzie cowered in a corner, Zac slowly closing in on him. “Come here, Mackie.” He crooned. He was hungry, and he was hyper. Leaving his prey subject to his playfulness, a cruel and unfortunate fate.

“Please go away.” Mackie whimpered. Zac had never scared him like this before.

“Go away? Go away?!? Now is that anyway to treat your big brother?”

“You’re not my big brother.”

Zac hissed and grabbed Mackenzie’s soft cheeks with sharp fingernails. “Then what am I?”

“You’re a monster!” Mackie brought his foot up between Zac’s legs as hard as he could and began to run. “Somebody save me!” He screamed.


“Taylor!” Mackenzie ran to his brother and leapt into his arms.

“What happened?”

“Zac…he…he scared me.”

“It’s okay, baby. It’s okay.” Taylor’s fingertips checked the young boy’s neck for marks. “Don’t worry,” he kissed his cheek. “Everything will be fine.”

“You.” Zac emerged from around the corner, he was nearly drunk in his rage. “You ruin everything.” He growled.

“You can’t do it, Zac. He’s too pure to turn.”

“No he’s not, you can turn anyone.”

Taylor scoffed, setting Mackenzie on the ground. “Why do you think I took you to all those whores? I couldn’t turn you unless you committed sins. Premarital sex, that’s how I turned too.”

“You were just weak. You needed the sin, you couldn’t…”

Taylor slammed Zac against the wooden post. I’m not weak. I’m stronger than you.”

Zac chuckled. “Temper, temper.”

Taylor breathed out, he glanced at the ground, trying to regain his composure. That was a mistake. Zac’s fist came hard into Taylor’s stomach. His other hand pushed Taylor to the ground. He lunged for Mackie.

“Come here you little runt!”

“No!” Taylor grabbed Zac’s pant cuff, pulling him off balance and away from their brother.

“Stop getting in the way!” Zac seethed.

“Leave him alone!”

“I’ll do whatever I want.”

“The hell you will.”

“To hell with you!”

“I’m already there!”

“Stop fighting!” Mackenzie’s voice was shrill, fearful, and thick with emotion.

“It’s okay, don’t worry.” Taylor reached out to soothe the child.

“Shut up, you little shit.” Blind with his rage Zac reached out and threw Mackie aside.

“Zac, no! Think about what you’re doing!”

“I’m going to kill you.” Zac hissed.

Mackenzie stood up, his brother’s oblivious. He ran to the swings and began to pump. He swung higher and higher, as if the higher he got, the safer he’d be.

“Clear your head! You’re hungry, you need to feed, but don’t do it on Mackie.” Taylor’s voice was smooth. His eyes warmly took Zac in, and his voice slowly hypnotized him.

Zac stared, lost in the trance. “You’re right.” Zac hung his head and Taylor opened his arms to Zac. “I’m sorry.”

Taylor turned to the jungle gym. “Macks? Mackie?” He called louder. He broke into a jog. “Where’d he go?”

Zac looked at Taylor, his eyes full of sorrow and fear. Mackie was the one thing he still truly loved. In unison they called “Mackenzie!!!” Then they heard the scream.

“Oh, God…no…please no.”

The Twelveth Night