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An Eternal Kiss


"Wait, please." His smooth voice whispered with the wind after the frantic cries of a young girl.

"Get away from me!"

"Don't you want an autograph?"

"NO! I changed my mind, go away."

He stepped closer in, his cologne tantalizingly strong. "Do you really want me to leave?"

His breath tickled her face and his eyes peered into hers, as if he could control her by looking at her. She trembled, as she shook her head 'no.'

"Then why were you telling me to leave?"

"I...I...was scared."

"Why were you scared?"

"Because, you're not the same. You're different."

"Everyone changes, don't they?"

"I suppose so."

"Please don't be afraid of me." He held out his hand to her and led her further down the alley. She was such a child, barely 8 years old. Her name was Felice, and she had had her birthday just yesterday.

"Why do you look so scary?" She asked.

"It's dark out, everyone looks different in the dark."

"Oh. Do I look different in the dark?"

"A little bit. You look much prettier in the dark."



She giggled.



"May I kiss you?"


"Why not?" He stared into her large, round eyes once more, as if he were trying to manipulate her through his eyes.

"Because my mommy and daddy don't want me to kiss boys. I'm too little."

"You're not too little. You're practically a...a teenager."

"No, I'm only 8."

"Well you look like you could be almost 14."



"Thank you, sir."

"Can I kiss you?"


"Why not?"

"Because you're too old. And my mommy and daddy don't want me to be with older boys."

"But you're mommy and daddy don't have to know do they?"

"I tell my mommy and daddy everything."

"Really? We couldn't even have this one little secret?"


He held her hands tightly and guided her onto his lap. He pulled her hair away from her neck and let his face nuzzle her soft skin. "You're so pretty, Felice."

"I am?"

"Yes, you are."

"Thank you."

"I'm going to kiss you now, is that okay?"

"If you want to." Her voice took on a monotone, and her eyes drifted into the distance.

"I want to. I really want to." And as he kissed her neck, the child fell limply into his arms without even a whimper.



The Second Night

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