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The Nineteenth Night

She walked quickly and angrily. She hadn't spoken save her heavy gasping breaths.

"Slow down," he reached out and touched her elbow, which she recoiled immediately.

"Shut up. It's your fault he did this to me."
Taylor hung his head. "He left you for the dead. He left you to the mercy of a fire. I saved you!"

She spun around. "What the hell makes you think I wanted to be saved? I would be happy dead." Her voice cracked and her face wrinkled. "I don't know what to do. I was relying on that when I turned he would teach me. I thought maybe he'd love me. And when he left, when he left with her, I prayed I would die."

"You weren't dead all that time?"

"No. Taylor, that was the best moment of my life. Just feeling him holding me, and wishing for me. That I would be his and be with him. I've never felt wanted before, and I felt like it in that moment. Of course I couldn't move, you know because of the change and all. But I wanted to, to tell him I was his and I was the way he wanted me to be. And then he wouldn't have left with her."

Taylor kept up her pace as she continued at an angry speed somewhere down the road. "Where are we going?"

"To find him."


"Look at him Zac, he's cute."

"I think he's ugly."

"Look at that vein, it throbs a little as he sleeps. Isn't that cute?"

"No, but it does look like it tastes good."

"You've got a yummy family, did you know that?"

"I wouldn't, Taylor killed the one I wanted."

"He didn't mean to kill Mackenzie."

"How would you know?"

"As his Mother-after-life, I can tap into his thoughts, his actions, and his whereabouts. He didn't mean to kill him, he was going to and then he changed his mind. He just wanted to hurt you."

Zac clenched and unclenched his fists. "I'll get him back." He took a step towards Isaac.

The door flung open.

Isaac woke up with a start. "Oh my god!"

Zac laughed, he didn't even bother to turn to the door. He should have.

She flung herself into him and knocked him against the wall. "You fucking son of a bitch."

Zac laughed, "Hey Tay, you hear that? She just called you a bitch."

"You left me there!" She screamed.

He squirmed. "I didn't think you were gonna come through for me, sweetie."

"Sweetie my ass." She tightened her grip.

"You know, you're pretty strong for just turning."

Taylor helped Isaac up and led him to the door. "We stopped for a bite to eat."

She smiled, red still dripping on her lips. "Taylor's a gentleman, he opens doors, he shares, and he never leaves."

Zac moved to kiss her, to taste the blood on her teeth. "See, I always thought that was one of his most unattractive attributes."

"Get your own." She dropped him to the floor. "Zac, you're pathetic, you really are. You're needy and you're a power fiend. You can't get enough, and you don't realize when you have it. You make me sick."

Venisa stepped in front of Zac, "Have respect for your father. You should thank him for making you what you are."

"Whatever." Kara turned to leave. "Taylor can we go now?"

Zac's eyes widened, "Taylor? You're leaving with Taylor?"

"He didn't leave me to die in flames."

"I thought you were already dead."

"Dumb ass, I just turned and I already know that's a crock of shit. You knew I would turn. And you left me. And let me tell you, that is a sick joke. But if it's how you get your kicks just remember to leave me out of it next time."

"She said you weren't going to turn." He pointed, scared to Venisa.

"You are pathetic. Those were cheap lies she told you. And you fell for it. You don't deserve me." She got on her knees before him and close to him, almost in his arms. "I was going to worship you," she breathed. "I was going to fulfill your every need and belong to you like you always wanted me to." She rose and delivered a swift kick to his stomach. "But you left me." She turned and with Isaac on one side of her and Taylor on the other she called over her should, "Tell me, do you like how it feels?"

The Twentieth Night


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