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An Eternal Kiss

“Hey Tay?”

Zac leaned over his brother, his thoughts remaining on last night.


“Do you do that every night?”

“Yeah, pretty much.”

“Can I go again tonight?”

“Why? You didn’t get your fill?”

“I just wanted to experience it again. I’ve never had such amazing feelings. Some one screaming your name in complete pleasure. Begging for parts of you that your girlfriends normally turned away from. The head she gave, the way her body drank it. It was so surreal, I need it again.”

Taylor smiled. Maybe Zac wasn’t so bad after all. “Yeah, no problem, we can do it again tonight.”


That night they took a different path to the downtown. To find “different merchandise” as Taylor had put it. There were girls of every corner, and Zac was too horny to control himself.

“Keep your hands to yourself.” Taylor hissed.


“Because as soon as you touch one you owe them money.”


Taylor spotted a young girl, she was thin and gangly looking. From the looks of it, he would be doing her a favor.

“Hi.” He stated.

“No!” Zac whispered.


“She’s too thin, she’s gross. Get that one over there.” A busty red-head stood across the street. But Taylor’s mind was made up.

“What’s you’re name?”


“Hi, Angelina. I’m Taylor.”


“Would you like to come with me?”

She nodded and took his hand, with an angry Zac sulking behind them.


Angelina was only 13. Her real name was Sarah. Her parents had died when she was 7 and she had been on the streets ever since. She had only become a hooker a few months ago. She was scared, but eager for money.

“Zac, I’ll go first and then you can have your turn. But be careful not to kill her, with all that energy you’ve got.” Taylor smiled.

“Yeah whatever.”

“And promise me, you’ll stay right here, don’t go after any others. We only have enough money for one.” Zac nodded and slumped to the ground outside the shabby hotel door.

“So, Angelina, would you be willing to tell me more about yourself?” Taylor took of his shirt and pants and watched intently as she slowly undid her dress.

“I went to school, until my dad lost his job and then we moved to the downtown. The next year they were killed in a car accident, and you know the rest.” She was completely naked and straddling him softly on a chair. His fingers probed inside her. He wanted her to have an orgasm before he fed. He felt bad for her and wanted her to have one bit of pleasure. If he timed it just right, maybe he could have his pleasure and she would have hers at the same time.

“Taylor, you’re so big. I’ve never had anyone that big try me before.”

“It’s okay.” He could hear her whimpering, shivering as the wind whipped through the broken shutters of the room.

“Please, I’m not too good at this, be gentle with me.” She was begging, so afraid he would hurt her.

He positioned himself above her and let his tongue tickle her breasts and his hair glaze her chest. “OH!” She screamed as he dove inside her, perhaps a little too quickly. He had always moved quickly with Venisa, and he had forgotten for a moment that this was not she. He had never had sex with the other prostitutes, he had just manipulated them until they had succumbed to his will. As she slowly reached her peak Taylor’s mouth hungrily grasped her neck. She screamed in pleasure and in pain as he drank from her.

“What the fuck are you doing to her?” Zac burst into the room. “It sounds like you’re trying to kill her!”

“Too late, I just did.” Taylor pulled his limp penis from her dead body and threw on his pants. He licked his bloody lip clean.

“What is wrong with you?”

“Nothing, I was just hungry.”

“What? I don’t understand.” Zac began to back towards the doorway.

“But she wasn’t enough Zac, I think I need more!” Taylor lunged towards Zac, his mouth open, fangs glistening in the moonlight.

Screaming, Zac ran as fast as he could towards safety. Wherever that was. Taylor was on his heals he could hear him panting, and as Zac’s head hit the pavement he knew he had lost.

“I’ll save you little brother.” Taylor whispered. He drew Zac’s neck to his mouth and his own wrist to Zac’s mouth. Zac moaned and Taylor smiled. “Maybe now we can get along a little better.”



The 7th Night

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