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I was a loner at school. No nothing. I occasionally got asked out, but I never accepted them. They weren't my type anyways.
"I can't believe I just saw Z...I just saw Z...he's in Myrtle Beach!"I said, softly, to myself, standing at my locker. I turned without looking behind me. I ran right into the hottest boy in school, Josh Anderson. Our books went flying and we both fell on our butts.

'Dear God no!'I thought to myself.

"I am so sorry,"I apologized, not showing my face but picking up the books all over the hall.

"Don't,"he said. "It was my fault." We finished with our books. "I am so sorry about that."

"No, it was my fault. This has a been weird day anyways." He smiled at me. I about melted.

"You're Emma, right?" I nodded.

'He knows my name!'I thought.

"Hi. I'm Josh. Nice to meet you. I have to get to a class. I'll see you around, hopefully.

"Bye!" I turned and walked away. Then, it kind of hit me, I just uttered a word to Joshua Anderson! That got my mind off him for a while.

When I got home, I found a note on the refrigorator. It read:

nsbp;nsbp;nsbp;nsbp;nsbp;nsbp;nsbp;nsbp;nsbp;nsbp;Dear Emma,

We went out tonight. Be home around 1 or 2am.

nsbp;nsbp;nsbp;nsbp;nsbp;nsbp;nsbp;nsbp;nsbp;nsbp;Jenny and Mike

"Great. They're always gone. Probably went to another party or something,"I said aloud. I checked the voicemail. There was one message. That one message changed my life forever.

"Emma,"the voice rang in my ears as clear as a bell. "I know you'll know who this is. I called to tell you that I saw you earlier today. I had forgotten how beautiful you really are. We haven't spoken in like three years all cause of me. I should've never done that to you. I was 14 and that's what scares me. It's been killing me for years now. There has been almost a hole in my heart from where I lost my best friend. I know this means nothing to you, but it's been eating away at me. I know what I did just can't forgive my actions, but I beg of you to find it in your heart to call me." I couldn't call a murderer. He had almost killed me that night! I couldn't just call him up!

Just then, the phone rang. I reached for it, somehow I knew it was him.

"Jones residence."

"Emma?" That voice.

"Zac go away. I have nothing to say to you."

"Em! It's been three years!"

"SO?!?! Do you know what you did to me?! Do know how long I spent in the hospital and rehab?! You almost killed me and you did kill my dad! I'm sorry, but it doesn't matter that it's been three years."

"Emma, after I did that to you, it's consumed me. I think about you every single day of my life, wondering if you are ok. I wanted to know so bad if you could utter a word to me. I was dying inside. I've never been the same after I lost you."

"Zac, it's the fact that you practically killed my dad! Do you know what it feels like to be lying in a hospital bed knowing your dad was dead?! I don't think so! My mom left me and my dad like 15 years agp so I had no one! Absolutely no one!"

"Emma, it was an accident. I didn't mean to kill your dad. I--"his voice started to fade away, like he was crying. "I've missed you."

"Well, I haven't missed you. I mean, just because you were mad at me for accidently messing up the tape you had been recording on doesn't mean that gives you a right to go beat me up! You shoved me into the road! You saw that car coming! You basically killed the only person who loved me. I'm sorry Zac, but I can't stand around and talk to a murderer."

"Emma, I never meant to kill your dad. I was just mad and I--"

"Oh yeah, Zac, I know what you did. I was the one that got his by the station wagon. Goodbye Zac." I hung up the phone. I fell back into a chair. It had already been three years since that terrible night.
Chapter 3