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The Face of PowerRoman Column

Commentary for December 10, 2000

I know I haven’t updated this site like I should be doing. In fact, I probably wouldn’t be updating now, but I have something that has been brewing in me for a couple of days now, and I have got to get it out before I explode.

Before I get into that let me get this out of the way. A very special thanks to John Scarbrough for bringing me back to TCW. It’s great to be back and I plan to make this a good run. Thanks to John and Paul Lewis for the way they handled things Saturday.

Thanks to Mike Paige and Joey Corman for your kind words in your commentaries. You are both valued friends.

I am probably going to get a lot of heat for writing this commentary. Anyone who knows me knows that my mouth usually works against me. It hasn’t always been a positive asset. In fact, it has gotten me fired more times that I care to mention here. But recently I have learned to keep it under control. But this is one of those times where something HAS to be said.

Now onto the reason I am writing this. I haven’t been in the business very long (2 years for those of you keeping track). But in that relatively short time I have seen a lot of things, both normal and very abnormal. Entertaining and depressing, sometimes simultaneously. I have seen wrestlers of all size, ability, and attitudes. You can work around the size and ability. But often times the attitude is a huge problem. You can try to solve it with a simple stiff shot to the face, or repeated ones if need be. But still, the attitude remains in tact, even if only hanging by a thread.

If you ask me, there is no room for people like that in this business. The wrestling business that we all know and love is a WORK! It’s called a work for a reason. It’s not me vs. my opponent. It’s me and my opponent vs. the crowd--the people who have paid their hard earned money to be entertained. How can WE WORK TOGETHER to make the people get their money’s worth? But it doesn’t always work out that way. In every locker room, in every wrestling promotion (big or small) in every territory there is always someone who thinks that they are bigger than the promotion, bigger than the business, and that’s bullshit! We are family. We live together, we die together. Without each other, life on the road would get pretty lonely. Without cooperation from one another, matches would be pretty boring, and quite dangerous.

Some people think that they are above putting someone else over. They think that they don’t have to treat everyone--”outsider” or not--like a part of the locker room, and that’s where the shit starts. If you can’t have peace and harmony in the locker room, you can’t have a damn thing! Really, when it all breaks down, who is anyone in this business? No one in this business is any better or any worse than anyone else. Oh sure, some are much more talented--or less talented, as the case may be--than others. But when you look at what they offer, no one is above anyone else. Everyone has their place in this business, a function that they serve to better the promotion for which they work. Some people fail to realize this and think that they must always be on top, even if it comes at the expense of someone else. They get the “Fuck him, I’m putting myself over” attitude that is all too common in this business.

Well to those people, I say this: Fuck you! You have no place in this business. You can shoot all you want, and that’s fine. I’m not a fighter. I’m a fucking worker! Why don’t you try that once or twice?!?!?!?!?! I know it’s a bit of a challenge.

When you have accomplished the things that I have in the amount of time that I have, then come talk to me! For that last statement, you can call me egotistical, call me big-headed, but most of all call me someone who isn’t afraid to shoot from the hip!

Until next time, take care!

Brad's Video Review