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The Face of PowerRoman Column

Commentary for October 14, 2005

Hello, and welcome to Bad Brad's commentary. This is a little bit late I realize, but I have my reasons. I have been completely preoccupied with the decision to move to Louisville, KY. I arrived this past week, and began going through the training camp on Monday. Let me be the first to tell you that it is tough. I haven't been that sore in a while. I can already tell that I am going to be pushed to my limits and I welcome the challenge.

There are a lot of great people there. Mo Green is a class act and a lot of fun. Rip Rogers is a laugh riot. Attending the TV taping--getting a chance to see Stevie Richards and Jamie Noble in action--was a pleasure. Attending the post-show meeting, led by Paul Heyman was a thrill. Ohio Valley Wrestling is certainly the place to be. Roadkill, the Heart Throbs, Bobby Lashley, Maria, and Jillian Hall were all in attendance. The Tollands made their last appearance before making their way to Smackdown.

I will keep everyone updated on the happenings here in Louisville. With that said, let's get to part 2 of the driving experiences.

There was a time where myself and Big Money had to make a trip to Palestine, TX to pick up our dear friend Vintage Viper. After 3 hours at the Chinese Buffet, and an hour and a half of watching the Vintage One talk to someone he knew, we were on our way back to Oklahoma City. We made it to Pauls Valley, which is about 30 or 45 minutes from our final destination. We were cruising along, driving about 70 MPH, talking about God knows what. All of a sudden a strange object with eyes passed my line of vision. I slammed on the brakes, but not soon enough. We careened right into whatever it was. I continued to drive for a few feet, all the while hearing that something was being dragged beneath the car. We all assumed that this huge animal was now trapped underneath the ol' Thunder Chicken, and if it was still alive, was probably quite angry. Finally one of us decided to peek out the door and under the carriage of the vehicle. It was a rubber piece from the car that was being dragged. We decided to pull over and attempt to find what it was that we had struck. We walked over a mile back and found not so much as a drop of blood, providing any clues to what had just happened. We wound up hitching a ride home and the Thunder Chicken spent some time in the shop.

One of the Bastard’s who will remain nameless like to make comments to the toll booth attendant’s while traveling the pay roads of Oklahoma. It was all in fun–totally harmless. The fun would eventually come to an end. One night after referring to respective attendants as “Thick Lips”, “Pepper Nuts”, & “Smelly Crotch” the Chickasha police gave the Bastard’s wife a call, attempting to let him know that this behavior would no longer be tolerated. The Bastard would later have to attend a meeting with the Chickasha District Attorney. He was let off with a stern warning, and he never “harassed” a toll booth attendant again.

On a trip to Denton, TX for XCW Tyler Bateman and Chris Matthews were listening to an Elvis CD. I don’t recall whether I was in a bad mood, whether I didn’t like the particular song, or whether I just didn’t want to listen to anymore of the King. Either way, I decided that the CD needed to end. They put up a fight. So, as the crabby driver that I am/was, I decided to pull the car over to the shoulder until the matter was resolved. I honestly don’t remember the end result, but I still taking a verbal beating over this incident.

When Angel Williams left Oklahoma to move to Phoenix, AZ, the Bastards decided to have a going away party for him. Most of the party was video taped. One of the OKB’s couldn’t make the party, as he was employed at Christie’s Toy Boy, a filth shop, if you will. We decided to take the party to him, video camera and all. I had been drinking, and wasn’t suited to drive. I handed my keys over to Vintage Viper, as I sat in the back seat and ran the video camera. As we are taking an off ramp from the highway, Viper’s eyes are fixed on the back seat, cutting his Robert Stack promo. He denies it to this day, despite the fact that I have video evidence.

On a trip to Mineral Wells, TX for Texas Outlaw Promotions, with Striker and Hardcore Humpin’’ Holly along for the ride we caught up to Coach Tool and his wife driving along side us. We passed them. Moments later they caught back up, only this time the wife was missing. All we could see was blonde hair flowing wildly in the wind, near the Coach’s lap. The only way I knew it was a rib was that no one could possibly get past Coach’s belly while seated to get to his private area.

The final story is my Mario Andretti impersonation. Myself and Cruize Control were driving to McAlester, OK for a show. The car in front of me was driving way too slow, as was the car in the left lane. I was probably driving 80 MPH or more. But that is irrelevant. I decided to do the only logical thing I could–pass on the shoulder. What I hadn’t bargained on was the parked car on the shoulder. In true professional wheel man fashion, I veered back onto the interstate, narrowly escaping certain death.

Well I hope you enjoyed these stories, as much as I enjoyed living them. Take care and see you next time.

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