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The Face of PowerRoman Column

Commentary for February 28, 2005

Welcome to another installment of Bad Brad’s commentary. Didn’t update for a few weeks, but I am going to try to update at least every other week, if not every week. Thanks for stopping by. Feel free to leave any sort of feed back on the message board. I enjoy hearing from all of you. I have a lot of stuff to cover this week, so without further adieu, let’s get started.

On March 12 I traveled to Wichita Falls, TX to work for Ted DiBiase's Heart of David Ministries and Power Wrestling Alliance. It was a privilege and an honor to work with the man formerly known as “The Million Dollar Man.” I would like to thank Dusty Wolfe for the booking. I would also like to thank Ted and George South (one of the most famous enhancement talents ever) for their kindness and professionalism. Thanks also to the Evangel Temple for their hospitality. The crowd was great and very appreciative of the wrestling action and the message that came along with it. I wrestled Big John O’Malley. We had a great match. Despite my numerous attempts to stay in the fight hitting a bulldog and a missile dropkick, O’Malley dominated the match. Bad Brad came out on top in the end with a school boy roll-up, followed by a quick exit. During the course of the match, I sustained a cut in my lip that I could stick my tongue in (ala Mick Foley). After much deliberation, I decided to forgo getting stitched up. Thanks to Aaron and Renee for the use of the rocket on this trip.

Also in the locker room that night were Rick Steiner and Road Warrior Animal. They were both class acts. The funniest moment of the night came when Rick mentioned that he would be going back to Noah in April. Animal asked if Rick could put in a good word for him. Rick, without missing a beat, replied, “Got a tape?” It was classic.

The following day I headed to Arlington, TX and the PCW Arena. It was a benefit show for a good friend of mine--Joey Corman, who recently underwent surgery to remove his left testicle, and has been undergoing radiation treatment to completely rid his body of the cancer. I haven’t been to Texas to wrestle in nearly two years. It was great to see many of the guys I haven’t seen in forever. Namely, it was great to see Paul Lewis, John Allen, Epi, Kahn, Gemini, the Brown Brothers, Drunk Adam, Mike Paige, Zane Morris, and the Overboyz. It’s been way too long, guys. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that Cowboy Seth Patel tagged along with us on the way to Arlington. Always great having him around.

Tyler Bateman, “Big Money” Chris Matthews and myself, managed by Paul Lewis, comprised the Old School Assassins on that particular night to take on The Overboyz--Joey Corman, Samir, and Zane Morris. The OSA took to the ring and grabbed the mic, cutting a fairly controversial promo. I stated that cancer was my friend, but that it didn’t finish the job, so I was more than willing to do so myself. I then mentioned, since it was a charity show to raise money for Joey’s medical bills, that I wasn’t surprised. Anything to do with Joey’s testicles would have to be charity. The match went over great. It was a pleasure being in the ring with those three after so long. They were a walk in the park as always, some things never change. The final moments of the match saw Zane Morris trip over Tyler and catch me in the mouth with the point of his elbow, leaving a gaping hole in my lip. I would like to take this opportunity to send a huge THANKS to Terry “The Book” Stephens for his help. He rushed me to the Arlington Memorial Hospital, and sat with me, until things were under control. It was a selfless act. Thanks again bud. I owe you one. After three hours in the ER, the doctor decided against stitching me up, citing the high possibility of an infection, being that the cut was all inside my mouth, which is flowing with germs.

The following Saturday, March 19, took me to the Mid-South Wrestling Alliance show in Oklahoma City. Recently, I have been attending the shows, occasionally getting involved if members of the OSA get out of hand. On this day, the OSA called me to the ring, and announced that they had petitioned the executive committee to reinstate me. I had lost a retirement match a year earlier to Chris Matthews. The OSA went on to say that the committee had agreed to reinstate me, and that I would have my first match back that very afternoon. I naturally assumed that the match would be with a member of the OSA since they were so eager to get me back in the ring. The quickly made it known that this was not the case. I would be facing an up-and-comer, the Canadian Luchadore. I won’t lie. The match wasn’t my best. I fractured my hand throwing a punch on the so-called “Luchadore”. In the end, I finished the match with a piledriver for a successful return.

In closing, I would like to invite everyone to check out my links page. There are several new additions. Check out the images page for several new photos as well. Also, check out MSWA wrestling in Oklahoma City on Fox 25, cable channel 12, every Friday night at 1:30 AM.. The show needs a lot of work, but it is some much needed exposure for MSWA.

Lastly, if you want some awesome merchandise, drop me a line. I have 8x10’s and 4x6’s, autographed. Also, I have some “OSA SUCKS” t-shirts. And, from my time as a member of that same group, I still have a stock pile of “Old School Assassins--Now That’s Old School” shirts. If you would like to order any of the above items, please drop me a line at

Thanks for stopping in this week. Check back later for another update.

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