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The Face of PowerRoman Column

Commentary for April 13, 2005

Hello, everyone, and welcome to another of Bad Brad’s commentary. Just a quick note on the happenings of this past weekend. The Mid-South Wrestling Alliance show in Oklahoma City on April 2, 2005 opened with Jesse Storm calling me to the ring for a little mic time. I went on to discuss how the OSA is without purpose since I left the organization and that it is now a shell of its former self. This brought the OSA--Big Money Chris Matthews and Jimmy Cruize to the ring. The argument finally led to blows, and the numbers game won over. Matthews sent me to the floor, where I eventually found a bar stool, that I would hit Jimmy with, sending him running. Later in the evening the OSA double-teamed Aaron Neil. This didn’t sit too well with me, so I decided to interject, and even the score.

Now that the necessities are out of the way, let me get into the main point of my commentary this week. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a locker room controversy, until this past Saturday. Normally, the details wouldn’t be discussed on this or any other website. But I just can’t resist writing my observations of this incident.

The setting is MSWA in Oklahoma City. The match is Prince Alfarat (complete with hook boots) vs. “Wildman” Johnny Walker (complete with stolen Slim Jim spokesperson gimmick). Walker was trained by Tom Jones at The Junction in San Antonio nearly 20 years ago. About 2 months ago he came back on the scene. This man has flashy gear. This man has his own Miss Elizabeth in training--if only he would lock her in a closet somewhere, so the boys wouldn’t have to see her. This man has the most famous “What?” since Stone Cold Steve Austin. He does however, have one small drawback. Okay…maybe it isn’t so small. He doesn’t like putting people over.

So, the stage is set. It’s match time. Not long after the match started, those of us in the locker room heard the bell ring, signaling the end of the match. Announcer Jesse Storm said, “The winner of the match, by disqualification, Wildman Johnny Walker.” I looked out the curtain and saw Walker locked in Alfarat’s camel clutch. I turn away to hear the guy with the pencil say that Alfarat was supposed to go over. That’s right, someone went into business for themselves. I look back out the curtain to see Walker on his feet, having miraculously recovered from the camel clutch that was administered a mere 2 minutes earlier.

The combatants made it back to the locker room, where the bookers confronted both of them about the changed finish. Both men gave a different story, faulting the other for the change. Referee Willard the Bump said Walker was bitching about having to do the J.O.B., so Alfarat changed the finish to shoving the referee, causing the DQ.

As the minutes passed, the tension mounted. Everyone kept their distance from the two involved…except for the retards. That’s right, the resident ‘tards rallied around their macho friend, discussing what had just transpired. I glanced over to see this and immediately labeled it a “’Tard Revolt.” I knew we may soon have a fight on our hands. Alas, nothing came of it. The ‘tards kept to themselves, knowing better than to approach anyone.

It’s little things like this that make me love the wrestling business. These gems don’t happen nearly often enough. Thanks for stopping by this week. Don’t forget to post on the message board, check out the archives for any commentaries you may have missed, and check the front page for merchandise.

Until next time,

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