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The Face of PowerRoman Column

Commentary for April 19, 2005

Welcome to another installment of Bad Brad’s commentary, and another interesting week in my life. Since today is April 19th, I would be remiss if I did not mention the 10th anniversary of the bombing on Oklahoma City. As an Oklahoman I will never forget, and my thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims as this is a difficult day for them. A couple of quick things right off the bat. Thanks to Jimmy Cruize for the excellent match that we had this past weekend. He once again proved why he is the best worker in the region, in my (and many others) opinion. I would also like to say that I am very disturbed by the current investigation that my buddy Bernie is launching at his place of employment--especially the photographic evidence. I would go into more details here, but it’s just too disturbing.

I got a piece of information recently that I found quite interesting. Apparently the building that I broke into the business in, and spent 3 years working in each week is one of the most haunted buildings in that area. The fine folks at GHOULI (Ghost Haunts of Oklahoma & Urban Legend Investigation) visited the building and saw numerous signs of paranormal activity. Most interesting was when the investigators read off a list of Mid-South wrestlers that they found in the building, which led to large orbs moving across the building. I am in the process of contacting GHOULI to get more information. I will post more information as it becomes available to me.

Now onto my rant for the week. Disrespect. This past weekend, I worked a show that will remain nameless. Upon arriving at the building I was told that the building was being rented out for a wedding rehearsal party at 4:00. Bell time for the show was 2:30. So we had to squeeze everything into an hour and a half. Meanwhile “Tom McMahon” was pacing around backstage saying, “We’re not selling time. Just go out there and get it over with as soon as possible.” I feel that when you do that, you short change the fans. That is how crowds are lost. Give them their money’s worth, and don’t put us in a situation where we can’t fully give them that.

So it’s time for the main event. I’m not big on the Dave Meltzer star rating system, but I would say this match was at least ****. I’m not trying to be braggadocios, but I consider myself a vet in this area. I have been in the business longer than ¾ of this locker room, and have done more or just as much in the business as anyone in that locker room, save one person. That, I think, warrants me some type of respect. But instead what I get is the owner putting my pay day in my hand as my music is playing for me to go to the ring, because he can‘t wait until after my match to hurry up and leave HIS show. What I also get is “Tom McMahon” at ringside during the whole match, just itching to ring the bell, and start tearing down the ring. What I also get is the mistress of a security guard/referee saying, “Those two asses need to hurry up and get out of the ring.” And to top it all off, after a hard-fought 20 minute main-event match, all I want to do is cool down, get dressed and go to the eating place. As I begin unlacing my boots, I look up, and the locker room curtain is WIDE OPEN, and guys are carrying pieces of the ring back there. Beyond the gaping hole that is the curtain, I see a crowd of people. Fans who haven’t left the building yet, wives waiting for the wrestlers to come out, and the people who were having the party, all in perfect range to see my get naked. So, to show those people the respect that wasn’t being shown to me, and to spare them from seeing my skinny, naked ass, I stepped OUTSIDE behind the building to get dressed. I’ve dressed outside at a show before, but I knew going in that outside was the “locker room”. It’s a sad day when you can’t even get undressed in a professional wrestling locker room.

That’s my rant for this week, thanks for stopping by and reading. Don’t forget to post on the message board and check out the merchandise. If you didn’t catch last weeks commentary about the “Tard Revolt” make sure you click on the “archives” link below.

Until next time,

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