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The Face of PowerRoman Column

Commentary for June 11, 2000

This is Bad Brad back here again. Thanks to everyone who checked out my page last week during its Grand Opening. In this commentary, I will address a lot of topics: My match against Chris Dalton, many upcoming matches, as well as some other tidbits. My main topic will be about the lack of a “brotherhood” in this business, and the backstabbing and back talking that it leads to.

Well, first off, I am fresh off a match at TOPS against the absolutely huge Chris Dalton. Earlier in the night I, along with manager Vinny D, finally got to tell the people of Mineral Wells what I thought of them. It felt so great! Then I turned my attention to the Young Gunns, explaining my turn on them (which you saw last week, EXCLUSIVELY on this very page).

Then came the match. I started off giving everything I had, but it just didn’t seem to affect the big man. Finally, Vinny took his attention, and I took Chris’ leg out. This became my focal point, working the big man’s leg. We traded control of the match back and forth, and by some fluke he got his finishing move, the Sky-High power bomb on me. The 6’3” Dalton lifted me so high, that my head almost hit the lights. But don’t be alarmed. I wasn’t pinned in the center of the ring. My stable-mate The New Dr. X ran in and broke up the pin attempt (because that’s all it was--an attempt). We then commenced to beating the hell out of Chris, and leaving him lying in the middle of the ring friendless. It went down in the record books as a DQ win for Chris, but by the looks of Chris afterwards, I WON THAT MATCH!

I also ran to the ring during the course of the match between Devil Dupree and my FORMER tag team partner Tommy Angel. I busted Tommy with a pair of brass knuckles. I don’t really understand why, but apparently he got mad, went to the match makers and demanded a match with me. So July 15, under the stars--outdoors--it’s Brad and Tommy. I can’t wait!

Check out my schedule page to see when I will be debuting for Texas Nu-Age Wrestling, as well as when I will be doing a benefit for the Terrell School athletics program.

Now onto the main subject of this ramble I call a commentary. Before I start this, I want to make it known that this rant is not directed at anyone or any situation in particular. This business is full of people, both good and bad. Most of the times, the good outweighs the bad, but there are exceptions to everything. Well, lately in this business, in particular the Oklahoma indy circuit, the bad is definitely outweighing the good. Oklahoma has an immense talent pool. Such wrestlers as The New Dr. X, Rebel, Michael Faith, Bryan & Jimmy Cruize, Rocco Valentino, Dark Angel, Bull Schmitt, Striker, Body Count, Heather Savage, Venom, Big Daddy Moore, and the list goes on. With a talent pool like that no one can seem to get along. Whether it is because of egos, misunderstandings, or an outright dislike for someone, there is a major blockade standing in the way of a so-called “brotherhood” in this business. It’s been said so many times--”We are family. We live together, we die together”. Well I used to think that adage was true, but I’m not buying it anymore. There is too much jealousy, too much hatred out there. If we could all just grow up (myself included) and shake these feelings, Oklahoma would once again be the hotbed of pro wrestling that it was 10-15 years ago. I know this may be nothing more than a pipe dream, but I would love to see it transpire. Thanks for listening.

Brad's Video Review