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The Face of PowerRoman Column

Commentary for June 5, 2005

Hello, and welcome again to another installment (albeit, a late one) of Bad Brad’s commentary. I have several things to discuss, so let’s get right into it.

May 7 was Hugo, OK for Mid-South Wrestling Alliance. The road trip was a ton of fun. We loaded down with “Big Money”, Tits McGee, Tyler, Seth Allen, and myself. There was never a dull moment. We were all pleased to once again see the car hoods, spray painted with “Wrestling, 7:00, Auction 5:00 à”, so everyone knew which way to go.

Eric Watts was on the card. He is a class act, and a very funny guy. He kept the entire locker room laughing all night. There was a bit of confusion about his licensing. The former promoter, Josh Cumpton, neglected to send Eric his physical form in the mail so that he could have that done and just buy his license at the show. So Eric spent nearly three hours--most of which took place during the show--searching the entire town of Hugo for a doctor who would give him a physical so that he could be licensed. Eric was literally licensed 10-15 minutes before he went to the ring. This, along with several other reasons led to the removal of Josh Cumpton as co-owner/promoter of this promotion. In the greatest moment of the night, when a fellow Oklahoma Bastard member went to shake Eric’s hand, he instead held out one of his wrestling boots, which bore the logo of “Techno Team 2000.” It was the strangest and funniest thing I believe I have seen.

Match time for me meant a three way dance with Tyler Bateman and Seth Allen. Tyler and I combined forces to reform the original Old School Assassins. As in any match, the referee searched Tyler and I beforehand. The only difference this time being that he found numerous foreign objects on us. Everything from handcuffs to spikes, forks to chains, ropes to fist packs. Tyler shifted one of the objects housed in his tights which caused a huge uproar. A woman in the front row took offense to what she viewed as Tyler touching himself. This let to Nuthouse Fargo, the gentlemen who puts on the shows to come to ringside mid-match and stop the action. He got the attention of the referee and the ring announcer, telling them that if Tyler did one more “provocative move” that he would be suspended, “per Tom Jones.” Needless to say this put a kink in our match flow. But we were able to bring the crowd back into it. Seth got the win after he intercepted one of the foreign object that Tyler attempted to throw to me. The referee, who had been tested to his limits throughout the match, turned a blind-eye, as Seth leveled me for the pin.

After the show we gathered in one of the boys’ hotel room and bullshit until 2 am--mostly about ghost stories. Incidentally, I forgot my video camera in the room when we left that night. Upon being returned to me the following day, it is all kooked out, and hasn’t been the same since.

May 8 was a post-Cinco de Mayo festival in Oklahoma City. It was an outdoor show, and it was 90 degrees outside. The mat is vinyl, which translates to VERY HOT WHEN IN THE SUN. Most of the guys who worked the show seemed to have a problem getting a reaction from the crowd. They decided beforehand that the non-English speaking audience just wouldn’t get it. So I went to work my match with Seth Allen, with the mindset of proving them wrong. We worked old school psychology and “hide the gimmick”. It got over like gold, and Seth and I avoided being on the hot mat very much. I really enjoy working with Seth. He has the most potential of anyone I have seen come along in a long time. He has a certain amount of natural talent and ability. Outside of that he has a really good attitude and is willing to listen so that he can improve.

Next up was a double shot for IZW. My old buddy Rodney Mack was brought in for these shows. I picked Rodney up at the airport and spent some time catching up on old times. The first night was in Oklahoma City. I worked Tyler Bateman. We had a good solid match. Right after our match, Al Snow was up. Being a fan of his work, I wanted to watch his match before I went off to get dressed. I was shocked to see that Al and Trevor Rhodes did essentially the exact same match that Tyler and I had just finished having. Such is the wrestling business.

After the show, many of the boys came to my house and partied it up. The evening was full of much alcohol, story telling, memories relived, and Rodney Mack carrying Tyler Bateman to bed. This went on until 6 am. At 10 am, we were off to MSWA in Oklahoma City for an afternoon show. The advertising for this show had the wrong show time on it, so the show was a flop. (See above about Josh Cumpton).

Once the show was over we packed in the car again for another fun road trip to Lawton, OK for the second IZW show. The show was a lot of fun. The fans were very receptive to my merchandise, which made me happy. There were about 400 people there to watch us, and let me tell you, they were a rowdy crowd. They were given a great show from top to bottom, and they loved every minute of it.

I tagged up with Seth Allen as the Old School Assassins (God, that gimmick gets around) to take on Bernie Donderwitz and John Zorthos. This match was to crown new tag team champions, as the former champs Seven and Luc LaPointe had been stripped of the titles. I felt really good about the match. We went almost twice as long as it was booked to go, but we went on feel and no one who watched was disappointed. In the end Bernie and Zorthos threw Seth into the ring post, eliminating him from the equation. They then distracted the referee and threw powder in my eyes, leading to Bernie hitting the DVD on me for the win, and the tag titles. For a look at this match, check out the picture of the week.

If you've missed any commentaries, check out the archives link below.

I suppose that will do it for this commentary. Hopefully the next one will come a little quicker.

Until next time,

PARENTAL DISCRETION IS ADVISED: OKB member JC has told me if anyone can find video footage of one of his matches that doesn’t suck he will pee in your butt.

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