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Vote for your fave site!

Vote for your fave site!

I get bored sometimes so I thought I might make some big ole award of all awards thingy. So If you would like to nominate your self or some one else(make sure you have their permission) Then E-mail me at And give me the full correct url,and your name and e-mail address incase there are any problems. Or vote for your fave sites now! I'll give my award some time in the next few months! I'll keep ya posted! =) Thanks!

Official voting starts september 1st. So if you vote before then It will be reset to zero.

here's what the award looks like

After that you can put this code( change the ( ) to < > Thanks!) on your page for the link:

Vote for your fave site!

(P)(center)(a href="")(img src="" height=80 width=184 border=0)(P)Vote for me or your favorite site!(/a)