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Chapter 2

When Taylor’s bond had been taken care of, Isaac had a chat with the arresting officer while Taylor filled out his papers and was informed of his arraignment date.

“He was pretty out of it when I picked him up,” the officer told Isaac.

Isaac nodded slowly. “How is he now?”

The officer chuckled. “You’d be surprised how fast red and blue flashing lights, the booking process and two hours in a cell will sober a person up.”

“I guess,” Isaac replied. “Where is Taylor’s Jeep?”

The officer pulled a business card from his shirt pocket and handed it to Isaac. “Impounded,” he replied. “You’ll have to go over and pay these guys in the morning to get it back.”

The sound of a buzzer startled Isaac. He looked up to see a drawn, tired-looking Taylor being led through many heavy steel doors. Isaac was alarmed by how thin and gaunt Taylor looked. He hadn’t noticed before that his already slight brother had lost so much weight.

Isaac went to his brother. Taylor collapsed against Isaac’s shoulder and began to sob.

Isaac stroked his brother’s silky blond hair. “Shhh,” he said gently. “It’s okay, Tay. Come on. Let’s go home.”

Taylor nodded sadly. His blue eyes were as defeated and lifeless as Isaac had ever seen them, and he was scared by it.

Taylor followed Isaac to his car. He slid into the passenger seat and huddled down, his arms folded across his chest.

The brothers rode in silence for a few minutes. Taylor finally spoke.

“Does anyone else know about this?” he asked quietly.

“Just Taryn,” Isaac said. “But you realize this isn’t something you can keep from the rest of the family. This is serious, Tay. You’re going to need a lawyer.”

Taylor sighed. “I know,” he said.

Isaac eyed his younger brother. “How much did you get caught with?”

Taylor grimaced. “An ounce.”

Isaac’s jaw dropped. “An ounce? Shit, Tay, how much money are you out for that?”

Taylor bit his lip. “Eight hundred dollars.”

Isaac shook his head in disbelief. “And how long would that have lasted you?”

Taylor shrugged. “Hard saying,” he said. “If it was just me using it, probably about a week and a half or so.”

Isaac’s eyes grew sad. “You’re using everyday?”

Taylor sighed and nodded. “For a few months now.”

Isaac pulled over to the side of the road and turned his hazard lights on. He turned to his brother.

“You have to get help, Taylor,” Isaac said gently. “This isn’t a joke. The drinking every weekend I could deal with. Even when you started smoking pot, I turned the other cheek because you were careful and it seemed pretty harmless. But this shit will kill you, Taylor. Dead. Do you understand that?”

Tears filled Taylor’s cerulean eyes. “I know,” he said weakly. “But I’m hooked, Ike. I don’t know how to stop.”

“You don’t have a choice now,” Isaac said. “You know what they’re going to do? They’re going to put you on probation, at the very least. Every time you go in there, you’re going to have to take a drug test. And if it comes back dirty, you’re going to jail, Tay.”

Taylor bit his lip and looked into Isaac’s brown eyes.

“I will not lose you, Taylor,” Isaac said firmly. “I will not come to see you in prison, and I will not let you die. I won’t.”

Taylor let his head fall back on the headrest of Isaac’s passenger seat. “Will you help me?”

Isaac nodded. “You know I will,” he said. “This isn’t going to be easy, but I’m with you. Every step of the way, I’m here.”

Taylor sighed. “Can I spend the night at your place?”

Isaac smiled. “I was going to suggest that anyway.”

Taylor gave Isaac a sad look. “You’re not afraid to have your kids around your brother the junkie?”

Isaac turned off his hazards and pulled back out onto the road. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that,” he said. “From here on in, all thinking is positive.”

Chapter 3
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