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Interpretation of the Proper Names ( G - M )



- From a Bible 200 years old -

GAAL, an abomination, judge. 9, 35
Gabriel, a man of God or the ftrength of God, the name of an angel, dan. 8, 16
Gad, a band or garrifon, gen.30, 11
Galal, a rail, 1 chron. 9, 15
Gamaliel, God's reward, acts 5, 34
Gemariah, a confuming of the Lord, jer. 20, 3
Gazabal, a treafurer, ezek. 1, 18
Gedaliah, the greatnefs of the Lord, jer.38,1
Gideon,a breaker or deftroyer, judges 6, 13
Gehazi, valley ofvif,oo, 2 kings 4, 12
Gehazi, valley of vifion, 2 kings 4, 12
Gera, a pilgrim or ftranger, gen. 46, 21
Ginath, a garden, 1 kings 16, 21
Gog, a roof of an houfe, ezek. 38, 2
Goliah, a captivity, I kings 7, 4
Gomer, a confumer, gen. 10, 2
Gorgias, terrible, 2 macc. 3, 38

HABAKKUK, a wreftler, hab. 1,1
Habaziniah, the hiding of the Lord's fhield, jer. 35, 3
Habiah, the hiding of the Lord. nehem. 7, 63
Hachaliah, waiting of the Lord, nehem 10,1
Hadad, joy, gen. 25, 15 1 chron. 1, 30
Hagab, a grafhopper, nehem 2, 46
Haggiah, the Lord's, feaft, 1 chron. 6,29
Ham, Hamathi, indignation, or heat, gen. 5, 32
Hamdan, heat of judgment, gen.36, 26
Hamut, merciful, gen. 46, 12
Hanameel, the mercy of God, jer. 32, 7
Hananeel, the grace of God, nehem. 3, 1
Hanani, gracious or merciful, 1 kings 16,7
Hananiah, grace of the Lord, jer. 37, 12
Harim, dedicate to God, 1 chron. 24, 8
Hafadiah, the mercy of the Lord, 1 chron.3, 20
Hattil, an howling for fin, ezra 2, 57
Havah, living, or giving life, gen. 3, 20
Hazael, feeing God, 1 Kings 19, 17
Hazarah, feeing Lord, nehem. 11, 5
Heber, a companion, gen. 46, 17
Helkiah, the portion of the Lord 2 kings 18, 18
Hepher, a digger or delver 1 chron. 4, 6
Heph-zibah, my delight in her, 2 kings 2, 1
Heth, fear or breaking , gen 23, 3
Hezri, or Hezro, Hezron, Afari, Efri, , 2 fam. 33, 35
Hiel, the Lord liveth, 1 kings 16, 34
Hiram, the height of life, 2 fam 5, 11
Hezekiah, ftrength of the Lord, 2 kings 18
Hobab, beloved , numb. 11, 10, 29
Hori, a prince, gen. 36, 22
Hofaiah, falvation of the Lord , jer. 42, 1
Hofea, falvation, hof. 1, 1
Hofah, tuufting, 1 chron. 26, 10
Horham, a feal orfignet, 1 chron. 7, 32
Hoziel, feeking God , 1 chron 23, 9
Hull, forrow or infirmity, gen. 10, 23
Hur, liberty or prince, 1 chron. 4, 1
Hufhah, hafting, 1 chron. 4, 4

JACOB, a fupplanter, gen. 25, 28
Jachan, deftroying, 1chron. 5, 13
Jafiel, the work a God, 1 Chron. 11, 47
Jaazaniah, the hearkening of the Lord, 2 kings. 25, 23
Jabal, bringing or budding, gen. 4, 20
Jabefh, drought, 2 kings 15, 10
Jabes, forrow, 1 chron. 4, 9
Jabin, underftanding, jofh. 11, 1
Jachin, ftability gen.. 46, 10
Jadiah, knowing the Lord, ,nehem. 2, 36
Jael, a door afcending, judg. 4, 16
Jahaleel, praifing God, 1 chron 4, 16
Jahaziel, God hafleth, gen. 46, 24
Jahazel, feeing God , ezra 8, 5
Jahleel, hope in God, or begining, in God, gen. 46, 14
Jair, lightened, deut. 3, 14
Jakim, eftablifhing, 1 chron .8, 12
Jambria, rebellious, 1 macc. 9, 37
Jamin, right hand, gen. 46, 10
Jamuel, God in his day, gm. 46, 10
Janothah, refting, jofh. 18, 27
Janum, fleeping, jofh. 15, 53
Japheth, perfuading, or enticing, gen. 5, 32.
Japhia, lightning, 2 fam. 5, 16
Jarephel, health of God, jofh. 18, 27
Jarib, fighting or avenging, gen 46, 10
Jafhen,, ancient, 2 fam. 23, 32
Jafher, righteous, jofh. 21, 29
Jafhub, a returning, 1 chron. 7, 1
Jathaniel, a gift of God, 1 chron. 26, 2
Jatair, a remnant or excellent, jofh. 15, 48. Ithri, Ithro, Ithron, the fame
Javan, making fad, gen. 10, 1
Jaziei, the ftrength of God, 1 chron. 15, 18
Jaziz, brightnefs, 1 chron. 27, 31
Ibbac, chofen, 2 kings 5, 15
Ichahod, where is glory, 1 fam. 4, 21
Iddo, his confeffion, 1 chron. 27, 21
Jechoniah, ftability of the Lord, 1 chron.3, l6
Jedaiah, the hand of the Lord, or confeffing the lord, 1 chron. 4, 73
Jedidah, beloved, 2 fam 22, 1
Jediel, knowledge of God, 1 chron. 7, 6
Jeduthun, confeffing, 1 chron. 9, 16
Jehiah, the lord liveth, 1 chron. 5, 23
Jehiel, God liveth. 1 chron. 26, 21
Jehoadan ,the Lord's pleafure, 2 kings 14., 2
Jehoahaz the poffeffion of the Lord, 2 kings 23, 34
Jehoafh, the fire of the Lord, 2 kings 11, 21
Jehohahan, grace or mercy of the Lord, 1 chron. 26, 1-3
Jehaoiada, the knowledge of the Lord, 2 kings. 11, 5
Jehoiakim, the rifing or avenging of the Lord, 2 kings 23, 34
Jehofhaphat, the Lord is the judge, 1 chron.3, 10
Jehofhua, the Lord's falvation, zech. 3, 1
Jehozadak, the juftice of the Lord, 1 chron. 6, 14
Jehudath, confeffion or praife, gen. 29, 35
Jehaunah, the Lord fhall arife, eftablifh, or avenge, 1 chron. 2, 41
Jekodeam, the burning of the people, jofh. 15, 56
Jephlet, delivered, 1 chron. 7, 32
Jephunneh, beholding, numb. 13, 7
Jerahmeel, the mercy of God, jer. 36, 36
Jered, ruling, 4, 15
Jeriel, the fear of God, 1 chron. 7, 2
Jerimoth, fearing death, 1 chron. 7, 7
Jeroboam, encreafing the people, 2 kings 14, 23
Jeroham, high, 1 chron, 6, 27
Jerubbaal, let Baal avenge, judge. 6, 32
Jefhaiah, falvation of the Lord, ifa. 1, 1
Jefhua, a faviour, mat. 1, 16
Igal, redeemed, 2 cor.3, 22
Igdaliah, the greatnefs of the Lord, jer. 35, 4
Joab, voluntary, or willing, 1 chron. 2, 15
Job, forrowful, or hated, job 1, 1
Jobamah, the building of the Lord, 1 chron, 9, 8
Jochebed, glorious exod. 6, 20
Joel, willing, or beginning, joel 1,1
Jokfhan, an offence, gen, 25, 2
Joktan, a little one, gen. 10, 25
Jonah, a dove, 2 kings 14., 25
Jonadab, voluntary or willing, 2 kings 13, 5
Jonathan, the gift of the Lord, judges 18, 30
Jofeph, encreafing gen.30, 24
Jofhabeth, the fulnefs of the Lord, 2 chron,22, 11
Jofiah, the fire of the Lord, 2 kings 22, 3
Jotham, perfect, 2 kings 15, 23
Jozabad, endued, 1 chron. 12, 20 Iphideiah, the redemption of the Lord, 1 chron 8, 25
Jephthah, opening, judges 11, 1
Ira, a watchman, I chron,. 11, 28
Irad, a wild afs, gen. 4, 18
iriah, the fear of the Lord, jer. 37, 12
Irmeiah, exalting the Lord, 1 chron. 5, 24
Iffachar, a wager, gen. 30, 18
Jeffe, a gift or oblation, ruth 4, 17
Ithbofhefh, a man of fhame, 2 fam. 2, 10
Ifcariot, an hireling, or a man of death, mat. 10, 1
Ifhmael, God hath heard, gen.. 16, 11
Ifhtob, good man, 2 fam. 10, 8
Ifaac, laughter, gen. 17, 19
Ifrael, a prince of God, or prevailing with God, gen. 35, 10
Ithamar, woe to the change, exod 6, 23
Ithiel, God with me, nehem, 11, 7
Ittai, strong, 2 fam, 23, 29
Jubal, bringing, or fading, gen. 4,21
Jucal, mighty, jerem. 38. 1
Jezebel, woe to the houfe, 1 kings 16, 31
Izrahiah, the Lord arifeth, or the clearnefs of the Lord, 1 chron. 7, 3
Lzreel, the feed of God, jofh. 15, 56

KA IN (or Cain) a poffeffion, gen. 46, 1
Kainan, abuyer or owner, gen. 5, 9
Kareah, bald, 2 kings 25
Kemuel, God is rifen, gen.22, 21
Kedar, blacknefs, gen. 25 13
Kedem, eaft, jerem, 49, 26
Keren happuch, the horn of beauty, job 42,14
Kallai, light or roafting by the fire, neh. 12,20
Kifh, hard, or fore, 1 fam. 9, 1
Kohath, a congregation, gen. 46, 11
Kolaiah, the voice of the Lord, nehem,11, 7
Korah, bald,gen.36, 5
Kore, crying, 1 chron. 9, 19
Kufhaia, hardnefs, 1 chron. 15, 17

LAadah, to affemble together, 1 chron. 42, 1
Laaden, to teftify, 1 chron. 7, 26
Laban, white, gen. 24, 29
Lael, to God, or to the mighty, numb. 3, 24.
Lahad, to praife, 1 chron. 4, 2
Lamech, poor, or fmitten, gen. 4, 18
Lappidoth, lightnings, judges 4, 4
Lemuel, with whom is God, prov. 31, 1
Lehabim, enflamed, gen. 10, 13
Lefufhim, hammer-men, gen. 25, 3
Levi, joined, or coupled, gen.. 29, 34.
Leah, painful, or wearied; gen. 29, 16
Lobin, whitenefs, exod, 6, 17
Lot, wrapped or joined, gen. 11, 27
Lud a nativity, or generation, gen. 10, 22
Lyfius,; diffolving, I macc. 3, 32
Lyfimachus, diffolving battle, 2 macc. 4, 29

MAACHATHI, broken, 2 kings 25, 23 Mahazioth,feeing a fign, 1 chron. 25, 4
Mahfeia, the protection of the Lord, jer.32, 12
Mahla, weaknefs or dance, numb, 26, 33
Maafai, my work, 1 chron. 9, 12
Maafeiah, the work of the Lord, 1 chron. 15, 18
Maaziah, the flrength of the Lord, 1 chron.24, 18
Makaz, finifhing or watching, 1 kings 4, 9
Macbanai, my poor fon, 1 chron. 12, 13
Machi, poor, or a fmiter, numb. 13, 10
Machir, felling, or knowing, gen. 50, 23
Madai, a meafure, or judging, gen. 10, 2
Madan, ftrife, gen. 25, 2
Magdalen, magnified or exalted, mat. 27, 56
Magdiel, preaching God, gen. 36,43
Magog, covering, or melting, gen. 10, 2
Mahalah, infirmity, or ficknefs, 2 chron.11, 18
Maharai, hafting, 2 chron. 11, 30
Mahath, wiping away, or fearing, 1 chron.6, 35
Mahaleel, praifing God, gen. 5, 12
Malachi, my meffenger, mal. 1, 1 Mamzer, a baftard, deut. 23, 2
Manahem, a comforter, 2 king 15, 14
Manoah, reft, judges 13,2
Moan, a dwelling place, jofh,. 15, 55
Mordecai, bitter, contrition, efther 2, 5
Martha, bitter on provoking, luke 10, aS
Malta, a gilt, 2 chron. 23, 17
Mattani, Mattaniah, Matthaniah, Matthatah, his gift, ezra 10, 33
Mattithia, a gift of the Lord, 1 chron 9, 31
Malchiel, God is my king, gen 46, 17
Malchiah, the Lord my king, jer 21, 1
Malchifhua, my king the faviour, 1 fam. 14, 49
Melchizedeck, king of righteoufnefs, ge. 14, 18
Mehetabel, how good is God ! Gen. 36, 39
Mehuman, troubled, efther 1, 10
Mehujael, teaching God, gen. 4, 18
Methufael, afking death, gen. 4, 18.
Methufelah, fpoiling his death, gen. 5,21.
Melatiah, deliverance of the Lord, nehem.3, 7
Menelaus, ftrength of the pcople, 2 macc.4, 23
Menaffch forgetting, gen. 41, 51
Meraioth, bitternefs, 1 chron. 9, 11
Mered, rebellious, 1 chron. 4, 17
Mefha, falvation, 1 chron. 2, 42
Mefhclemiah, the peace of the Lord, 1 chron.26, 1
Mefhullam, peaceable, 2 kings 22, 3
Mephibofheth, fhame of mouth, 2 fam. 4, 4
Mefhech, prolonging, gen. 10, 2
Milcah, a woman of counfel, gen. 11, 29
Milcom, their king, or counfellor, the idol of the Ammonites, 2 kings 23, 13
Mizzah, a dropping ,or confuming, gen. 36, 13
Micah, poor, or fmitten, or who is here? 2 chron. 34, 20
Michaiah, who is like the Lord ? 2 kings. 22, 12
Michael, who is like God? 1 chron. 7, 3
Michal, who is perfect ? 1 fam. 14, 49
Mifhael, who demandeth ? exod. 6, 22
Miriam, exalted, or teaching, exod. 6, 20
Mithredath, diffolving the law , ezra. l, 8
Moab, of the father, gen. 19, 36
Mofheh, drawn up, exod. 10, 2
Moza, found, or on unleavened, 1 chron. 2, 46
Mufah, anointing, 2 kings. 16, 18
Mnfhi, departing, exod. 6, 19

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