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Time Line 1820 - 1901

 Windsor Time Line


  Previous Time Line
1714 Death of Anne; accession of King George the First. ( who died 1727 )
  Ministry of Townshend and Walpole.
1715 Jacobite Revolt under Lord Mar, aimed at overthrowing the Hanoverian succession fails
1716 The Septennial Bill sets the maximum duration of a parliament at seven years
1717 Whig split; suspension of convocation
  The Triple Alliance.
  Ministry of Lord Stnnhope.
1718 The Quadruple Alliance
1720 The South Sea Company - many investors ruined after speculation in the South Sea Bubble
1723 Failure of the Peerage Bill
1721 Ministry of Sir Robert Walpole.
1722 Atterbury Plot, the most notable Jacobite plot
  Exile of Bishop Atterbury.
1726 Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels " published
1727 Death of George I; accession of George the Second (who died 1760 ).
  War with Austria and Spain.
1729 Treaty of Seville.
  Alexander Pope's Dunciad published
1730 Walpole / Townshend split
  Free exportation of American rice allowed
1731 Treaty of Vienna.
1733 Walpole's Excise Bill : Walpole has to abandon his plans to reorganize the customs and excise
  War of the Polish Succession.
  Family compact between France and Spain.
1737 Death of Queen Caroline
1738 The Methodists appear in London.Wesley's 'conversion' starts Methodism
1739 War declared with Spain ( naval war - War of Jenkins' Ear )
1740 War of the Austrian Succession
1741 Samuel Richardson's Pamela published
1742 Resignation of Walpole.
1743 Battle of Dettingen, June27.
1744 Ministry of Pelham
1745 Ministry of Henry Pelham.
  Jacobite Rebellion led by ' Bonnie Prince Charlie'
  Battle of Fontenoy, May 31.
  Charles Edward lands in Scotlad.
  Battle of Prestonpans. Sept.21.
  Charles Edward reaches Derby, Dec. 4
1746 Battle of Culloden: the duke of Cumberland routs the Jacobite army
  Battle of Falkirk, Jan.23.
  Battle of Culloden, Apr16.
1748 Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle concludes. - War of the Austrian Succession
  Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle.
1751 Clive's surprise of Arcot.
1752 Adoption of Gregorian Calendar
1753 Jewish Naturalization Bill
1754 Death of Henry Pelham..
  Duke of Newcastle ministry
1755 The Seven Years' War. - Defeat of General Braddock.
1756 Britain allied with Frederick the Great of Prussian against France, Austria, and Russia
  Loss of Port Mahon. - Retreat of Admiral Byng.
1757 Convention of Closter Seven.
  Pitt - Newcastle ministry; Battle of Plaasey, June 23.
  British victory over Bengal
1758 Capture of Louisburg and Cape Breton.
  Capture of Fort Duquesne.
1759 Capture of Quebec: British victory over the French
  Battle of Minden, August 1.
  Capture of Fort Niagara and Ticonderoga.
  Wolfe's victory on Heights of Abraham.
  Battle of Quiberon Bay, Nov. 20.
1760 Death of George II; accession of George the Third (who died 1820 )
  Battle of Wandewash.
1761 Laurence Sterne's Tristram Shandy published - Brindley's Canal over the Irwell.
  Pitt resigns office. Ministry of Lord Bute.
1762 George III bought Buckingham House where Buckingham Palace now stands and was known afterwards as
  the Queens Palace .
1762 Bute's ministry
1763 Peace of Paris concludes Seven Years War; Grenville ministry; Wilkes and General Warrants
  Wedgwood established potteries.
1764 First expulsion of Wilkes from House of Commons.
  Beginning of the Industrial Revolution
  Hargreaves invents Spinning Jenny.
1765 Ministry of Lord Rockingham.;
  American Stamp Act attempts to make the defence of the American colonies self- financing: repealed 1766
  Meeting and Protest of American Congress.
  Watt invents Steam Engine.
1766 Repeal of the Stamp Act
  Ministry of Lord Chatham
1768 Ministry of the Duke of Grafton. Second expulsion of Wilkes; Middlesex election crisis
  Arkwright invents Spinning Machine
1769 Wilkes three times elected for Middlesex.
  House of Commons seats Col. Luttrell.
  Occupation of Boston by British troops.
  Letters of Junius.
  James Watt's steam engine patented
1770 Lord North's ministry;
  Edmund Burke's Thoughts on the Present Discontents published;
  Falkland Islands crisis
  Chatham's proposal of Parliamentary Reform
1771 Last attempt to prevent Parliamentary reporting.
  Begining of the treat English journals.
1773 Hastings appointed Governor-General.
  Boston Tea Party: American colonists protest against the East India Company's monopoly of tea exports' -
  to America
1774 Military occupation of Boston.
  Its port closed.
  Massachusetts Charter altered.
  Congress assembles at Philadelphia.
  Coercive Acts passed in retaliation for Boston Tea Party
1775 Rejection of Chatham's plan of conciliation.
  Skirmish at Lexington.
  America under Washington, besiege Boston.
  Battle of Bunkers Hill.
  Southern Colonies expel their Governors.
1776 Declaration of American Independeuice; July 4.
  Arnold invades Canada.
  Evacuation of Boston.
  Battles of Brooklyn and Trenton.
  books published -- Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall -- Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations
  Crompton invests the Mule.
1777 Battle of Brandywine.
  Surrender of Saratoga, Oct. 17.
  Chatham proposes Federal Union.
  Washington at Valley Forge.
1778 Alliance of France and Spain with United States.
  Death of Chatham.
1779 Wyvill's Association movement
  Siege of Gibraltar.
  Armed Neutrality of Northern Powers.
  The Irish Volunteers.
1780 Gordon Riots develop from a procession to petition parliament, against the Catholic Relief Act
  Capture of Charlestown.
  Descent of Hyder All on the Carnatic.
1781 Defeat of Hyder at Porte Novo.
  Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. American victory over British troops
1782 Second Ministry of Lord Rockingham March . - Shelburne Ministry July.
  Victories of Rodney.
  Repeal of Poynings' Act
  Pitt's Bill for Parliamentary Reform.
  Burke's Bill of Economical Reform.
  Repulse of Miles from Gibraltar.
1783 Younger Pitt's ministrys
  Treaties of Paris and Versaille recognizes independence of American colonies;
  Coalition Ministry of Fox and North.
  Fox's India Bill.
1784 Pitt's East India Act
  Financial Reforms.
1785 Parliamentary Reform Bill. - Pitt's motion for parliamentary reform defeated
  Free Trade Bill between England and Ireland.
1786 Eden commercial treaty with France -
  Trial of Warren Hastings.
1787 Treaty of Commerce with France.
1788 The Regency Bill.
1789 French Revolution
  Meeting of States-General at Versailles.
  New French Constitution.
  Triple Alliance for defence of Turkey.
1790 Quarrel over Nootka Sound.
  Pitt defends Poland.
  Edmund Burke's " Reflection on the French Revolution." published
1791 Representative Government set up in Canada
  Fox's libel Act
  Burke's "Appeal from the New do the Old Whigs."
  Thomas Paine's The Rights of Man published
1792 Coal gas used for lighting ; Mary Wollstonecraft's Vindication of the Rights of Women published..
  Pitt hinders Holland from joining the Coalition.
  France opens the Scheldt.
  Pitt's efforts for peace.
  The United Irishmen.
1793 France declares War on England.
  Part of Whigs join Pitt.
  English army lands in Flanders.
  English driven from Toulon.
  voluntary Board of Agriculture set up; commercial depression
1794 English driven from Holland.
  Suspension of Habeas Corpus Act.
  Victory of Lord Howe, June 1.
1795 'Speenhamland' system of outdoor relief adopted, making up wages to equal cost of subsistence
1796 Vaccination against smallpox introduced
  Burk's " Letters on a Regicide Peace."
1797 England alone in the War with France.
  Battle of Camperdown.
  Battle of Cape St. Vincent
1798 T. R. Malthus's Essay on Population published;
  Tax of ten per cent on incomes over £200 introduced
  Irish revolt crushed at Vinegar Hill.
  Battle of the Nile.
1799 Trade Unions suppressed; Napoleon appointed First Consul in France
1799 Pitt revives the Coalition against France.
  Conquest of Mysore.
1800 Surrender of Malta to Englith Fleet
  Armed Neutrality of Northern Powers.
  Act of Union with Ireland.
1799 - 1801 Commercial boom
1801 Union with Ireland; first British Census
  George the Third rejects Pitt's Plan of Catholic Emancipation.
  Administration of Mr. Addington.
  Surrender of French army in Egypt.
  Battle of Copenhagen.
1802 Peace of Amiens with France; Peel introduces first factory legislation
  Publication of "Edinburgh Review."
1803 War declared against Buonaparte, war with France;
  General Enclosure Act simplifies process of enclosure of common land
  Battle of Aassaye.
1804 Second Ministry of Pitt.
1805 Battle of Trafalgar Oct 23.: Nelson defeats the French and Spanish fleets
  Death of Nelson
1806 Death of Pitt, Jan 23.
  Ministry of Lord Grenville.
  Death of Fox.
1807 Orders' in Council
  Abolition of Slave Trade.
  Ministry of Duke of Portland.
  Seirure of Danish Fleet.
1808 Battle of Vimiera, and Convention of Cintra.
1809- 10 Commercial boom Depression because of Orders in Council;
  America passes Non-Intercourse Act.
  Battle of Corunna, Jan. 16. 1809
  Wellesley drives Soult from Oporto.
  Battle of Talavera, July 28. 1809
  Expedition against Walcheren.
  Ministry of Spencer Perceval
  Revival of Parliamentary Reform
1810 Battle of Busaco.
  Lines of Torres Vedras.
1811 George, Prince of Wales, made Regent
  Battle of Fuentes d'Onore, May 5.
  Luddite'disturbances in Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire; - Luddite Riots.
1812 Castlereagh Foreign Secretary.
  Ministry of Lord Liverpool.
  Storm of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz.
  America declares, War against England.
  Battle of Salamanca, July 22.
  Wellington retreats from Burgos.
  Victories of American Frigates.
1813 East India Company's monopoly abolished
  Battle of Vitoria, June 21.
  Battles of the Pyrenees.
  Wellington enters France, Oct.
  Americans attack Canada.
1814 Battle of Orthes.
  Battle of Toulouse, April 10.
  Battle of Chippewa, July.
  Raid upon Washington.
  British repulse, at Plattsburg and New Orleans.
1815 Corn Law passed setting price of corn
  Battle of Quartre Bras, June 16..
  Battle of Waterloo. June 18. defeat of Napoleon; peace in Europe: Congress of Vienna;
  Treaty of Vienna.
1815 -1817 Commercial boom
1817 Colonization in Australia.
  Bentham's doctrine of utility.
  Slump; the Blanketeers' march and other disturbances
1818 Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle.
1819 Peterloo massacre: troops intervene at mass reform meeting, killing 11 and wounding 400
  The Six Acts carried.
  Singapore annexed.
1820 Death of George III ; accession of George the Fourth (who died 1830)
