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Time Line 1714 - 1819



  Previous Time Line
1820 Death of George III ; accession of George IV (died 1830)
  Cato Street Conspiracy.
  Bill for the Queen's Divorce.
  Reform of Criminal Law by Mackintosh.
1821- 1823 Famine in Ireland
1821 Catholic Relief Bill thrown out by the Lords.
1822 Congress of Verona.
  Canning Foreign Minister.
1823 Freedom of South American Republics recognized.
  The Monroe Doctrine
1824 Commercial boom
  Repeal of Combination Laws.
  Emigration to South Africa.
1825 Trade Unions legalized; Stockton and Darlington railway opens; commercial depression
1826 Annexation of Assam
  Riots to destroy power looms.
1827 Ministry of Mr. Canning. April
  Ministry of Lord Goderich August
  Battle of Navarino.
1828 Ministry of Duke of Wellington
  First Co-operative Society.
  First free colony in Australia.
  Repeal of Test and Corporation Acts.
1829 Settlement in Western Australia.
  First Trades Union.
  Catholic Emancipation Bill.
  Ending most denials or restrictions of Catholic civil rights, ownership of property, and holding of public office
1830 Death of George IV; accession of William IV ( who died 1837).
  Ministry of Lord Grey.
  Opening of Liverpool and Manchester Railway.
  Belgian independence assured.
1831 Reform Bill introduced, March 1.
1832 Parliamentary Reform Bill passed,June 7.
1830 - 1832 First major cholera epidemic;
1831 'Swing' riots in rural areas against the mechanization of agriculture
1832 Great Reform Bill brings climax to period of political reform, enlarging the franchise and restructuring representation in Parliament
1833 Factory Act limits child labour; beginning of Oxford Movement in Anglican church
  Robert Owen founds the Grand National
  Coercion Act for Ireland.
  State grant for education. - parish workhouses instituted;
  Suppression of Colonial Slavery
  East Indian Trade thrown open.
1834 New Poor Law.
  Ministry of Lord Melbourne.
  Trades Union demonstrations.
  Consolidated Trade Union: action by government against 'illegal oaths' in unionism results in failure of G.N.C.T.U. and transportation of six ' Tolpuddle Martyrs '
  Central Criminal Court established
  Ministry of Sir Robert Peel.
1835 Municipal Corporation Act extends local government franchise to all ratepayers
  Ministry of Lord Melbourne replaced.
  Kaffir War.
1835 -1836 Commercial boom ' little ' railway mania
1836 Newspaper stamp duty reduced.
  The Great Trek in South Africa. 
  South Australia colonized.
  Civil Marriages Act.
1837 Death of William IV; accession of Queen Victoria died (who 1901).
  Natal founded by the Dutch 
1838  Formation of Anti-Corn-Law League.
  Lord Durham in Canada.
  The People's Charter adopted.
  Afghan War.
1839  Committee of Privy Council for Education.
  New postage scheme.
  Annexation of Aden.
  New Zealand permanently colonized.
  War with China.
1840   Constitution granted to Canada.
  Irish Municipal Act.
  Quadruple Alliance with France, Portugal, and Spain.
1841  Conference of London.
  Ministry of Sit Robert Peel.
  Hong-Kong ceded to England.
  New Zealand a separate Colony.
1842  Income tax revived.
  Treaty of Washington
 1842 Treaty of Nanking.
  Massacre of English in Afghanistan.
1843   Annexation of Scinde.
1844 Trial of O'Connell.
  Natal declared British Colony.
  The Rochdale Pioneers.
1845 Sikh War.
  Irish potato crop fails.
  Manchester Anti.Corn-Law Meeting.
1846 Repeal of the Corn Laws.
  Ministry of Lord John Russell.
1847 Famine in Ireland.
  Coercion Bill for Ireland.
  Cape Colony refuses to admit convicts.
1848 Suppression of the Chartists.
  Treason Felony Act for Ireland.
  Habeas Corpus Act suspended in Ireland.
  First Public Health Act.
1849 Irish Encumbered Estates Act.
  Piraeus blockaded by British Fleet.
  Annexation of the Punjab.
  Gold discoveries in Australia and California.
1850 Don Pacifico Debate.
  Australian Colonies Bill passed.
1851 Lord Palmerston's dismissal
1852 Militia Bill in alarm of Napoleon III..
  Ministry of Lord Derby, Feb.
  Death of she Duke of Wellington.
  Ministry of Lord Aberdeen, Dec.
  Sand River Convention..
  Constitutions for New Zealand Colonies.
1853 Gladstone's first Budget.
  British Kaffraria annexed.
1854 - 1856 Crimean War
1854 First Cape Parliament
  Ultimatum, to Russia, Feb.
  Siege of Sebastopol bsegins, Oct. 17.
  Corrupt Practices Act carried.
1855 Ministry of Lord Palmerston.
  Capture of Sebastopol, Sept. 8.
  Surrender of Kars, Nov.
1856 Peace of Paris March 30.
  Annexation of Oudh.
  Second Chinese War.
1857 Indian Mutiny.
  Capture of Canton.
1858 Second Ministry of Lord Derby, Feb
  Atlantic Cable Laid.
  War wish China resumed.
  Treaty of Tientsin.
  Property qualification for Parliament abolished.
  Queen proclaimed Sovereign of India.
1859 Second ministry of Lord Palmerston.
  Support of Italian independence.
  Volunteer Movement
  Queensland a separate Colony.
1860   Commercial Treaty of France and England. 
  Paper Duty Bill rejected by the Lords.  
  Burning of Peking Palace. 
 1861 Post Office Savings Banks.  
  Commissioners seized on the Trent . 
  Death of the Prince Consort, Dec.
1861 - 65 American Civil War
1862   The Alabama leaves the Mersey. 
  Committee of Public Accounts. 
1863 Ionian Islands ceded to Greece. 
1864  Intervention refused in, Schleswig.Holstein.
1865 Ministry 0f Lord John Russell.
  Gladstone's Reform Bill.
1866 Habeas Corpus Act suspended in Ireland.
  Third Ministry of Lord Derby, June
  Reform Demonstrations Hyde Park Riots.
1867 Second Reform Act.
  British North America Act creates Dominion of Canada.
1868 Ministry of Disraeli, Feb.
  Abyssinian Expedition ;
  Magdala taken.
  Election Petitions transferred to the Judges.
  Irish Reform Bill passed.
  Scotch Reform Bill.
  Ministry of Gladstone, Dec.
1869 Disestablishment of Church of Ireland.
  Opening of the Suez Canal.
1870 Irish Land Act, Feb.
  Elementary Education Bill, Feb.
  Peace Preservation Act, Ireland.
  Civil Service open to Competition.
  Army Reforms.
  Treaty with France and Germany for neutrality of Belgium.
  Home Rule League founded in Ireland.
1871. Conference of London.
  Abolition of Religious Tests in Universities.
  Treaty of Washington.
  Army Purchase abolished.
  Local Government Board established.
1872 Ballot Bill passed.
  Geneva Arbitration on Alabama.
  Self-government in Cape Colony,
  Unions of agricultural labourers.
1873 British Residents appointed to Malay States.
  Supreme Court of Judicature Act.
  Religious Teats for Dublin University abolished.
1874 Second Ministry of Disraeli, Feb.
  War with Ashanti .
  First labour member elected.
1875 Marquis of Hartington Liberal Leader.
  Artisans' Dwellings Act.
  Peace Preservation Act in Ireland.
  Trade Union legislation.
  Purchase of Shares in Suez Canal.
  Indian Tour of Prince of Wales, Oct.
  Andrássy Note submitted to the Powers.
  Central Government established for New Zealand.
  Fiji islands annexed.
1876 The Berlin Note refused by England.
  British Fleet in Besika Bay, May.
  Gladstone's campaign on Bulgarian Atrocities.
  Disraeli created Earl of Beaconsfield.
  The new imperialism.
  Alexander Graham Bell, exhibited his telephone, designed and partly constructed some years before.
  Conference at Constantinople.
1877 The Queen proclaimed Empress of India.
  Gordon Governor-General of the Sudan.
  The Protocol of London.
  Permissive Federation Act for South Africa.
  Transvaal annexed, April
  Chamberlain and the caucus.
  Parnell opens obstruction in Parliament.
1878 Fleet ordered to Constantinople, Jan.
  Treaty of San Stefano, March.
  Indian troops ordered to Malta.
  Beaconsfield's secret Treaty with Russia, May 30.
  Beaconsfield's secret Treaty with Turkey, June 6.
  Congress of Berlin, Issue 13.
1879 Zulu War ; lsandhlwana and Rorke's Drift, Jan.
  Invasion of Afghanistan.
  Irish Land League formed by Davitt.
  The Midlothian csmpaign.
1880 Ministry of Gladstone, April.
  Bill to allow arrest on Suspicion in Ireland.
  Bradlaugh refused leave to affirm. allegiance.
  Burials Bill granting relief to Nonconformists.
  Ground Game Act to protect farmers.
  Employers Liability Act.
  Prosecution of Parnell.
  Afghan War.
  Boer Revolt in the Transvaal, Dec.
1881 New Rules of Procedure.
  Death of Lord Beaconsfield.
  Second Irish Land Bill.
  Parnell imprisoned.
  Boer War
1882 Murder of Lord F. Cavendish and Mr. Burke.
  Prevention of Crime Bill.
  British Fleet at Alexandria, June. 
  Battle of Tel-el Kebir, Aug. 
  Afrikander Bond in Cape Colony. 
  Gladstone's Rules of Procedure. 
  Triple Alliance formed.
1883 Corrupt Practices Bill.
  Agricultural Holdings Bill.
  Defeat of Hicks Pasha in the Sudan.
1884 General Gordon sent to Khartum, Jan.
  Third Reform Bill carried.
  Convention of London with site Transvaal
  Conference of Berlin.
  Great Boer treks in South Africa.
  German and British annexations in New Guinea.
1885 Fall of Khartum ; Sudan evacuated.
  Russian forces occupy Pendjeh.
  Redistribution Bill.
  Ministry of Lord Salisbury, June.
  Upper Burmah annexed, Nov.
  Canadian Pacific Railway completed.
  Annexation of South Bechuanaland.
1886 Bradlaugh admitted to Parliament, Jan. 
  Third Ministry of Gladstone, Feb. 
  Home Rule Bill lost, June. 
  Ministry of Lord Salisbury, July. 
  Gold rush to the Transvaal
1887 New Rules of Procedure
  Crimes Act, Ireland.
  Land Act, Ireland, Aug.
  First Colonial Conference.
  Great Britain and France in New Hebrides.
1888 New Roles of Procedure in the House of Commons.
  Local Government Act.
  Irish Land Purchase Bill.
  Part of New Guinea annexed,
1889 End of Parnell Commission.
1890 Death of Parnell.
  Congested Districts Board, Ireland.
  Heligoland ceded to Germany.
  Protectorate of Zanzibar.
1891 Royal Commission on labour conditions.
  Balfour's Land Purchase Act.
  Factory and Workshops Act.
  Free elementary education.
1892 Fourth Ministry of Gladstone, Aug.
1893 Second Home Rule Bill rejected by Lords.
  Matabele War.
  Responsible government in Natal
1894 Parish Councils Bill.
  Ministry of Lord Rosebery, March
  Protectorate of Uganda,
  Election expenses paid.
1894 Treaty with Japan
  Harcourt's Death Duties Budget.
1895 Ministry of Lord Salisbury, June.
  Jameson Raid, Dec.
  Chitral occupied.
1896 Franco-British Treaty on Siam.
  Dongola occupied.
  The five admirals occupy Crete
  Employers Liability Act.
  New Rules of Procedure.
  Gladstone's campaign on Armenian Massacres.
1897 Second Colonial Conference.
  Workmen's Compensation Bill, July.
1898 Lease of Wei-bai-wei, April
  Occupation of Omdurman and the Sudan.
  The Fashoda dispute.
1899 Irish Local Government Act.
  Peace Conference at The Hague.
  Second Boer War.
  Khartum taken by Kitchener.
1900 Boer Republics annexed.
  Australian Commonwealth Act.
  Protectorate of Lagos and Nigeria.
  European forces in Peking. Aug.
1901 Death of Queen Victoria ; Accession of Edward the Seventh, (who died 1910) .
