Previous Time Line | |
1820 | Death of George III ; accession of George IV (died 1830) |
Cato Street Conspiracy. | |
Bill for the Queen's Divorce. | |
Reform of Criminal Law by Mackintosh. | |
1821- 1823 | Famine in Ireland |
1821 | Catholic Relief Bill thrown out by the Lords. |
1822 | Congress of Verona. |
Canning Foreign Minister. | |
1823 | Freedom of South American Republics recognized. |
The Monroe Doctrine | |
1824 | Commercial boom |
Repeal of Combination Laws. | |
Emigration to South Africa. | |
1825 | Trade Unions legalized; Stockton and Darlington railway opens; commercial depression |
1826 | Annexation of Assam |
Riots to destroy power looms. | |
1827 | Ministry of Mr. Canning. April |
Ministry of Lord Goderich August | |
Battle of Navarino. | |
1828 | Ministry of Duke of Wellington |
First Co-operative Society. | |
First free colony in Australia. | |
Repeal of Test and Corporation Acts. | |
1829 | Settlement in Western Australia. |
First Trades Union. | |
Catholic Emancipation Bill. | |
Ending most denials or restrictions of Catholic civil rights, ownership of property, and holding of public office | |
1830 | Death of George IV; accession of William IV ( who died 1837). |
Ministry of Lord Grey. | |
Opening of Liverpool and Manchester Railway. | |
Belgian independence assured. | |
1831 | Reform Bill introduced, March 1. |
1832 | Parliamentary Reform Bill passed,June 7. |
1830 - 1832 | First major cholera epidemic; |
1831 | 'Swing' riots in rural areas against the mechanization of agriculture |
1832 | Great Reform Bill brings climax to period of political reform, enlarging the franchise and restructuring representation in Parliament |
1833 | Factory Act limits child labour; beginning of Oxford Movement in Anglican church |
Robert Owen founds the Grand National | |
Coercion Act for Ireland. | |
State grant for education. - parish workhouses instituted; | |
Suppression of Colonial Slavery | |
East Indian Trade thrown open. | |
1834 | New Poor Law. |
Ministry of Lord Melbourne. | |
Trades Union demonstrations. | |
Consolidated Trade Union: action by government against 'illegal oaths' in unionism results in failure of G.N.C.T.U. and transportation of six ' Tolpuddle Martyrs ' | |
Central Criminal Court established | |
Ministry of Sir Robert Peel. | |
1835 | Municipal Corporation Act extends local government franchise to all ratepayers |
Ministry of Lord Melbourne replaced. | |
Kaffir War. | |
1835 -1836 | Commercial boom ' little ' railway mania |
1836 | Newspaper stamp duty reduced. |
The Great Trek in South Africa. | |
South Australia colonized. | |
Civil Marriages Act. | |
1837 | Death of William IV; accession of Queen Victoria died (who 1901). |
Natal founded by the Dutch | |
1838 | Formation of Anti-Corn-Law League. |
Lord Durham in Canada. | |
The People's Charter adopted. | |
Afghan War. | |
1839 | Committee of Privy Council for Education. |
New postage scheme. | |
Annexation of Aden. | |
New Zealand permanently colonized. | |
War with China. | |
1840 | Constitution granted to Canada. |
Irish Municipal Act. | |
Quadruple Alliance with France, Portugal, and Spain. | |
1841 | Conference of London. |
Ministry of Sit Robert Peel. | |
Hong-Kong ceded to England. | |
New Zealand a separate Colony. | |
1842 | Income tax revived. |
Treaty of Washington | |
1842 | Treaty of Nanking. |
Massacre of English in Afghanistan. | |
1843 | Annexation of Scinde. |
1844 | Trial of O'Connell. |
Natal declared British Colony. | |
The Rochdale Pioneers. | |
1845 | Sikh War. |
Irish potato crop fails. | |
Manchester Anti.Corn-Law Meeting. | |
1846 | Repeal of the Corn Laws. |
Ministry of Lord John Russell. | |
1847 | Famine in Ireland. |
Coercion Bill for Ireland. | |
Cape Colony refuses to admit convicts. | |
1848 | Suppression of the Chartists. |
Treason Felony Act for Ireland. | |
Habeas Corpus Act suspended in Ireland. | |
First Public Health Act. | |
1849 | Irish Encumbered Estates Act. |
Piraeus blockaded by British Fleet. | |
Annexation of the Punjab. | |
Gold discoveries in Australia and California. | |
1850 | Don Pacifico Debate. |
Australian Colonies Bill passed. | |
1851 | Lord Palmerston's dismissal |
1852 | Militia Bill in alarm of Napoleon III.. |
Ministry of Lord Derby, Feb. | |
Death of she Duke of Wellington. | |
Ministry of Lord Aberdeen, Dec. | |
Sand River Convention.. | |
Constitutions for New Zealand Colonies. | |
1853 | Gladstone's first Budget. |
British Kaffraria annexed. | |
1854 - 1856 | Crimean War |
1854 | First Cape Parliament |
Ultimatum, to Russia, Feb. | |
Siege of Sebastopol bsegins, Oct. 17. | |
Corrupt Practices Act carried. | |
1855 | Ministry of Lord Palmerston. |
Capture of Sebastopol, Sept. 8. | |
Surrender of Kars, Nov. | |
1856 | Peace of Paris March 30. |
Annexation of Oudh. | |
Second Chinese War. | |
1857 | Indian Mutiny. |
Capture of Canton. | |
1858 | Second Ministry of Lord Derby, Feb |
Atlantic Cable Laid. | |
War wish China resumed. | |
Treaty of Tientsin. | |
Property qualification for Parliament abolished. | |
Queen proclaimed Sovereign of India. | |
1859 | Second ministry of Lord Palmerston. |
Support of Italian independence. | |
Volunteer Movement | |
Queensland a separate Colony. | |
1860 | Commercial Treaty of France and England. |
Paper Duty Bill rejected by the Lords. | |
Burning of Peking Palace. | |
1861 | Post Office Savings Banks. |
Commissioners seized on the Trent . | |
Death of the Prince Consort, Dec. | |
1861 - 65 | American Civil War |
1862 | The Alabama leaves the Mersey. |
Committee of Public Accounts. | |
1863 | Ionian Islands ceded to Greece. |
1864 | Intervention refused in, Schleswig.Holstein. |
1865 | Ministry 0f Lord John Russell. |
Gladstone's Reform Bill. | |
1866 | Habeas Corpus Act suspended in Ireland. |
Third Ministry of Lord Derby, June | |
Reform Demonstrations Hyde Park Riots. | |
1867 | Second Reform Act. |
British North America Act creates Dominion of Canada. | |
1868 | Ministry of Disraeli, Feb. |
Abyssinian Expedition ; | |
Magdala taken. | |
Election Petitions transferred to the Judges. | |
Irish Reform Bill passed. | |
Scotch Reform Bill. | |
Ministry of Gladstone, Dec. | |
1869 | Disestablishment of Church of Ireland. |
Opening of the Suez Canal. | |
1870 | Irish Land Act, Feb. |
Elementary Education Bill, Feb. | |
Peace Preservation Act, Ireland. | |
Civil Service open to Competition. | |
Army Reforms. | |
Treaty with France and Germany for neutrality of Belgium. | |
Home Rule League founded in Ireland. | |
1871. | Conference of London. |
Abolition of Religious Tests in Universities. | |
Treaty of Washington. | |
Army Purchase abolished. | |
Local Government Board established. | |
1872 | Ballot Bill passed. |
Geneva Arbitration on Alabama. | |
Self-government in Cape Colony, | |
Unions of agricultural labourers. | |
1873 | British Residents appointed to Malay States. |
Supreme Court of Judicature Act. | |
Religious Teats for Dublin University abolished. | |
1874 | Second Ministry of Disraeli, Feb. |
War with Ashanti . | |
First labour member elected. | |
1875 | Marquis of Hartington Liberal Leader. |
Artisans' Dwellings Act. | |
Peace Preservation Act in Ireland. | |
Trade Union legislation. | |
Purchase of Shares in Suez Canal. | |
Indian Tour of Prince of Wales, Oct. | |
Andrássy Note submitted to the Powers. | |
Central Government established for New Zealand. | |
Fiji islands annexed. | |
1876 | The Berlin Note refused by England. |
British Fleet in Besika Bay, May. | |
Gladstone's campaign on Bulgarian Atrocities. | |
Disraeli created Earl of Beaconsfield. | |
The new imperialism. | |
Alexander Graham Bell, exhibited his telephone, designed and partly constructed some years before. | |
Conference at Constantinople. | |
1877 | The Queen proclaimed Empress of India. |
Gordon Governor-General of the Sudan. | |
The Protocol of London. | |
Permissive Federation Act for South Africa. | |
Transvaal annexed, April | |
Chamberlain and the caucus. | |
Parnell opens obstruction in Parliament. | |
1878 | Fleet ordered to Constantinople, Jan. |
Treaty of San Stefano, March. | |
Indian troops ordered to Malta. | |
Beaconsfield's secret Treaty with Russia, May 30. | |
Beaconsfield's secret Treaty with Turkey, June 6. | |
Congress of Berlin, Issue 13. | |
1879 | Zulu War ; lsandhlwana and Rorke's Drift, Jan. |
Invasion of Afghanistan. | |
Irish Land League formed by Davitt. | |
The Midlothian csmpaign. | |
1880 | Ministry of Gladstone, April. |
Bill to allow arrest on Suspicion in Ireland. | |
Bradlaugh refused leave to affirm. allegiance. | |
Burials Bill granting relief to Nonconformists. | |
Ground Game Act to protect farmers. | |
Employers Liability Act. | |
Prosecution of Parnell. | |
Afghan War. | |
Boer Revolt in the Transvaal, Dec. | |
1881 | New Rules of Procedure. |
Death of Lord Beaconsfield. | |
Second Irish Land Bill. | |
Parnell imprisoned. | |
Boer War | |
1882 | Murder of Lord F. Cavendish and Mr. Burke. |
Prevention of Crime Bill. | |
British Fleet at Alexandria, June. | |
Battle of Tel-el Kebir, Aug. | |
Afrikander Bond in Cape Colony. | |
Gladstone's Rules of Procedure. | |
Triple Alliance formed. | |
1883 | Corrupt Practices Bill. |
Agricultural Holdings Bill. | |
Defeat of Hicks Pasha in the Sudan. | |
1884 | General Gordon sent to Khartum, Jan. |
Third Reform Bill carried. | |
Convention of London with site Transvaal | |
Conference of Berlin. | |
Great Boer treks in South Africa. | |
German and British annexations in New Guinea. | |
1885 | Fall of Khartum ; Sudan evacuated. |
Russian forces occupy Pendjeh. | |
Redistribution Bill. | |
Ministry of Lord Salisbury, June. | |
Upper Burmah annexed, Nov. | |
Canadian Pacific Railway completed. | |
Annexation of South Bechuanaland. | |
1886 | Bradlaugh admitted to Parliament, Jan. |
Third Ministry of Gladstone, Feb. | |
Home Rule Bill lost, June. | |
Ministry of Lord Salisbury, July. | |
Gold rush to the Transvaal | |
1887 | New Rules of Procedure |
Crimes Act, Ireland. | |
Land Act, Ireland, Aug. | |
First Colonial Conference. | |
Great Britain and France in New Hebrides. | |
1888 | New Roles of Procedure in the House of Commons. |
Local Government Act. | |
Irish Land Purchase Bill. | |
Part of New Guinea annexed, | |
1889 | End of Parnell Commission. |
1890 | Death of Parnell. |
Congested Districts Board, Ireland. | |
Heligoland ceded to Germany. | |
Protectorate of Zanzibar. | |
1891 | Royal Commission on labour conditions. |
Balfour's Land Purchase Act. | |
Factory and Workshops Act. | |
Free elementary education. | |
1892 | Fourth Ministry of Gladstone, Aug. |
1893 | Second Home Rule Bill rejected by Lords. |
Matabele War. | |
Responsible government in Natal | |
1894 | Parish Councils Bill. |
Ministry of Lord Rosebery, March | |
Protectorate of Uganda, | |
Election expenses paid. | |
1894 | Treaty with Japan |
Harcourt's Death Duties Budget. | |
1895 | Ministry of Lord Salisbury, June. |
Jameson Raid, Dec. | |
Chitral occupied. | |
1896 | Franco-British Treaty on Siam. |
Dongola occupied. | |
The five admirals occupy Crete | |
Employers Liability Act. | |
New Rules of Procedure. | |
Gladstone's campaign on Armenian Massacres. | |
1897 | Second Colonial Conference. |
Workmen's Compensation Bill, July. | |
1898 | Lease of Wei-bai-wei, April |
Occupation of Omdurman and the Sudan. | |
The Fashoda dispute. | |
1899 | Irish Local Government Act. |
Peace Conference at The Hague. | |
Second Boer War. | |
Khartum taken by Kitchener. | |
1900 | Boer Republics annexed. |
Australian Commonwealth Act. | |
Protectorate of Lagos and Nigeria. | |
European forces in Peking. Aug. | |
1901 | Death of Queen Victoria ; Accession of Edward the Seventh, (who died 1910) . |