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Chester - Lancaster Time Line

Time Line Of The House Of Lancaster 1399 - 1461

  Previous Time Line
1397 - 1499 Richard II's 'tyranny'
1399 Deposition of Richard II; Accession of Henry the Fourth (who died 1413 ).
1400 Rebellion of Owain Glyndwr begins (to 1410)
1401 Statute of Heresy.
1402 Battle of Homildon Hill.
1403 Henry Hotspur defeated at Shrewsbury
  Revolt of the Percies.
1403 - 1405 French descents on England.
1405 Execution of Archbishop Scrope of York
  Revolt and execution of Archbishop Scrope of York
1407 French attack Gascony.
1408 Defeat of the earl of Northumberland at Bramham Moor
1411 English force sent to aid Duke of Burgundy in France.
1413 Death of Henry IV; accession of Henry V (who died 1422 )
1414 A Lollard conspiracy, led by John Oldcastle is quickly suppressed.
1415 A plot led by the Earl of Cambridge to assassinate Henry V. at Southhampton is betrayed and the
  conspirators executed .
  English victory against the French at Agincourt
1417 Henry invades Normandy.
1419 Alliance with Duke of Burgundy.
1419 - 1420 English conquest of Normandy
1420 Anglo-French treaty of Troyes makes Henry V. heir to the French throne
1422 Death of Henry V; accession of Henry VI, ( who died 1471 ).
1424 Battle of Verneuil
1428 Joan of Arc relieves the siege of Orleans, a turning point in the Hundred Years War.
1430 County Suffrage restricted .
1431 Death of Joan of Arc.
1435 Death of John, duke of Bedford; Franco-Burgundian Congress of Arras.
1436 - 1437 Henry VI comes of age
1445 Marriage of Margaret of Anjou. to Henry VI. as part of the Anglo - French peace treaty
1447 Death of Duke of Gloucester
1449 - 1450 French overrun Normandy
1450 Impeachment and death of Duke of Suffolk
  Loss of Normandy.
  Murder of the duke of Suffolk; - John Cade's Insurrection.
1451 Loss of Guienne.
1453 The French overrun Gascony; Henry VI becomes ill, effectively ending the Hundred Years War
1454 Duke of York named Protector.
1455 First Battle of the War of the Roses at St Albans between Richard, duke of York and the royalist forces
1456 End of York's Protectorate.
1459 Failure of Yorkist revolt.
  Defeat of the duke of York at Blore Heath and Ludford Bridge
1460 Battle of Northampton.
  York acknowledged as successor.
  Battle of Wakefield.
1461 Second Battle of St. Albans.
  Battle of Mortimer's Cross.
