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Edward IV

Edward V

Richard III

Chester York

YORK TIME LINE 1461 - 1485

  Previous Time Line
1461 - 1471 Warwick the King-maker.
1461 Deposition of Henry VI; Accession of Edward the Fourth, ( who died 1483 ).
  Battle of Towton.
1464 Edward marries Lady Grey.
1465 Captureof Henry VI
  Edward IV. marries Elizabeth Woodville
1469 Rebellion of Richard, earl of Warwick and George, duke of Clarence
1470 Deposition of Edward IV; return of Henry VI
  Warwick driven to France.
  Flight of Edward to Flanders.
1471 Return of Edward IV; death of the earl of Warwick at Barnet; death of Henry VI
  Battles of Barnet and Tewkesbury.
1475 Edward IV's invades France ;
  Anglo-French treaty of Picquigny
1476 Caxton settles in England .
1477 William Caxton's first printed book in England
1478 Inquisition begins in Spain
1483 Death of Edward IV; Accession, deposition, and death of Edward Fifth ;
  Accession of Richard III ;
  Rebellion of Henry, duke of Buckingham
  Murder of Edward the Fifth, accession of Richard the Third (who died 1485) .
1485 Death of Richard Third at the Battle of Bosworth; accession of Henry VII
