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 Tudor Time Line

Charles I

Charles II

Chester Time Line

 Family Tree

 Siege of Chester

 Guy Fawkes

 James II.

 Time line 1685 - 1714

Time Line Of The House Of Stuart

1603 - 1685 Commonwealth ( declared 1649 )

  Previous Time Line
1603 Accession of James the First, ( who died 1625 ).
  Millenary Petition.
  Mayflower sails to America
1604 Parliament claims to deal with both Church and State.
  England make peace with Spain (treaty of London); Hampton Court Conference (king, bishops, Puritans)
  Marlowe's Dr Faustus is published posthumously
1605 Gunpowder Plot, the last major Catholic conspiracy 
  Bacons Advancement of Learning.
1606-7   Failure of James's plans for union of kingdoms
1607 Settlement of Virginia
1609 Rebellion of the Northern Earls in Ireland; beginnings of the Planting of Ulster by Scots and English Protestants
1610 Failure of Cecil's Great Contract (reform of royal finance)
  The Plantation of Ulster Robert
  (Anglican-Puritan co-operation)
  Parliament's Petition of Grievances
1611 Publication of Authorised Version of the Holy Bible.
1612 Death of Prince Henry, James's promising elder son
  Shakespeare first play the Tempest is published
1613 Marriage of Princess Elizabeth to Elector Palatine, Protestant zealot, enmeshed Britain in continental politics
1614 Flint quarrels with the Parliament
  Sir, Walter Raleigh's History of the World is published
1616 Trial of the Earl and Countess of Somerset,
  Dismissal of Chief Justice Coke.
  Death of Shakspere.
1617-29 Ascendancy of George Villiers, duke of Buckingham
1617 Bacon Lord Keeper.
  George Villiers is created Duke of Buckingham
  Proposals for the Spanish Marriage.
  The Declaration of Sports.
1617 - 1618 Expedition and death of Ralegh.
1618 Beginning of Thirty Years War.
  Bacon is created Lord Chancellor
  Raleigh is executed
1619-22 lnigo Jones designs the Banqueting House, the first major royal public building since the reign of HenryVIII
1619 William Harvey discovers the circulation of the blood
1620 Pilgrim Fathers inaugurate religious migration sail to Massachusetts New England
  Invasion of the Palatinate.
  Landing of the Pilgrim.Fathers in New England.
1621 Bacon's " Novum Organum " - impeachment of Bacon.
  James tears out the Protestation of the Commons.
1622-23 Prince Charles and Buckingham go to Spain to woo the king's daughter and are rebuffed
1623 Journey of Prince Charles to Madrid.
1624-30 War with Spain
1624 Resolve of War against Spain.
  Lord Treasurer Cranfield is impeached
1625 Death of James the First.; Accession of Charles the First (who died 1649).
  Charles I marriage to Henrietta Maria, sister of Louis XIII of France
  First Parliament dissolved.
  Failure of expedition against Cadiz
1626 Buckingham impeached.
  Second Parliament dissolved.
1627 Levy of Benevolence and Forced Loan.
  Failure of expedition to Rochelle.
  The Crown Wins the Five Knights Case
1628   Charles I accepts the Petition of Right.
  Buckingham it assassinated
  Murder of Buckingham. - Laud Bishop of London
1626-9 War with France
1628 Petition of Right; publication of Harvey's work on the circulation of the blood; assassination of Buckingham
1629 Dissolution of Third Charles I, determines to govern without one
  Charter granted to Massachusetts .
  Wentworth Lord President of the North.
1630 Puritan Emigration to New England (Massachusetts)
1633 William Laud Laud Archbishop of Canterbury
  Wentworth Lord Deputy in Ireland .
  Milton's " Allegro " and " Penseroso ". - Prynne's " Histrio-mastix ."
  Thomas Wentworth (later Earl of Strafford) becomes Deputy of Ireland
1634-40 Ship Money case
1634 Miltons " Comus. "
  Juxon Lord Treasurer.
1636 Book of Cannon and Common Prayer issuued for Scotland
  Hampden refuses to pay Ship-money
1637 Trial of Hampden case supports Charles l's claim to collect Ship Money
  Revolt of Edinburgh . -
1637-40 Breakdown of Charles's government of Scotland and two attempts to impose his will by force
1638 Milton's " Lycidas "
  The Scotch Covenant.
1639 Leslie at Dunse Law . - Pacification of Berwick
1640 Charles I summons the Long Parliament, Nov. - Pym leader of the Commons
  Strafford, Laud, and Lord keeper Finch are impeached
  The Short Parliament.
  The Bishops' War. - Great Council of Peers at York,
1641 Execution of Strafford, May.
  Remodelling of government in England and Scotland; abolition of conciliar courts, abolition of
  prerogative taxation, Charles I accepts the Triennial Bill .
  King's attempt on the Five Members; his withdrawal from London; the 19 Propositions; the resort of arms:
  Civil War
  Charles visits Scotland. - Hyde organizes royalist party.
  The Irish Massacre, Oct.
  The Grand Remonstrance, Nov.
  Catholic rebellion breaks out in Ireland the rebellion of Ulster Catholics
1642 Impeachment of Five Members, Jan.
  Pym Hampden, Haselrig, Holles and Strode escape arrest in Parliament .
  Civil War begins, The royal family flees from London
  Charles before Hull, April - Royalists withdraw from Parliament.
  Charles raises Standard at Nottingham August 22.
  Hobbes writes the " De Cive."
  The battle of Edgehill is fought Oct. 23
1643 King's armies prosper; Scots invade on side of Parliament
  Assembly of Divines at Westminster.
  Rising of the Cornishmen, May.
  Death of Hampden, June. - Battle of Roundway, July, - Siege of Gloucester, Aug. - Death of Falkland, Sept
  Charles negotiates with Irish Catholics.
  Taking of the Covenant, Sept. 25 .
1644 Parliamentary armies prosper, especially in the decisive battle of the war,
  Fight at Cropredy Bridge, June
  Oliver Cromwell defeats Prince Rupert at the Battle of Marston, Moor July 2.
  Surrender of ParliamentaryArmy in Cornwall, Sept. 2. 
  Battle of Tippermuir, Sept.2
  Battle of Newbury, Oct.
  Milton's " Areopagitica ".
1645 'Clubmen' risings of armed neutrals threaten both sides; Royalist armies disintegrate, but parliamentary
  forces reorganized (New Model raised ).
  The Self-Denying Ordinance is passed, April
  Cromwell defeats the Royalists at the battle of Naseby, June 14. - Battle of Philiphaugh, Sept
  Laud is executed
1646 The Civil War ends, Charles surrenders to the Scots, May.
  Bishops and Book of Common Prayer abolished, Presbyterian Church established
1647 Army revolt; radical movements criticize parliamentary tyranny; king prevaricates
  Scots surrender Charles to the Houses Jan. 30.
  Army elects Agitators, April.
  Charles I seized at Holmby House, June
  " Humble Representation " of the Army June.
  Expulsion of the Eleven Members.
  Army occupies London, Aug..
  Flight of the King, Nov.
  Secret Treaty of Charles with the Scots, Dec.
  Charles I wins Scottish support
1648 Second Civil War: Scots now side with the king and are defeated by Cromwell at Preston;
  provincial risings (Kent, Colchester, South Wales, Yorks., etc.) crushed
  Outbreak of the Royalist Revolt, Feb.
  Revolt of the Fleet, and of Kent, May.
  Fairfax and Cromwell in Essex and Wales, June - July.
  Battle of Preston, Aug. 17. - Surrender of Colchester, Aug. 17.
  Prides Purge, Dec.
  Royal Society begins at Oxford
1649 Trial and Execution of Charles 1., Jan. 30.  
  Scotland claims Charles II. King.
  England declared a Commonwealth
  Cromwell crushes the Irish rebels Drogheda, massacre Sept.11.
1649-1653 Government by sovereign single-chamber assembly, 'Rump' Parliament thoroughly purged of royalists and
1650 Cromwell enters Scotland. - defeats the Scots at battle of Dunbar, Sept.
1651 Cromwell defeats Charles (II) at battle of Worcester, Sept. 3.
1651 Thomas Hobbes's " Leviathan " published
1652 Union with Scotland.
  The Act of Settlement for Ireland passed
  Outbreak of Dutch War, May.
  Victory of Tromp, Nov.
1653 Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector, ( who died 1638 ).
  Victory of Blake Feb. - Cromwell drives out the Parliament, April 20.
  Constituent Convention (Barebones Parliament), July.
  Convention dissolves, Dec.
  The Instrument of Government.
1654 Peace concluded with Holland. - First Protectorate Parliament, Sept.
1655 - 1660 War with Spain
1655 Dissolution of the Parliament, Jan.
  Government by Major-Generals is tried .
  Royalist insurrection (Penruddock's rising) is a complete failure
  Settlement of Scotland and Ireland.
  Settlement of the Church.
  Blake in the Mediterranean.
  War with Spain and Conquest of Jamaica.
1656 Second Protectorate Parliament, Sept.
1657 Instrument of Government replaced by a parliamentary paper constitution, the Humble Petition and Advice;
  Cromwell rejects the Crown
  Nominates his own House of Lords
  Blake's victory at Santa Crux. Cromwell refuses title of King.
  Act of Government.
1658 Parliament dissolved, Feb. Battle of the Dunes. Capture of Dunkirk.
  Cromwell dies ( Sep 3 ), and is succeeded by his son Richard Cromwell, ( who died 1712 ).
1659 Third Protectorate Parliament..
  Richard Cromwell resigns and the Commonwealth is re-established
  Parliament dissolved.
  Long Parliament recalled.
  Long Parliament again driven out.
  Richard overthrown by the army; Rump restored but displeases many in the army
1660 The Restoration of Charles the Second, lands at Dover, May, restored as King ( who died 1685)
1660 Monk enters London.
  The " Convention " Parliament
  Union of Scotland and Ireland undone.
1661 Cavalier Parliament begins.
  Charles II assents to the Corporation Act
1662 Church of England restored;
  Act of Uniformity re-enacted. Puritan clergy driven out.
  Royal Society at London receives its Charter
1663 Failure of first royal attempt to grant religious toleration
  Dispensing Bill fails.
1664 Conventicle Act
  The Triennial Act it repealed
1665 - 1667 Second Dutch War begins
  Five Mile Act.
  The Great Plague of London.
  Newton', Theory of Fluxions.
1666  The Great Fire of London virtually destroys the City
1667 Plague final major outbreak London
1667 John Milton's Paradise Lost published
  The Dutch in the Medway.
  Dismissal of Clarendon.
  Peace of Breda.
  Lewis attacks Flanders.
1668 The Triple Alliance.
  Peace of Aix-la -Chapelle
  Ashley shrinks back from toleration to Catholics.
1670 Treaty of Dover.
  Bunyan's " Pilgrim's Progress " written
1671 Milton's " Paradise Regained" and " Samson Agonistes."
  Newton's Theory of Light.
1672 - 1673 Failure of second royal attempt to grant religious toleration
1672 Closing of the Exchequer.
  Declaration of Indulgence.
  Ashley made Chancellor.
1673 Declaration of Indulgence withdrawn.
  The Test Act receives royal assent
  Shaftesbury dismissed.
  Shaftesbury takes the lead of the Country Party.
1672 - 1674 Third War begins with Holland.
1674 Grain bounties introduced (England self-sufficient in food)
  Bill of Protestant Securities fails.
  Charles makes Peace with Holland, - Danby Lord Treasurer.
1675 Treaty of mutual aid between Charles and Lewis.
  Sir Christopher Wren begins St Paul's
1677 Shaftesbury sent to the Tower.
  Bill for Security Of the Church fails.
  Address of the Houses for War with France.
  Prince of Orange marries Mary.
1678 John Bunyan's " Pilgrim's Progress, " part I, published
  The Popish Plot is uncovered
  Peace of Nimeguen.
  Titus Oases invents the Popish Plot ;
1679 New Parliament meets.
  Fall of Danby.
  New Ministry with Shaftesbury at its head.
  Temple's plan for a new Council.
  Habeas Corpus Act passed. - Exclusion Bill introduced.
  Parliament dissolved.
  Shaftesbury dismissed .
  Whig and Tory parties form
1680 Committee for agitation formed
  Monmouth pretends to the throne.
  Petitioners and Abhorrers.
  Exclusion Bill thrown out by the Lords, the Exclusion Crisis;
  Trial of Lord Stafford.
1679-81 Emergence of Whig and Tory parties
1681 Parliament at Oxford. Treaty with France.
  Limitation Bill rejected.
  Shaftesbury and Monmouth attested.
1682 Conspiracy and flight of Shaftesbury.
  Penn founds Pennsylvania.
1683 Death of Shaftesbury.
  Rye-house Plot. - Execution of Lord Russell and Algernon Sidney.
1683 The Rye House Plot; Whigs proscribed
1684 Town charters quashed. - Army increased.
1685 Charles the Second dies, accession of King James the Second .
  Rebellion by Charles II's Protestant bastard, the duke of Monmouth, fails
