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 Tudor Time Line

Charles I

Charles II

Chester Time Line

 Family Tree

 Siege of Chester

 Guy Fawkes

 James II.

Hanover Time Line


  Previous Time Line
1685 Charles II dies; Accession of James the Second, a Catholic succeeds (who died 1701).
  Rebellion by Charles II's Protestant bastard, the duke of Monmouth and Argyll is crushed.
  Battle of Sedgemoor, July 6.
  The Bloody Circuit.
  Army raised to 20,000 men.
  Revocation of Edict of Nantes.
1686 Test Act dispensed with royal authority.
  Ecclesiastical Commission set up.
1687 James II's Declaration of Indulgence; Tories proscribed;
  Newton's Principia Mathematica published
1687 The city of Chester was visited by James II
  Isaac Newton publishes his " Principia Mathematica "
  Expulsion of the Fellows of Magdalen.
  Dismissal of Lords Rochester and Clarendon.
  Declaration of lndulgence.
  The Boroughs regulated.
  William of Orange protests against the Declaration.
  Tyrconnell made Lord Deputy in Ireland.
1688 James II's son born
  Clergy refuse to read the new Declaration of indulgence.
  Birth of James's son.
  Invitation to William (of Orange)
  Trial of the Seven Bishops.
  Irish troops brought over to England.
  Lewis attacks Germany.
  William of Orange arrives at Torbay, overthrows James II in the Glorious Revolution
  Flight of James II.
  The War of the League of Augsburg begins
1689 Declaration of Rights settles succession to the throne and declares illegal various grievances;
  Convention of Parliament.
