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  Food though the Ages

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Growth and fitness depend on a proper balance of the different components in our food, The body needs daily protein to form new tissue, and to maintain the continuous processes of repair and replacement. It needs energy to sustain activity, supplied by sugars and fats in the right proportion. Besides these main requirements, the body must be fed regularly with small amounts of a large number of different vitamins and minerals which have a specialist role. Some of these vitamins and minerals are found only in a small range of foods, so that a shortage can easily occur. Each is concerned with a vital function, such as the formation of bone and blood or the proper function of essential organs, and lack of any single one can lead to ill health and disease within a short time

Preferably everyone should drink three or four pints of fluid every day, the human body largely consists of water potassium is stored in the water in our cells, and sodium in the water outside the cells. Every time we use a nerve or muscle the cells change potassium is pushed out and sodium enters.

In this aqueous medium a complicated mixture of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and salts change in our tissues. A large number of chemical substances or enzymes, are required for this special purpose, these enzymes are secreted into the stomach, where they act on the food, or are ejected.

They convert proteins ( the Greek, for " first." ) to simple basic amino-acid : carbohydrates to simple components of sugar, and fats into glycerine and a number of organic acids. These simplified substances then pass through the gut wall, to gain access to the bloodstream, to be used or stored. The amino-acids, are arranged into special patterns for tissue or protein, some of the amino-acids are only required in small amounts, and are then rejected.

carbohydrates are chiefly used as energy, simple molecules obtained from food are placed where energy is required either for growth or repair or for producing movement or muscle action. Through the action of other enzymes these substances are caused to react with oxygen brought in by way of the lungs and blood, to produce the energy required.


Discovered during the early part of the 20th century by Dr. Casmlr Funk, vitamins have an important role to play in the healthy body processes. Vitamins cannot be manufactured by the human body and so have to be supplied in the daily diet, they are known to prevent a number of illnesses which, at one time, were thought to be caused by bacteria. They are not required in large amount and pass unaltered into the body. Vitamins are essential for the manufacture of enzymes, if these materials are absent from the diet for a very long time, it will eventually lead to illness.They can be generally classified as either water soluble (required daily in small amounts) or as fat soluble (which may be stored in certain organs or the body). Few foods contain large quantities of B vitamins, a well-balanced diet should provide an adequate supply of our daily requirement .When fresh foods are stored for a long time, the vitamin content will be adversely affected, foods containing vitamins should be cooked in the minimum amount of water as quickly as possible .

VITAMIN A ( Retinol B Carotene )

  Natural Food Source :-
A fat-soluble vitamin, particularly important in protecting the mucous membrane lining the nose, mouth and throat, against such conditions as catarrh and bronchitis. It is vital for healthy skin and hair, and is also necessary for Growth ( children must have an adequate supply of the vitamin as it helps in the formation of strong bones and teeth ) and normal vision. Cooking in water does not harm this vitamin, however canning, frying or exposing to light can destroy Vitamin A in food.   Fish liver oils, oily fish. leafy green vegetables, carrots, fortified margarine's, dairy products, eggs, calf and sheep's liver, beef, lamb, hog, pigs, liver & kidneys, chicken liver
At Risk :- Those taking Laxatives containing liquid paraffin, and certain medications    
Deficiency Symptoms :- catarrh, bronchitis, poor quality skin and hair    

VITAMIN B1 ( Aneurin. Aneurine, Thiamine )

  Natural Food Source :-
A water-soluble vitamin, unstable at high temperatures and destroyed by the action of any alkali. Vitamin B1 ensures that a continuous release of energy is obtained from carbohydrates taken in by the body and is important for growth, stimulates appetite, aids assimilation, and is essential or normal functioning of nerve tissue.   Grain cereals, wheat germ, yeast extracts,oatmeal, pulses, eggs. Pork, meat juice or broth, liver, fresh meat, bacon, fish, and oysters
At Risk :- Those who's diets are based on processed white rice - heavy smokers - excess takers of alcohol    
Deficiency Symptoms :- Neuritis, irritability and depression -
Disease - Beri-berin.

VITAMIN B2 Riboflavin

  Natural Food Source :-
The growth-promoting member of the vitamin B family, helps the body obtain energy from the foods it takes in, especially fats and proteins. A water-soluble vitamin which, although not easily destroyed by heat , is destroyed by heat combined with ultra-violet rays, for this reason, milk should not be left standing in the sun.

At Risk :- Women who take the contraceptive pill

Deficiency Symptoms :- Inflammatory conditions of the mouth and tongue, chapped lips, nervousness, depression, poor skin and digestive disorders. A deficiency of this factor causes stunted growth and premature aging.
  Dairy products, soy beans, yeast extract, whole meal bread. wheat germ, offal, fish, fish, nuts, pulses and oatmeal. lamb, and beef - veal and beef liver, beef kidney, lamb liver, pork liver, pork kidney, beef heart, oysters, sardines, crabs, ham, bacon, chicken,


VITAMIN B3 Niacin or nicotinic acid

  Natural Food Source :-
A water-soluble vitamin which is often destroyed when foods are cooked, it is essential for good body tissue and skin, healthy growth and development .The efficient functioning of the nervous system and the digestion of carbohydrates.

At Risk :- Those who's diets are based on junk foods
  Whole-meal bread, eggs and pulses, peanuts, yeast extract brewers yeast, wheat germ, bran, pork liver, fish, cheese, chicken, beef, lamb, pork, veal, lambs liver; pork & beef kidney; pork & beef heart ;
Deficiency Symptoms :- Digestive problems. insomnia, skin rashes, nervousness and depression    


VITAMIN B5 ( Pantothenic Acid )

  Natural Food Source :-

A heat-sensitive vitamin which is destroyed by boiling. Its function is to ensure that hair, nails, skin and body tissue in general remain in a healthy condition.

At Risk :- Those who's diets contain too many processed foods or foods which have been over-cooked.
  Eggs, wheat germ, liver, whole-meal bread, brown rice, whole-meal pasta. Yeast, and foods and drinks containing yeast.
Deficiency Symptoms :- poor hair and nails    


VITAMIN B6 ( Pyridoxine, Pyridoxal )

  Natural Food Source :-
water-soluble vitamin important for the successful metabolism of protein and helps to protect nerves, muscles and skin, it is also believed that the vitamin has a role to play in the control of nervous tension. pre-menstrual tension. morning sickness In pregnancy. menopausal problems. muscle cramp and insomnia.   Lean meat, fish, wheat-germ. whole-meal bread, yeast goods, oatmeal and leafy green vegetables.
At Risk :- Heavy smokers - excess drinkers of alcohol - those taking the contraceptive pill.    
Deficiency Symptoms :- Tension, muscle cramps and insomnia    


VITAMIN B12 ( Cyanocobalamin )

  Natural Food Source :-

The only vitamin which contains a metal, namely cobalt, from which the name cyanocobalamin is derived. It is essential for normal growth and development, is also instrumental in preventing certain forms of anaemia and nervous disorders and has a part to play in the metabolism of protein.
  Liver, kidney, meat. fish, yeast products
At Risk :- Vegetarians - anyone who's diet is insufficient in protein foods - heavy smokers - those taking some forms of medication, certain types of antibiotics, or the contraceptive pill    
Deficiency Symptoms :- anaemia and nervous disorders    

VITAMIN C ascorbic acid or - anti scorbutic Ascorbate

  Natural Food Source :-
Vitamin C is essential for the normal and healthy development of babies and children. For adults it is important in helping the body to absorb 'non haem' iron found in pulses and whole grain cereals, to ward off viral and bacterial infections and to keep teeth, gums and skin in good condition. It also acts as a natural diuretic. antihistamine and healer; wounds, fractures and cuts heal more quickly when there is an adequate supply of vitamin C in the diet.   Rose hips, kiwi fruits, black currants guavas. green vegetables, parsley, green peppers and all the citrus fruits, tomatoes and tomato juice, fresh strawberries and cantaloupe; cabbage, green pepper, and lettuce
At Risk :- Heavy smokers - excess takers of alcohol - those taking some forms of medication, antibiotics - the contraceptive pill.    
Deficiency Symptoms :- Mouth-disorders, irritability, muscular pains, aching joints. fatigue.
Disease - Scurvy a skin disease which affected seamen who were deprived of fresh fruit and vegetables on long sea voyages .


VITAMIN D ( Cholecalciferol D3, Ergocalciferol D2 )

  Natural Food Source :-
A fat-soluble vitamin which is almost unaffected by cooking. This vitamin is formed under the skin via the chemical reaction or ultra-violet light on the epidermis when the skin is exposed to the direct sunlight. It helps the body to absorb calcium and phosphorus for strong bones and sound teeth. and is also thought to help sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis. It is needed daily, especially through the growing period especially for pregnant and nursing mothers. Canning foods and exposing them to light can destroy the vitamin D content.   Milk, dairy products, eggs, evaporated milk, margarine and fortified breakfast cereals, cod-liver oil, fish, egg yolk, irradiated foods.
At Risk :- The young, pregnant and nursing mothers - people who's diet lacks dairy products - those taking excessive amounts of laxatives which contain liquid paraffin.    
Deficiency Symptoms :- Poor teeth, impaired growth and development.

Disease - Rickets, which in young children results in deformed legs, and muscle weakness.


VITAMIN E ( Tocopherol, Tocotrienols )

  Natural Food Source :-
It is thought to be necessary for fertility, to prevent the formation of blood clots and to keep the muscles healthy. As a powerful and natural antioxidant, it is known to 'mop up ' certain harmful chemicals in the body.   Wheat-germ. vegetable oils (especially olive oil). peanuts, cold pressed oils and lettuce
At Risk :- People suffering from diabetes - Exposure to light and air arise when taking laxatives containing liquid paraffin - those taking the contraceptive pill;    
Deficiency Symptoms :- Muscle disorders and infertility.    


VITAMIN K ( Phytomenadione. Menaquione )

  Natural Food Source :-

A fat-soluble vitamin which helps blood to clot. The vitamin K content of foods may be affected by the action of light, acids and alkalis, and deep-freezing.
  Cauliflower, most green vegetables and pork liver.
At Risk :- Those on anti-coagulant therapy (Warfarin for instance)    
Deficiency Symptoms :- Cuts and wounds bleed longer and more profusely than normal    


The average adult is made up of tiny amounts of various minerals amounting to about seven pounds, which are also found in the water, plants and animals. The bible's record of creation, states that Adam was formed out of the dust of the ground ( Genesis Ch: 2 vs. 7 ), Science acknowledges that we today are dependant on a mixture of minerals and salts, found in the ground. These are necessary for many things in the body, they must taken into the body, it is medical fact that we require minerals and salts for growth and repair, elements such as calcium (or lime) and phosphorus for making bones and teeth. Others, such as sodium and potassium, are valuable body fluids, helping trigger enzyme processes in the body, helping to control the balance and composition of the body .


Calcium & Phosphorus

  Natural Food Source :-
Calcium is an inorganic element, classified as a mineral, necessary for satisfactory muscle control and for normal clotting of blood.Phosphorus is closely linked with calcium in its functions and supply. Contrary to what one might imagine, bone is not static, there is constant alteration throughout adult life.Good bones and teeth, are primarily made up of both calcium and phosphorus; consequently it is important that the proportion of calcium to phosphorus is properly balanced in the diet. Normal. healthy adults need about 1 part calcium to 1.5 parts of phosphorus.

At Risk :- Pregnant and nursing mothers require calcium and phosphorus in equal parts; so do young, growing children.

Deficiency Symptoms :- Insomnia - week (painful) bones - lack of growth
  Calcium - dried figs, milk, cheese, sardines, leafy green vegetables, oily fish

For calcium to be assimilated properly, the right quantities of vitamins C & D (see above ) and phosphorus are required.

phosphorus - almost all foods especially seafood, cheese, oatmeal, liver, kidney, eggs, milk, cabbage, potatoes, oranges.
Disease - Osteoporosis features in aging ( keep active take exercise )    



  Natural Food Source :-
Chomium is a trace element which has only recently established as essential to health. It is still not properly understood .Chromium levels increases at the same time that insulin is produced by the pancreas.People living in the east naturally have higher levels of Chromium, and rarely suffer from heart disease.   Beer, brewer's yeast, black strap molasses, grape juice, mushrooms, beef, kidneys, liver, shellfish, whole-wheat bread, cereals
At Risk :- Diabetics, due to intensive farming in some areas soil lacks Chromium    
Deficiency Symptoms :- none available    
Disease - Diabetes - Heart disease    



  Natural Food Source :-
In 1930 it was discovered in Australia that Cobalt was essential to nutrition. It is part of the Vitamin B12 molecule, if you get enough Vitamin B12 then naturally you will have cobalt, the body however still absorbs cobalt separately for a purpose not yet fully understood .   See Vitamin B12 - meat, fish, dairy foods, eggs
At Risk :- Strict vegetarians or vegans    
Deficiency Symptoms :- none available - see Vitamin B12 -    
Disease - An intake of to much Cobalt will produce a goitre    



  Natural Food Source :- 
At birth we have our highest concentration of Copper, it has an important part to play in our bodies production of ribonucleic acids (RNA) and the enzymes for bone growth . It is also essential in the formation of red blood cells, Copper is also linked to our bodies use of Iron : Some rheumatoid arthritis sufferers have higher than normal levels of copper in the blood, this may mean they can not retain the copper .   Shell fish, yeast, liver, wheat germ, brazil nuts, malted products, cocoa, curry powder, mushrooms, parsley, broad beans, yeast, beef extract.
At Risk :- Newborn babies (particularly premature) - those on a diet of processed food - those taking the contraceptive pill - people living in areas with a soil high in molybdenum or fluorine .    
Deficiency Symptoms :- Loss of hair colour, loss of taste, raised cholesterol levels    
Disease - Babies have diarrhoea and develope anaemia their bones easily fracture    



  Natural Food Source :-
Fluorine was first found in animals by Gay Lussac in 1805, traces have now been found in the thyroid gland, skin teeth and bones. Controversy surrounds fluoride, it may occur in the body as a pollutant recent research has indicated that the body does absorb fluoride with some being retained in the bones and teeth. It is known to help protect the teeth of the young whilst growing, but taking fluoride does not reduce decay in an adults developed teeth .  

Water, seafood .

At Risk :- Children in areas with water low in fluoride have more tooth decay    
Deficiency Symptoms :- none available    



  Natural Food Source :-
Iron is absorbed from animal foods, but the problem of an adequate iron supply has not been resolved. Iron is the best known mineral essential for making new blood and the red colouring matter of blood, the average adult has 4 - 5 grams of iron, of which 60 - 70% is present as haem in the circulating haemoglobin, and the remainder present in various enzymes or stored in the liver or other tissues .

At Risk :- Everybody particularly vegetarians, the elderly, and women menstruating.
  Soya beans, yeast extract, almonds Game - hare, pheasant, pigeon, duck etc.Red meat,corned beef, offal, liver, kidney and heart ,shell fish, sardines, leafy green vegetables, nuts, eggs, cereal, fortified cereals. lentils, potatoes, bread .
Deficiency Symptoms :- Nutritional anaemia, lack of energy, susceptibility to infection, tiredness, poor circulation.    
Disease - Angina (severe iron deficiency)    



  Natural Food Source :-
Iodine was the second mineral after iron to be recognized as essential to man. Iiodine, is a mineral, which constitutes part of the hormone thyroxin which controls metabolism . It is required for the production of the active substance of the thyroid gland in the neck, the substance which to some extent governs the rate at which our bodies work.

At Risk :- Women particularly at the time of hormonal activity, People living in areas lacking iodine
  Salt-water fish shellfish, and drinking water: Seaweed kelp, carrageen and laver bread - Foods grown near the sea, will have a content of iodine. Many brands of table salt have iodine added .
Deficiency Symptoms :- Enlarged thyroid gland, restricted breathing, sluggishness, poor circulation, low vitality and dry skin    
Disease - Water in some areas such as Derbyshire and the Cotswolds lack iodine, those deficient can develop a goitre, which is also called ' Derbyshire neck ' It has also been suggested that a deficiency it is linked to cancer of the womb.    



  Natural Food Source :-
A mysterious trace element, which is thought to help the growth of the baby in the womb. The maintenance of the nervous system, the requirement of proteins known as nucleic acids to transmit genetic information to the next generation .   Nuts, spices, whole grain cereals, dark leafy green vegetables, tea



  Natural Food Source :-
All human cells contain some magnesium, it triggers body reaction, along with calcium and potassium it helps to maintain the balance of the cells .

At Risk :- Diuretic drugs - prolonged diarrhoea - illness - heavy drinking

Deficiency Symptoms :-
Apathy, muscular weakness vertigo, depression spasms or cramps, nerve muscle system convulsions .
  Seafood, wheat germ, bran, whole meal bread, leafy green vegetables, apricots, peanuts, walnuts, almonds. cashews, brazil nuts, Soya beans .



Molybdenum is found in several enzyme systems, one takes iron from iron compounds, and breaks down proteins to uric acid . Molybdenum may also help in the protection of our teeth from decay .  

 Not known

At Risk :- Areas where soils are sand - acid or have high copper levels.    
Deficiency Symptoms :- none available    
Disease - Gout (uric acid stones ) ( excess of molybdenum )    



  Natural Food Source :-
A correct potassium balance is vital for nerves to react normally and for muscles to work. Inter-reacting with other elements it provides muscle energy, enzyme reactions and the formation of protein. It also helps in the balance of alkali - acid in our bodies.   Dried fruit especially prunes, Soya flour, potatoes, citrus fruits, black treacle and molasses, nuts bananas, prunes apples, instant coffee, whole meal flour, wheat germ.
At Risk :- The old - all diuretic drug users - repeated use of anti-constipation medicine - those on a diet of processed foods    
Deficiency Symptoms :- weak muscles, mental confusion, poor reflexes, constipation, puffy abdomen, dry skin    
Disease - Heart attack    



  Natural Food Source :-
Many areas have different levels of Selenium which comes from the Greek name for the goddess of the moon Selene : It is known to be part of the enzyme system: It works with Vitamin E, to protect the body cells, and act as anti-oxidants protecting against the harmful effects of oxygen on cells. Selenium plays a significant role in reproduction it is one of the ingredients of semen in men, stored in the seminal glands in the testicles. It is thought that it may help to relieve blood pressure and protect against breast and digestive cancer.   Seafood and seaweed, meat, a variety of unrefined foods.
At Risk :- Smokers- people living in areas of low selenium - people who come into contact with large amounts of cadmium, mercury, or arsenic    
Deficiency Symptoms :- none available    


  Natural Food Source :-
Silicon is a mineral that makes up a quarter of the earths crust, it is not known if it is necessary for man, most people have an excess of silicon in their bodies.  

Unrefined cereals, beer .



  Natural Food Source :-
Sodium is a vital mineral with potassium it regulates the bodies water balance outside the cells. most of our sodium is in the blood and fluids around the cells with large amounts are found in our bones .     Nearly all dairy foods and vegetables contain sodium.
At Risk :-Those living in a hot climare or taking strenuous exercise    



  Natural Food Source :-
A late eighteenth century discovery strontium acts similarly to calcium and is found in our bones .  

Dairy foods and vegetables



  Natural Food Source :-
Sulphur is closely linked with protein, and is essential for body functions, sulphur is found in every cell. Sulphur is used as external or oral treatment for skin problems and will be found in the nails, hair and skin.   Eggs, meat, fish, pulses, nuts, greens especially cabbages, onions
At Risk :- Those suffering from a protein deficiency    
Deficiency Symptoms :- none known    



  Natural Food Source :-
As early as 1869 it was recognised as important during pregnancy and for normal growth. In the 1950's zinc was discovered to be present in the hair and blood, it is essential ingredient of many enzymes. It has now been associated with sexual development during childhood and fertility in men .   Seafood herring, oysters: Meat : whole grains, nuts, peas, beans
At Risk :- The elderly - the sick - people eating cereals such as bran - diabetics    
Deficiency Symptoms :- White spots or bands on the nails, loss of taste, loss of appetite