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There are 6o varieties of Meslin bread, buns, the Welsh-English dictionary, all starting with Bara, meaning eat, sustenance.

Ingredients : -

8 ounces sultanas; 8 ounces currants; 8 ounces raisins; 8 ounces sugar; 8 ounces lard; 3 lbs flour; 2 ounces candied peel; ½ ( half ) an ounce mixed spice; three-quarters of an oz yeast; ; three-quarters of a pint hot water; ; three-quarters of a pint milk; 3 eggs.

Dissolve the yeast in milk and mix into the flour with water. Let it rise in a cool place for 30 minutes. When risen, melt the lard and beat it into the dough and gradually add the fruit finely shredded and the spices. Then beat in the eggs. When thoroughly mixed, divide the dough in two, knead well and put into bread tins. Let them stand for the dough to rise and then bake in a hot oven for about 1 hour.


Ingredients : -
1 duck; 1 lb. onions; a little butter, flour and milk; salt and pepper.

Salt the duck the day before. Put in a saucepan with enough water to cover and simmer for 1 hour 30 minutes. Make onion sauce by boiling the onions in milk and water, melting the butter in another saucepan, stirring in flour and gradually adding boiled milk and onions. Dish up the duck and pour the sauce over it.

Bread steeped in the skimming of pot liquor.


( Welsh Ham )
Wales is noted for its good hams and tongues.


Ingredients : -
4 ounces ground rice (or semolina) ; 4 ounces flour ; 8 ounces castor sugar ; 4 eggs ; a few caraway seeds; 4 ounces butter.

Cream butter and sugar, add flour and ground rice. Beat the whites stiff and add them and the yolks (well beaten) and caraway seeds. Stir well, place in a greased baking tin and bake in a moderate oven for about 1 hour.

Wash, skin and trim the leeks and put on to boil in a little cold water. When done cut the leeks into thin slices and place in porridge or soup plates, pouring a little of the water over them. Serve with toast cut into fingers.


Ingrediants :-
In sixty gallons of water, boil ten handfuls of sweet briar leaves, Eyebright, Liverwort, Agrimony, Scabious, Balm, Betony, Strawberry-leaves, Burnet, each four handfuls. Of Mint, Angelica, Bayes and Wild-thyme, Sweet Marjoram, each two handfuls. Six eringo roots.

When the water has taken the virtue and goodness out of the herbs and roots, let it settle and the next day pour off clear. In every three gallons of it boil one of honey, scumming it well and putting in a little cold water now and again to make the scum rise. Add also some white of eggs.
When it is clear scummed, take it off and let it cool; then work it with Ale yeast.
Turn it up and hang it in a Bag, with Ginger, Cinnamon, Cloves and Cardamon. And as it worketh over, put in some Honey-drink warmed. When it works no more stop it up.

It originated from the recipes given for the making of Welsh mead and many of the seventeenth-century taverns had their own recipes, a popular and much appreciated drink, credited with medicinal powers.


Ingredients : -
1½ lbs ( one and a half lbs. ) scrag or best end neck of mutton; carrot; piece of turnip; potatoes; parsley; bunch of leeks; 2 ounces pearl barley; salt and pepper to taste; about 1½ ( one and a half ) pints of cold water.

Wash and joint the meat and put it into a saucepan with the cold water. Bring to the boil quickly and skim the top. Add carrot and turnip cut into dice, potatoes whole, pepper and salt, and pearl barley. Simmer for 1 hour 30 minutes, and then add the parsley chopped fine, leeks well washed in salt water and cut into rings, except the green part, unless the leeks are very young. Serve at once without thickening while the leeks are almost crisp, in small bowls with bread cut into dice.

Welsh oatcakes are no different from Scots oatcakes.


Ingredients : -
8 ounces suet; 8 ounces bread-crumbs; 6 eggs; 4 ounces stone less raisins ; a pinch salt; 1½ ozs. ( one and a half ounces ) rice or corn flour; 6 ounces lemon marmalade ; 6 ounces brown sugar ; 2 rinds of lemon grated.

Butter a quart mould or basin quite thickly and ornament with raisins. Mix all the dry ingredients together, beat the eggs and add to the mixture. Pour into the basin carefully, tie up and boil for 1 hour 30 minutes. Serve with wine sauce.

Ingredients : -
Wine Sauce: ½ ( half ) a lemon rind; 1½ ozs.(one and a half ounces ) sugar; water; 1 ounce butter; ½ ( half ) a teaspoonful flour; 1½ (one and a half ) glasses sherry or madeira or white wine.

Boil sugar and lemon in a wine glassful of water for about 15 minutes. Remove lemon peel and stir in butter into which flour has been kneaded. Add the wine, stir and serve when quite hot.


Ingredients : -
10 or 12 lbs silverside of beef ; 2 ounces saltpetre; 2 ounces black pepper; 2 ounces allspice; 8 ounces salt.

Rub the saltpetre into the beef and leave for 24 hours. Then rub the other ingredients in, having mixed them well previously. Put the beef into an earthenware pan and leave it in there for a fortnight, turning it every day. Put it into a clean pan, pour melted suet over it and cover the top of the pan with a paste made from flour and water. Bake in a very slow oven for 12 hours. Then place the meat between two plates and put a weight over it. The meat should be eaten cold; it will keep for some time.

Torgoch is the red-bellied char, found in the lakes of Wales only ( Tor - belly; goch - red ).


Ingredients : -
8 ounces flour; teaspoonful bi-carbonate of soda; a little lard ; 2 ounces castor sugar ; ½ ( half ) a gill boiling water ; 4 ounces buttermilk ; a pinch of salt.

Mix flour and sugar into a thick batter with buttermilk. Dissolve bi-carbonate of soda in half a gill of boiling water and add to the mixture. Take a tablespoonful of the batter at a time and fry on both sides in a little hot lard. Serve hot and buttered.


Ingredients : -
4 ounces grated cheese; 2 large tablespoonfuls of ale; pepper and salt and mustard to taste; 1 oz butter; 2 slices of toast.
Put the ale into a saucepan and melt the cheese in it slowly. Add the pepper, salt and mustard, and the butter. When thoroughly hot pour the mixture on the freshly made toast, place under a grill until lightly browned and serve.