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Chapter Thirteen

Ring ring.


I answered groggily. I had been sleeping since I’d got home, and was interrupted from my pleasant dreams of Lucy and I when we were younger by the annoying phone.

“Hi, is Jordanna home?” A chirpy male voice asked.

“Yeah, it’s me, who’s this?”



“Yeah, ZAC!” he imitated.
“Oh, I wasn’t expecting you to call so soon. I was just dreaming about you.” I lied,

“Cool. Was it a good dream?”

“No, it was a nightmare”


“Yeah, don't ask. It was freaky”

“Oh, that doesn't sound too good. But anyway, what I rang up for is, what are you up to tomorrow?”

“Oh, I dunno. I’m going to see Lucy in the morning, but then I’ll probably just come home and annoy my parents with my depressed moods”

"Oh, well if you’re busy…”

"You call that busy? And this is coming from a guy that get about 5 hours sleep in a week!”

Hey don’t be sarcastic man! Well, did you want to do something?”


“I dunno, come out to lunch with me, Tay and Ike maybe? The we can just go from there and see what we wanna do...”

“Sure, I’d love to. It'll keep me occupied”

"Cool, that was my plan. What time should we pick you up?”

“Pick me up?”

“Yeah, Tay has his full license now, all he wants to do is drive around, not that he's the slightest bit good, he's actually quite dangerous, but what the heck, you'll survive...I swear he lives in that damn car of his anyway, he'll try and show off. I bet." he said and I laughed

“Oh, OK, how about, oh I don’t know, 11 or something?”

“Sounds good to me, well I’ll let you get back to sleep and having nightmares about me. Don't let them put you off us too much!”

“Nah. It'll take a little more than a nightmare to put me off you three. But if I take off from where the last nightmare ended, you're a gay priest in disguise who tapes confessions and sells them on the internet in your spare time”

"WHAT?? Please, stay awake! Actually, you must have a fairly psychotic imagination to dream of me like that!" he said, and I laughed.

"Well, ya know. You don't know what you're dealing with. Let's just hope you're not too disgusting in my next dream, and I'll still wanna see you at 11 tomorrow"

"Hell yes! Seeya then Jordanna”

“Bye Zac” I answered and hung up. Oh my god, I was going out with Hanson tomorrow, how cool! Lucy would’ve loved to this! I felt a little bad, I should be spending this time thinking of Lucy and my eulogy for her funeral, but I guess, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity...
I flopped onto my bed and was much friendlier to everyone. Mom brought up my dinner later on and I actually told her what had happened and that I’d stopped crying long ago. She was very happy for me and said it was great I’d stopped crying, but it was OK to cry once in a while. I’d decided to save my crying for the funeral.

Chapter 12
Chapter 14