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Chapter Twelve

“This sucks” I said to myself after sitting there for about 5 minutes.

“What sucks?” A voice asked. I jolted up and looked into the face of… Zac Hanson?

“Oh my god...”

“You look pretty unhappy, what’s the… hey, aren’t you… umm, we met you at the concert yesterday, aren’t you… was it Lucy?”

“Aww” I moaned and tears started to run down my face.

“Hey, what’d I do?!?” He asked worry splashed right across his face.

“You didn’t do anything. I’m Jordanna, Lucy was my friend, the one in a wheelchair. It’s just, today she… she died” I said, tears streaming uncontrollably down my face.

“Oh… um…I'm uhh, I'm really sorry...” he was lost for words

“Don’t worry, I’m getting too worked up over the whole thing anyway. I’m ashamed, I’m just being so stupid about the whole thing. I cry way too much and Lucy told me not to cry”

“Hey, you have to cry. Someone you love has just died. You’d be weird if you didn’t cry!”

“I dunno, I just feel stupid”

“Well don’t” he replied and sat beside me on the bench and put his arm around me. Him just touching me made me start to cry all over again. I put my face into his shoulder and cried. I looked up a minute later and he was looking at me.

“Look what ya did to my shirt!” he cried as he pointed to the wet patch on his shirt. He giggled and for the first time that day, I started to smile.

“Ha ha, I made you smile” he said and I giggled. Then he did something that really got me going.

“You ticklish?”

“Don’t even try it!”

I cried, but saying that just made him more eager. He started tickling me under my arms, then my neck. Then he discovered my weak spot, my stomach.

“Zac, stop!” I screeched, laughing my head off. After a minute of tickling, laughing and screaming, he stopped and smiled.

“Feel better?”

“Gee, I don’t know!”

“I suppose I’m just going to have to do it again and again until you feel better!” he answered.

“No, NO! I feel much better thankyou” I quickly answered and he grinned.

“Good!” He said and we sat for a moment staring at each other until there was a loud cry from over where the large family had been playing football.

“Zac, leave that girl alone and get over here, we’re going home” a young girl yelled and Zac looked at me.

“Well, I’d better be going, Jess can get pretty bossy when she wants to...”

“Yeah, that’s too bad. Hey, thanks for everything, I feel much better ya know...”

"That’s good. Hey, would it be OK if I got your address, or phone number?”

“Huh? You really want my number? Isn't that against your like, regulations or something?”

“Yeah, I guess it is, but you don’t have to give it to me if you don’t want”

“Nope, that’s fine, I just didn’t think Zac Hanson would want my number that’s all.”

“Of course I do! Just hang on a sec, I’ll go grab a pen” he said and scooted off to where his family was loading up some stuff in their van. I couldn’t believe it! Zac Hanson! Oh my god! And he had made me feel SO much better too. AND he wanted my phone number! This was so cool! I sat staring at the sky until I saw him jogging back.
“OK, here we go. Shoot” he told me, out of breath
“A bit unfit Zachary?”
“Me, unfit, I don’t think so!”
“Sure, whatever...OK, what do you want phone number or address?”
“Hmm, both!”
“OK then...Well my phone number’s… 555-3812.” I told him and waited while he copied it down on his hand.


“OK, 2098 w 78th st. Tulsa. It’s the same street you guys used to live on, but it’s down the hill, the two-story place. You aren’t actually going to come and visit me are you?”

“For sure! Or, don’t you want me to?”

“Yeah! I just didn’t think you’d have time, or you’d actually want to”

“Why wouldn’t I wanna come visit my friend?”

“Oh, so we’re friends now are we?”

“Of course! Well I have to go, so I’ll call you soon, k?”

“Yep, thanks for everything Zac, Lucy would’ve been real thankful too”

“Don’t mention it, it was nothing!”

“OK, well, I think that Tay’s calling you, you’d better go, I don’t want to get you in trouble”

“Alright, seeya”

“Bye” I watched him jog away, then got up myself, wiped away some fresh tears and proceeded walking back to my house.

Chapter 11
Chapter 13