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Chapter Three

It had taken a little longer than I thought to get to the station, but if I was quick I could still easily make my bus. I entered the station and waited a few moments for the receptionist to stop talking.

"Hi, my name is Jordanna Clark, I was just wondering if I could speak to the manager?" I asked politely.

"And what would you like to discuss with the manager?" she asked snidely. I could tell immediately she was going to be a tough one.

"I would like to ask him about the Hanson concert next week" I replied.

"Yeah, and we've only had about 50 other girls in here today asking the exact same thing, why would I make an exception for you?" she scoffed.

It was like she thought she was King Dick, just because she was a damn receptionist. I was so close to totally going off my nut at her, but instead, I smiled sweetly.

"Because I need to talk to him about my friend, if that would be alright with you, now may I please have a quick word with him?" I asked politely.

That had to work! Teresa had only told me that day what a sweet talker I was! I waited impatiently for her reply...I wasn't happy with what she said. "Well, Jor-dan-na, how about no? I've had it up to here with girls like you, thinking youre about to score free tickets, now please leave" she answered rudely.

OK, I'd had enough of this..."No, how about you listen to ME now? My BEST friend, who happens to be dying of CANCER, is going to this Tulsa concert, and I would like to talk to the manager about getting her a better place to sit where she will be able to actually see the damn stage! How the hell is she going to see over thousands of screaming girls when she is in a freaking WHEELCHAIR huh? I don't NEED people like you being so damn rude to me when I've come to ask a simple question to the manager, and why would I want free tickets? I bought my tickets months ago, all I want is a better seat for Lucy. This concert is her last time she will ever be allowed to leave the hospital, and I want her to have a good time. Now you either let me see the god damn manager or I'll find him MYSELF. Now stop being such a punk and staring at me like I'm a lunatic, and get him"

I took a deep breath and looked at her, wild eyed. I couldn't believe I'd just said that. I'd never blasted anyone like that in my life. she picked up the phone, not taking her eyes off me and dialled up some digits. "Yeah, Josh? It's Casey...Look, there's a young girl that would like to speak to you, should I send her up?"

she waited briefly, mumbled a few more words into the phone and then directed me up the hallway, 2nd door on the left. I knocked nervously, and was greeted with a chirpy "Come in".

“How may I help you?” the young, friendly looking manager asked.

“Hi, my name’s Jordanna Clark, I’m kinda in need of your help Mr…” I scanned the room for a name. My eyes fell upon a gold nameplate on his desk, Joshua Walker- Manager “Mr Walker”

“OK, take a seat Jordanna, and please, call me Josh, everyone does”

“Sure” I replied and I sat down on a large, plush chair opposite the wooden desk before I started up again.

“Look, you obviously know Hanson are going to be here in a week right?”

“Yeah, of course! It’s the biggest concerts of the year!”

“Well, anyway, I know it's a long shot, but, I have tickets for my best friend and I to the concert, but, Lucy, she is in a wheelchair, and I requested tickets for a platform of some sort so she would be able to see, but the tickets I have for her, are terrible. It was the best I could do though. This is the last time she'll be able to leave the hospital, and all she wants to do is go to a Hanson concert, and have some fun, but with such bad tickets, she won't even be able to see them.” I paused, blinking back a tear. I knew how much going to this concert meant to her, I'd hate for her not to be able to see anything at all.

"Anyway, the only thing that keeps her here is the fact that Zac is coming home soon. She would do anything in the world for him, and that’s why I’m here. You’re the only person I know that would be able to get her to have seats that we would actually be able to see him” Josh looked at me with sympathy written all over his face

“I’m real sorry about your friend, but you know how it is this close to a concert. It will be a real struggle. I'll see what I can do, and I'm making no promises, but I will see if I can get in contact with the people in charge of our tickets here, and talk to the ticket outlet to see what they have left. It will be a long shot, but we'll see" he responded, smiling.

“Oh my god, really?!? That’d be great, it would mean so much!”
“I’ll have to pull a few strings, and I don't want you to get your hopes up, but I’ll call you tonight to tell you if I made any progress. I’ll have to take down your details if you don’t mind”

“No, that’s fine, and my hopes won't be getting very high, I know what a long shot this is"

For the next 10 minutes, we discussed everything about Lucy and I, and I gave my number to Josh.

“Thanks again Josh, I hope to hear from you tonight, and remember” I paused,

“This is a secret, you and I are the only ones that know OK?”

“Yep, sure, I’ll call you tonight Jordanna, all the best”

“Thankyou Josh, you don’t know how much this means to me, and what it will mean to her!" I told him as he escorted me out the room. I walked past the receptionist, but as soon as she saw me coming she bent down, pretending to look in some drawers. I smirked left the building, slowly strolling towards the bus stop. I had plenty of time, why rush?
I arrived home about 45 minutes later and after having a quiet dinner with my parents, I returned to my sanctuary up on the second floor of our house.

Chapter 2
Chapter 4